President Donald Trump tweeted that Baltimore is a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess," and apparently his own son-in-law Jared Kushner has helped contribute to those conditions. CNN's Randi Kaye reports. #CNN #News
Kushner Baltimore properties cited for code violations

Every tweet that idiot sends out always has something that proves how hypocritical he is – although his followers will call it “fake news”.
Trump is a fake president. His everyday words and actions prove that he’s totally unfit for the job.
I can agree with that.
He’s doing better than obama
@Nolan Rodriguez BULLSHIT! Obama was a far better and more dignified President than this bumbling, brain dead buffoon.
Trump is the Orange Orangutan In Chief.
The problem is you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a Trump scandal.
This is a case of Trump, in the face of legit criticism from Elijah Cummings, has again thrown a tyrantrum by attacking the man and the man’s city/district, and that attack has a counter-attack that he didn’t anticipate. He forgot his own family scumbaggery extends to Baltimore. Trump’s latest tweet-fest is blowing back in his fat orange face.
Catch all rodents release at Mar logo hotel

Now that U mention Mar logo I know its infested with roaches they crawling all over the kitchen at night
Already have Rodents there, more then Enough.
Bet they use rat poisons in Marlogo which Baltimore outlaws in many areas. Make sure you use none.
Don’t forget that’s Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka also not just kushner
@rod long Thanks for the laughs.
Just when you thought you heard it all…..blaming President Trump for Baltimore rat infestation….good one.
@Timothy Kring yeah of course its kushners fault he has a couple properties in Baltimore, what a villain. Elijah Cummings is working overtime to save Baltimore… I think. Well anyway let’s save the migrants, forget Baltimore anyway.
Forget Kushner!…Trumps own branded hotel restaurants have been found with RAT infestations before in New York!
Rich fat RATS
In marlago also club
American IDIOT
Oh he was running his mouth about the Kushner properties in Baltimore! Lmao!
Tonight on Hannity: Animal lover Jared Kushner providing homes for otherwise homeless cute fuzzy critters.
that was cringe worthy
Thanks for making me laugh
@Doctor Thirteen ur the type that cares about cats more then humans just tells me ure evil daughter of a swine
@S S Let them live in your house.
You sound like a real attractive person.
Jared Kushner is supposed to solve the problem of peace in the Middle East and he can’t even maintain an apartment complex? Only in America…
@kso 40 you’re a fkng nut case
@Jeff Birdman Spencer Go live jered Kushner property one day i bet you would come running to join us socialist libtards.
Jeff Birdman Spencer how’d those mid terms go for ya fella?
@Jeff Birdman Spencer The property manager is hired to oversee the maintenance and upkeep of the property, but it is still the owner’s responsibility to make sure that the guy he hired is doing his job and the property is being maintained.
Soooooo Trump told on his daughter/wife husband lmao
Kushner companies sent tenants “illegal and predatory notices, seeking payment of additional, often illegal, fees under threat of eviction”.
Kushner certainly married into an appropriate family.
You could not make this stuff up. I feel like we’re living in friggin bizzarroworld over here….
You are.
They should cite Kushner for being a rodent meister
RatHause Meister.
Agent Orange poisons everything it touches. Meadows the rat, for example.
Kushner fit’s in perfectly with the Trump family. He’s a total Shithead!
Any place you fit in ?
Please do not cough in the oval office..”I am such a germaphobe”
Ian Forsyth *spits out water*
john teague the illegals are still coming in? Maybe that’s because Mexico didn’t buy us a wall? President bankruptcy made a fool you brother.
@allen springer the wall is being built you idiot. Mexico will get the bill afterwards
Dump inadvertantly throwing Jared under the bus is classic! Make America great again. 2 circus clowns
I’m guessing Kushner told Trump about the infestation and Trump told the world.
Mosst probably because I reckon Trump didnt even know where Baltimore was
So much senseless greed and lack of morals… If I owned thousands of apartments, I would be living a much more meaningful life than Kushner.
Trump and Kushner are both slumlords to their core.
Betsy Wall Trump Tower doesn’t even have fire protection in his property.
and are both RATS!