Steve Kornacki breaks down the latest ballots coming in for Pennsylvania. Kornacki says that if mail-in ballots continue to follow the trend of favoring Vice President Joe Biden, then "Philadelphia itself would be more than enough to vault Biden over Trump in that statewide lead." Aired on 11/05/2020.
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#Election2020 #Decision2020 #MSNBC
Kornacki: Philadelphia Could Be More Than Enough To Vault Biden Over Trump In Statewide Lead | MSNBC
Let’s go Biden

@Beau Zygadlo every post I saw on instagram the comments were always
“Trump 2020” now that he’s losing and calling fraud they shut up
From Viet Nam, Joe Biden Kamala Harris 2020
Michael : I wash we could transfer your 284 likes to Biden’s scoreboard !
@Beau Zygadlo that’s nothing compared to the authoritarian trump and his own fan base. Take these delusional fools back to papa Alex jones , and get him out of the office already for his treasonous announcements.
They are both idiots.
I love Steve’s big board. Amazing reports.
“I love Steve’s big board.”
lol what the
We needed this good news bc lets face it, arizona not looking so good
@Sleeping Tablet1 I’ve been keeping up with Arizona over the last 12 hours and Trump is catching at a faster rate than safe. If he continues at this pace, he could take Arizona with a 10,000+ surplus of votes, so really Pennsylvania is the real state to look forward to (and Georgia too, although that’s likely to be in the 1,000+/- range and seek for recount)
@For The Last Time Georgia is looking really close. Crossing fingers at the moment for a Biden win in this state
More Latinos are getting to vote in this election that’s why Arizona turned Blue!
@Alex Hernandez Yeah its pretty wild, and a shame but ehh who ever wins won fix much anyway
@Kevin Johnson

Exactly! Stop the count in Arizona! Just kidding – long live Democracy
Trump is probably going to have a stroke behind this! Lmao
@Jason VonRicards
During an election, the codes are changed and he wouldn’t get access to them unless he wins.
It’s a safe guard against any president going rogue when they realize that they lost.
And there has ever been a president who would have a hissy fit and do it, but Trump might.
@JVS 69 are you stupid trump killed no one Covid 19 supposedly did. And that’s a virus but viruses can live in 90 degree weather so that’s a sham
@Kevin Johnson Thank you for that information. I think we’ll all sleep a little better now.
@Jason VonRicards you must be talking about Hunter.
Keep throwing number at Donny, he is too dumb to understand.
@Chris White Hey, can we add jelly on them pancakes?
Leftists use everything to their advantage. Including the mail in votes. Must I say more?
No, he wants to change thr narrative and will tell he was “cheated” on until the end of his days.
@Chris White wahhhhhmmbulance is coming for you. It’ll be ok.
@Nicholas Goeddeke … no, not everything. Gulag slave labor camps are still in the planning stages. MAGA trash roundups are still down the road.
At least this guy reporting being honest, how biden can win or trump can win
Poor guys has not slept since Nov1st! I bet this is his super bowl though.
Steve is the best in the business!
Steve and Chris Hayes are Msdnc’s 2 most feminine employees
Right his been up and at it keeping us updated, on how it can swing ether way, and I like being able to see it with the numbers. It makes sense to me.
@frictionRx9 And what are your qualifications for making that statement? How feminine are you?
Blue wave, baby!
@The Truth Is Out Good troll! Or really sad cultist, rejecting reality.
@Marc Hoffman Supreme Court wont be able to determine anything if every Judge that recieves his baseless claims of fraud with complete lack of edivence does their job and rejects his claims as “hearsay”…..which is exactly what they are! Just because someone repeats something over and over again doesnt make it true. If there was voter fraud that Trump is entirely sure is happening then where is the evidence?
@Marc Hoffman the judiciary branch has nothing to do with local state counties. The irrelevancy is laughable. Every vote counts. This nation has died for it’s votes before. Trump caused us to die for them again!
@Junbear Just a troll looking for a fight. He/She literally called another individual, with no identifing information or profile photo fat?!? I see NO signs of intelligent life with this one. Dont waste your breathe!
@Marc Hoffman actually, let me give you a more easier layman’s explanation: the Supreme Court already absolves themselves from Trump’s crybaby tactics. You’re on your own, Don.
Waiting to pop the champagne

I love Steve’s big board. Amazing reports.
As soon as Penn or Georgia flips…
Trump is gunna go out like Hitler!
You can take that to the bank!!
Good and I’ll be right there with him
Like take to the bank that he would never be president?
It’s said that Hitler didn’t really die in that bunker, that was a lie our country told us to end the war. Hitler actually escaped to Argentina and lived the rest of his life in hiding. But that’s all conspiracy theory, go Biden!!
Civil war. We’ll see what happens. The military is with trump don’t fool yourselves. You like immigration so much why don’t all you flakes move to mexico.
This must be eating through DTrump so slowly…like being eaten alive by ants… love it!!!
I agree. People say this is stressful. I disagree. This is BEAUTIFUL to watch. Knowing this is slow torture for Trump and his crooks, I ENJOY this process being drawn out over DAYS. It’s like a heron trying to swallow prey. It’s cruel to watch for the prey, it takes time but the ending is predetermined.
@Anne Nyman YEA!

Poor “thing”must be sooo depressed……Hahaha

Trump’s not afraid of losing the election. He’s afraid of going to prison. He’s been whining like a criminal for two days now.
Trump is going to prison for what exactly?
@Stevie Bee the difference between Biden and Trump is Biden sells himself out to the highest bidder he’s made millions in politics Trump on the other hand gave up a million dollar lifestyle to be in politics. Buying is nothing more than a sell-out for sale to the highest bidder he’s nothing but a placeholder for the extreme left-wing socialist agenda just you watch
Biden should be in prison with all his corruption
@MV GAMER LMAO,,, yea another Rudy fairytale.
@Scarlett Troquille You mean like Trumps crew already is? lol… the trouble is there has been no crimes by Biden. YOUFUNNY
already got my biden victory shirt!
This election is more exciting than the superbowl, world series, nba finals, worldcup, game of thrones,
put together!!
What if it is a big reality show and tomorrow Ashton Kutcher comes running out yelling “You’ve just been Punk’d!!””???
bruh look how close georgia is. Trump or biden might lose by 10 votes. wtf.
I couldn’t agree more
@A son

It aint
spoiler alert: philadelphia is more than enough to push biden to victory.
I love lame Duck !
Yeah but I’d rather Biden win a state that isn’t under such controversy like PA is, I’d rather see him win in GA or NV. Trump has Supreme Court intervention potential in PA. Not s good state to rely his win on IMO.
Come on how is winning with all the cops that support trump our military and the workers
This country’s headed towards a civil war
He has to get the votes first, dont celebrate yet. Biden is only ahead by 6000 votes in nevada now with only 11% votes left. Trump is cutting the number down. We need to focus on nevada and hope for the best.
Exactly. When one takes an oath to defend our country, their oath is to the Constitution, not to the President.
I bet a caravan of pick-up trucks will surround them and run them off the road, and Trump will praise their patriotism.
Trump never Was Everyones President
Americas Racist fiber will be the poison that weakens this Country
“I will obey the orders of the president of the united states, and the order of the officers appointed over me.”
One might not like the president, but an oath was still sworn to obey him along with the constitution of course.
Prepre the handcuffs/ Justice is coming.
Hunter Biden is going to prison
@frictionRx9 STFU
@frictionRx9 Nope.
Trump Family is going in thr. Orange jump suits for Orange man. (by the way those prison suits are Made in China. Just like Trumps all merchandise)
@frictionRx9 No, Trump is F#cked once he’s out of office. Sh@t is gonna hit the fan. He’s the one going to prison.

When Trump won in 2016, it was not rigged. Now, he loses, it is RIGGED!

People become so blind to believe everything he says. God helps us!


Despite the fact that it felt rigged because who couldn’t see the charlatan?
@Pat Davis Absolutely!! 20 Years for Treason and another 20 for Money Laundering!!!
I reckon it was rigged, that’s why it is so close instead of the expected blue wave.
So, my home town of Philadelphia started American democracy, and now it might up to Philly to save it? That’s pretty wild.
Yeah Karma, good for Philly
@Starshine can they ring a replica?
@hawkturkey That’d be nice!
My 8 year old grand daughter: grandma, they keep talking about the male voters. What about the female voters
precious (Mail voters)
My 8 year old grand daughter: grandma, they keep talking about the male voters. What about the female voters
precious (Mail voters)
She shouldn’t be listening in on this horror show
Fe-mail voters are being ignored. This oppression by mail votes must end
Sounds like a fine young lady who will be running for public office in 20 years
Out of the .outs of babies. Love it!
@Thick Da Monsta Can’t be teaching the young girls how to mail bash!
Everyone’s voted mattered in this election I don’t ever want to hear the words “ my vote doesn’t matter” ever again…
Not in Michigan. Unfortunately. 8 counties dictate our entire state. Michigan is a RED state and it was taken away by a handful of the main cities of it. Democratic ran cities. Surprise surprise. So literally in Michigan, unless you live in one of the big cities. You’re vote is irrelevant.
You’re so right. This election could be won by as little as 5 or 10 points, that’s unbelievable z.So yes ,EVERY ones vote mattered in this election !
Amen!!! This proves every vote matters because those votes have been chipping away at Trump’s lead.