Russia continues to target Ukrainian civilian areas with Iranian-made "Kamikaze" drones, striking the country's capital at least four times on Monday, Ukrainian officials say. CNN's Clarissa Ward reports. #CNN #News
Kyiv attacked by ‘kamikaze’ drones, Ukrainian official says

Attacks like this hurt productivity but harden resolve.
@Сергей Фуглевич Do you have your swastika tattoo on your left hand or right?
@Сергей Фуглевич Try producing something with no electric power or fuel and tell me how it goes.
The future of war, unmanned fighter jets. No human fear and the ability to maneuver way beyond what you can do with a human in the seat.
those aint no fighter jets
@Jeremy Ohm low death lost war whats the point?
Dude its not future of war, japanese already did this in WW2…pearl harbour remember?
@asdaliga dumiani Making the point that unmanned aerial vehicle’s aren’t new and have been being used for about 2 decades now. The OP said it’s the future of war when its been the reality for quite some time.
Just want this war to end
Iran and Turkey.. Never would have thought that these two would be competitors on the international drone market.
What’s this talk about kamikaze-drones?
Unless there is a person manning it, a person perishing with it, it’s not a kamikaze anything.
I mean, a bullet launched from a gun or a shell from a tank, are not kamikaze-bullets
or -shells either.
@Товарищ Иван Bomb Moscow
@martk fartkerson depends on prospective. I’m American and support Russia in defending their land from aggressive nato. The same ones who killed over a million in the middle east.
Which side is evil?
Reminds me of a toy I had back in the 1960s. You got it in the air with a rubber band slingshot. No payload though but it flew real good.
more financial and military aid to Ukraine ($_$)
It appears the Bidan administration is playing both sides
@Oregon Crow old man? lol
All of mine flew good right to the roof. There was always at least 2 up there
Lol, no payload
For more than 40 years:
Don’t Sell any weapons to IRAN
Don’t Buy any weapons from IRAN
@George Wesland 95 percent of what ? Ruins? Cities raised to the ground ? Good for you
what a great achievement!
And I don’tknow where did you learn math but even if you consider crimea alone you have lost 8.63 percent of your country ! Do calculate how much weapon russians have left like this too? Because i thought they ran out months a go
@LoganGx93 yeah sure tell your self that . Spending trillions in afghanistan and leaving millions of equipment was a great demonstration of power . You definitely won vietnam too
you are a great country . Now yoi can go to hospital and beg for health care .
@Yo Mendoza Por favor, study Persian empire contributions to civilization!
God help these poor civilians
In Iraq Afghanistan Syria Sabia Africa Gaza may God bless does souls who was killed by UK an America by the millions
Is a kamakazi drone not essentially just a very expensive propellor driven missile?
(edit: very cheap, I was assuming the positioning equipment and controller could make it cost more but neglected to consider that rockets need way more powerful and likely much more expensive versions of those on top of the already more expensive payload lol)
Here is the recommended clip that explains all :- !!
yes, cheap missile.
200 drones to 1 tank cost. Cheaper to drone them.
it cost something like 10-20.000, a missile if dozens times more expensive xd
ONE Tomahawk cruise missile costs USD 2million.. you can make 100 or more of these drones for the same price… Iran has proven itself to be rather good at making precision guided weapons as well as drone technology.
Doubt that this one hit anything other than where it was intended unless it was shot down
Can you even use the words Kamikaze and Drone together?
Kamikaze means flying your airplane into the target killing yourself in the process.
Nobody is in the drone plane. So, unmanned drone crashing into the targets might be a better description?
Stop using words incorrectly.
Kamikaze was the term given to the pilots that lives were lost while flying the airplane. There are no pilots in a drone, no Kamikaze. The media is so dumb.
Жириновский: А что не смеетесь? Не смешно?))
Not funny! Not anymore! :))))))
We must admit that Iranian military industry advancement is impressive despite 40 years of harsh sanctions.
@Troy Baisden The Germans had these in WWII. No big difference between an Iranian drone and a V-1 Buzz Bomb.
You guys are missing one very , very, very important issue .
No nation on earth has made the kind of progress that Iran has in the last 40 years , not even close to it .
10 years after America put men on the moon Iranians had to attack their enemies in human waves because they ran out of bullets and were not even capable of producing bullets .
Today they can hit London from the Persian gulf and are selling weapons to a superpower.
And they did this under the world’s worst economical sanctions in the history of man .
Give them another 20 years and you will call their weapons UFOs because you’ve never seen one like it .
Those small lethal Iranian drones attacking in swarms today took out more government building and energy infrastructure, nobody really wants to provide expensive air defence systems either because the SAM missiles cost over ten times what these dirt cheap, undetectable little fibreglass drones cost. With more sophisticated versions now under construction in Russia apparently.
Wow, Iran has come into it’s own as a power.
Putin: “What do you mean our nukes haven’t been maintained and may not work?”
General: “Well …. you know how everyone in your regime drives high end Range Rovers, Mercedes, and has vacation homes abroad and yachts they could not possibly afford on a government salary .. well where did you think they got the money from to buy them???”
Putin: “Can’t we just steal more from the commoners? After all, they are so stupid, we have been doing it for years yet they still support us”
General: “Well …. over the decades we’ve stolen pretty much everything we can from the commoners …. we did have a plan to steal their toilets …. unfortunately most of them don’t have indoor plumbing …. but don’t worry, we have a backup plan! We have plenty of toilets coming from Ukraine!”
They need a perimeter of flak guns. These are easy, slow-moving targets.
Kudos to Iran for developing a whole range of effective weapons while under the toughest of sanctions and providing them to Russia. Friend in need is a friend indeed.
Good to see Ward in Ukraine again. Looking forward to her great reporting!