Kyle Rittenhouse breaks down on the stand while testifying about Kenosha shootings | USA TODAY

The 18-year-old, facing charges of homicide and other offenses, became so emotional the judge called for a recess.
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Kyle Rittenhouse testified Wednesday that a man he is accused of murdering threatened to kill him on a night of violent protests in Kenosha last year after the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

Rittenhouse, 18, broke down as he described the events of Aug. 25, 2020, that led to him fatally shooting Joseph Rosenbaum, 36. Rittenhouse is also accused of murdering Anthony Huber, 26, and wounding Gaige Grosskreutz, 27.

The Illinois teenager was calm to start his testimony but began to cry before the judge called for a morning break in the trial.

Rittenhouse's attorneys have claimed his acts were self-defense as he feared for his life that evening. He faces counts of intentional, reckless and attempted homicide and could get life in prison if convicted.

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  1. This is precisely what happens when kids play with adult toys. Actions have consequences. The families of the deceased know that.

    1. @Grateful American It wasn’t his job to carry around a rifle in the streets in the middle of a riot and play pretend vigilante. He is barely old enough to even carry!

    2. @D G It wasn’t the rioters jobs to be out there rioting, but they were.
      It wasn’t the rioters jobs to chase him down and try to beat him, but they did….. and he DEFENDED HIMSELF ….

      That is reality

  2. I been reading the comments on different videos. And a lot of people are feeling sorry for him. I was afriad to post because those would be the type of ppl to send me hate. But i absolutely believe he went there looking for trouble, and despite the fact that the prosecutors best witness failed them, it should not save him from facing murder charges. Maybe it was self defense with that witness, but he absolutely MURDERED those other people and should go to jail like anyone else would! He took more than one life and Injured others. Just because hes a little white boy pretending to cry shouldn’t save him! I didnt see one tear run down his face. Little boys who cry are not adult enough to handle adult weapons! Especially when you’re too scared to deal with the consequences!

    1. @Michael Huskey “little white boy crying”. She is so racist and wrong. That is a broken man having a panic attack. The real racists reveal themselves when they lie for their agenda.

    2. i agree with you as for this display ,..
      worst acting job ever ,.. watched the entire trial so far ,.. at the pictures of the dead,.. no reaction,.. at the pictures of him freeze-framed blowing the bicep off the guy no reaction,..
      this on the stand drama queen bs is an insult.

  3. The Most High says “Psalms 58:3 KJV: The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.”

  4. This isn’t crying, it’s a panic attack – the kid clearly has PTSD, and I doubt he will ever touch a gun ever again. Pray for him, innocent, or guilty, he will be a deeply troubled man for the rest of his life.

    1. @ちずきたなか @ Gage gross the failed murderer who lost his arm and his $10million (after his DAMNING self incriminating testimony) *we are all laughing our asses off*

    2. worst acting job ever ,.. watched the entire trial so far ,.. at the pictures of the dead,.. no reaction,.. at the pictures of him freeze-framed blowing the bicep off the guy no reaction,..
      this on the stand drama queen bs is an insult.

  5. Self Defense cannot be established under WI Law.

    939.48  Self-defense and defense of others.
    (2) Provocation affects the privilege of self-defense as follows:
    (a) A person who engages in unlawful conduct of a type likely to provoke others to attack him or her and thereby does provoke an attack is not entitled to claim the privilege of self-defense against such attack…. In such a case, the person engaging in the unlawful conduct is privileged to act in self-defense, but the person is not privileged to resort to the use of force intended or likely to cause death.

    948.60  Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18.
    (a) Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
    (b) Except as provided in par. (c), any person who intentionally sells, loans or gives a dangerous weapon to a person under 18 years of age is guilty of a Class I felony.
    (c) Whoever violates par. (b) is guilty of a Class H felony if the person under 18 years of age under par. (b) discharges the firearm and the discharge causes death to himself, herself or another.
    (a) This section does not apply to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a dangerous weapon when the dangerous weapon is being used in target practice under the supervision of an adult or in a course of instruction in the traditional and proper use of the dangerous weapon under the supervision of an adult.

    Thus, Kyle cannot claim self defense as he engaged in unlawful conduct likely to provoke others to attack him (carrying a weapon illegally under the age of 18) as well as used force intended or likely to cause death.

    1. @紺野勇気 The geographical boundary we refer to as China is a race? Here we have the lazy, unoriginal commenter.

    2. @The Bunnisher Yes, it’s racist towards the asian-american community as a whole. Telling anyone to “go back to X” is racist and xenophobic, just like how your King Trump is.

    3. @紺野勇気 Trump was called racist and xenophobic for reasonably wanting to restrict air travel from China due to affliction with coronavirus. You used identical language as the Democrats to lambast him now, not rooted in fact, and as a result perhaps tens of thousands died. My first issue with your retort is that the ideas and words are not your own. My second issue is that you completely miss the underlying point…..whereas the United States is the bastion of western civilization, so too is China the philosophical center of the East. My criticism stems from this fundamental disagreement on philosophy. The Constitution acknowledges individual sovereignty, with the unique prescription of self defense of the sovereign. No other law may usurp the principles contained in the Bill of Rights.

    4. @紺野勇気 You seem to have missed the point entirely. I don’t care where you are from. I’m not from Europe. I didn’t say go back to China, I said go TO China.

    1. Ooof Julia not a good look… and yes he was crying after he had to shoot. He also turned himself in. This is what’s called a panic attack. Clearly has ptsd. Glad to know you think it’s okay to laugh at all the veterans who have ptsd and panic attacks and also carried a weapon.

    2. @Kid Napier you god damn lock ness monster you! Why was miss piggy (mom) driving her 17 year old that be focused on their future to riot with a AR-15?? Lmao yikes

    3. @Lycan#1Variant how the hell do I not live in your country and follow your trials closer than you do the gun was already in the state and he and everyone can go anywhere they want and you people are sick and since you want to bring up what’s right and wrong what the hell is wrong with the people who focused on burning down a city and assaulting people in mass

    4. IF YOU WERE TO BE IN HIS SITUATION, you would of have been crying out loud for your life, this dude defended himself bravely he was gonna get shot, what would you have him do? ….. greet his attackers with a handshake and exchange Numbers!!!!!?

  6. More like hyperventilating. If he was a cop he would have been justified in everything he did as he was the one being attacked in all instances. But being only a mere mortal citizen he should have just bought the attackers an ice cream before he was stomped to death. That would have met the DA’s satisfaction.

    1. worst acting job ever ,.. watched the entire trial so far ,.. at the pictures of the dead,.. no reaction,.. at the pictures of him freeze-framed blowing the bicep off the guy no reaction,..
      this on the stand drama queen bs is an insult.

    1. worst acting job ever ,.. watched the entire trial so far ,.. at the pictures of the dead,.. no reaction,.. at the pictures of him freeze-framed blowing the bicep off the guy no reaction,..
      this on the stand drama queen bs is an insult.

  7. The kid is guilty of poor judgement in even going to that shithole during a riot. But he did not commit murder. He saved his own life and prevented death by the criminal lowlifes who tried to take his.

    1. worst acting job ever ,.. watched the entire trial so far ,.. at the pictures of the dead,.. no reaction,.. at the pictures of him freeze-framed blowing the bicep off the guy no reaction,..
      this on the stand drama queen bs is an insult.

  8. He wasn’t crying while drinking at the bar with “Proud boys” being called a Martyr. So spare my your tears.

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