Kremlin Denies Russia Offered Taliban Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

NBC News’ Keir Simmons spoke with Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin about allegations that the Russians have been offering bounties to the Taliban to kill U.S. servicemen and women. Peskov denied the allegations saying, they are "really ridiculous.”
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Kremlin Denies Russia Offered Taliban Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC


    1. Aggie Voit and not everyone most people are extremely concerned by this as well as many other things involving Russia but unfortunately there are to many elected spineless leeches under the title of “Republican” for us to do anything about it. Any motion to do anything gets shot down by Mitch McConnell and obstructed by absurd court battles designed to so obviously just stall it’s sickening and appointed heads of agencies who have sold there proverbial souls to this cult ran by a spoiled daddy’s welfare baby who has never had to really answer for any of his actions and is used to just getting whatever he wants lest he throws a fit wailing on the ground kicking and screaming

  1. We all know Trump will side with Russia again..,he always sides with Russia over America. He is a corrupt traitor l

    1. Always has been and he always will be, his supporters wear the flag like a trinket and couldn’t tell you what is in the Constitution and bill of rights, accept guns guns guns, news flash Donnie bonespurs would be the first to take their guns away, that’s what dictators do

    2. Donnie ALMOST took their guns away, after one of the mass shootings, he wanted the right to seize guns from people without due process, he was told he couldn’t.

  2. Like Putin has any more credibility than the Fraud in Chief… I will take the word of our intel professionals over two lying, corrupt, despots.

    1. I trust American intelligence officers over Putin and his Russian asset Trump every day of the week. I choose America, not Trump.

  3. Ummm did you think they would admit it only person that believes that is the orange guy occupying the Oval Office SMH 🤦🏾‍♂️

    1. @Bonnie Wright
      Then you’d know the democratic deep state corporate beast system antichrist network serpent legion of death is the devils legion literally pushing full beast system Demonic tyranny and the destruction of humanity paving the way for the rise of the Antichrist

    2. @Bonnie Wright
      You dont even know that democrats are lucifersminions, serpent bloodline and all their AI and bots

    3. @Wigg Picker The anti-Christ is already here, he is in the White House. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath of his mouth and abolish by the majesty of his arrival.

    4. @Bonnie Wright
      Youre a brainwashed moron mindphukked by msnbc serpent brainwashing disinformants

  4. When Russia used chemical warfare agents in the UK to commit murder they denied it. When Russia used radioactive polonium in the UK to murder a British citizen in London they denied it.

    1. @Vis Avis In the case of the polonium the UK with the help of investigators from Germany was able to not only show the route of the isotope but the exact planes used. In the case of the chemical agent the evidence was overwhelming. Russia is a hostile state.

    2. Trolling for dollars again here on this thread …. Russian troll …. Block , report , ignore….

    3. @Elizabeth Burton Hi Betty. I appreciate the personal attention. I suggest you watch some riots on the local news to calm yourself down.

    4. @Vis Avis Litvinenko was a former FSB agent who became a British citizen. He was visited on three separate occasions by two supposedly friendly ex colleagues. Even though polonium is extraordinarily rare each one of those occasions resulted in it being detected. One was in tea which Litvinenko didn’t drink on the first occasion but did on the third. Each of the times Andrey Lugovoy and Dmitry Kovtun went to meet him in London they left a detectable trail. Are you seriously suggesting that two FSB agents visiting a former FSB agent and then a dissident who happen to be associated with the murder of that dissident using polonium when the only known case of polonium poisoning in Europe in years had them on three occasions leaving a polonium trail was a matter of random chance?

  5. Trump ‘ I don’t see why it would be Russia. It could be a 300 pound guy in a basement somewhere’

    1. The undiplomatic term was right up the moron-in-chief’s linguistic lane…gutter balls are celebrated in Moronicville where cheating at golf is accepted too.

    2. And Trump’s conflicting intelligence source mentioned is Putin, Putin said the exact same thing and Trump closed the book on the whole thing.

  6. „It is ridiculous to spread this kind of information“. That is probably the most common sentence I heard from the Soviet Union during the cold war, I live in Europe.

  7. The complete list of people who believe Russia:

    Michael Flynn
    Donald Trump
    Vidkun Quisling

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