MSNBC's Steve Kornacki explains the demographic differences between Sens. Sanders and Warren supporters. Among the wealthy and college-educated whites, Warren does better. Sanders polls higher among young people and non-white voters.
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Kornacki: Sanders, Warren 'Appealing To Different Coalitions With A Very Similar Message' | MSNBC
Bernie is ahead of Elizabeth Warren by two points by the real clear politics average, so stop lying
Take a deep breath. Watch the video again with the knowledge that this is a breakdown poll. The first one you see is a breakdown of people earning under 50k The second is people over 100k. Not shown but mentioned is the college/non-college breakdown. These breakdowns illustrates where a candidate’s support is drawing from.
@Aaron Winegar thank you
Is this the same guy that said Trump wouldn’t win in 2016?
Yep, the same pollsters that said Bernie was going to lose Michigan to Hillary by 28 percentage points. We all know how that turned out. We know the fake polls purposefully underestimate Bernie in attempt to create a self fulfilling prophecy, but it won’t work.
No one got it correct.back then.
Including the experts.
@Mario Lopez – Plenty of people got it right. However, some of the self-proclaimed experts got it so wrong, it’s just hilarious.
@Ryan B
The experts couldn’t believe Americans are that easy to con into believing trump would be great as a president.
Ohhh so you guys just figured this out?? While the rest of the country has been saying this for weeks?!!!! Seems like corporate media wanted to start a fight buy got dooped, you can see CNN trying to instigate fights between Bernie and Warren instead they both slaughtered Delaney, R.I.P.
and made it real clear that those two are the only ones who will fight for the people.
he looks like charlie day in the mail room
Bernie 2020
Bernie 2020!
Ways Democrats can re-elect Trump in 2020:
1) Nominate Joe Biden or Skamala Harris
2) Keep spouting lies that attack Progressive initiatives
But aren’t democrats by definition progressive?
Crossfurr Darius Coatl umm no. Corporate establishment Dems and for the people progressive dems
@blkghostxx not to mention every other group on the for show?
This shows progressive policies are very popular
which is scary, wtf is going on
Bernie doing well with people of color ,finally corporate media admitted that
Could we see them as a joint ticket?
Very possible. Maybe even probable.
Essentially, Warren voters are smarter than Sanders voters. I have an advanced degree, and I would prefer Warren to Sanders, but I would vote for either of them over a corporatist Democrat, which is all of the rest of the Democratic candidates. I wouldn’t vote for any Republican, let alone Donald Trump, who is a career criminal and a traitor in the pay of Russia.
You win by inclusion and the progressive attacks upon moderates is how you lose the general election.
That’s a nasty assumption. I didn’t get a master’s degree, have a good paying, and I’m voting for Bernie. Bernie is actually beating Warren among people with bachelors degrees, associates degree, and people without a college degree. Only master’s degree voters are backing Warren more than Bernie.
Democunts in 2020 will run on free handouts and race card…fact…
You said that in another comment above. You were wrong then, and you’re wrong now.
@Spicy Meatball deny deny deny…democunt
And they’ll win. Fact.
Marianne Williamson is at 2%, oh wow that is just unbelievable
Stop trying to pit Warren and Sander against each other MSNBC, it’s not working!
If you watched the debate last night on CNN, you could see that they were likewise trying unsuccessfully to prod Liz and Bernie into fighting with each other.
Over half the country lives at $60,000 or less. It’s clear, poor and lower middle classes can chose the future. A better, hopeful future. But we need candidates who understand what the future is bringing.
For instance: None of these jokers warned you about not taking out college loans
Karen M. But lower income people do not vote. If black people could fully mobilize this would be a different country. I know, because ut polling centers discriminate by insisting on photo IDs.
Then get a photo ID!
Teamwork. If Sanders & Warren can join hands n work together, I think they’d make a good team.
Boycott MSDNC, CNN, and FOX before they all get Trump reelected with their centrist shenanigans
Nah, Sanders and Warren are both appealing to the exact same people. They’re two sides of the same coin. The media seems to be trying very hard to get Sanders and Warren to fight with each other. Well, too bad… because they won’t.