Kornacki On Illinois: ‘Blue Collar Voters Swinging Dramatically Away From Bernie Sanders’ | MSNBC

In 2016, Bernie Sanders nearly won the Illinois Democratic primary. Steve Kornacki breaks down how Joe Biden is winning the 2020 primary, noting that “blue collar voters dramatically swinging away from Bernie Sanders.” Aired on 03/17/2020.
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Kornacki On Illinois: ‘Blue Collar Voters Swinging Dramatically Away From Bernie Sanders’ | MSNBC

Kornacki On Illinois: ‘Blue Collar Voters Swinging Dramatically Away From Bernie Sanders’ | MSNBC


  1. You can find mey in St Louie,
    Where the gun play rang all day,
    nanana some got jobs and some sell yay,
    others just smoke n f all day

    1. There are 195 other countries where you can re-locate, toots….don’t let the door bat ya in your bahookie on the way out….good luck.

    2. hansboofer You do the American ideal is to change what you think is immoral or unjust. If everyone just migrated to other countries instead of making change, we’d still be in the 1950’s. I don’t care if you don’t agree with her side but you shouldn’t just say to move and not try changing the nation you love.

    3. @KingBoomBox Were Socialism such a model that Gurney Sanders admires so, then we US citizens certainly had the opportunity over the last 230 years to espouse and democratically elect representatives who would have implemented such a system. All these obedient sheep who want the thumb of big government up their collective bums can emigrate to Venezuela and show Maduro and the rest of us how Gurney socialism really works….

    1. jeff c trumps about to give us UBI and Biden can’t remember where he left his dentures. I hate him but Trump is going to demolish Biden. I hope everyone had fun voting against their own self interests. And by everyone I mean the Voting Machines that we’re rigged by their programming to not let Sanders win.

    2. @brentonz Wait, aren’t Trump and his supporters the ones who kowtow to the Kremlin now. Trump is very popular in Russia, and they pretty much support him all the way.

    1. Shyam Bonita maybe they all have jobs and thus wouldn’t vote for Bernie and his freeloaders.

    2. Saltponds239 you forgot, picked up in his gas hog SUV and went to one of his mansions. Maybe he’ll take his $170,000 Audi R8 out for a spin ?

    3. @CaptainSpauIding Poor Bernie. You would think the Bernster would come out and tell his voters not to form in large crowds. Nope. Crickets. So I guess he doesn’t need them anymore

  2. America is done as the world knows it , nothing but war hate and poverty coming to this Country,the old brain washed have decided on war. Stations like CNN and MSNBC BBC all compliant in the push for war hate and poverty. No real reporters in any of these stations ,only trolls for the rich.

  3. When MSNBC and CNN basically campaign for Biden nonstop since SC, how can we be surprised about this? It is called Manufacturing Consent. The media gave Biden the appearance of being more electable, and the average (particularly low-information) voter believes the things that they see on The TV. This is mass media manipulation at its’ finest. Congratulations, MSNBC. You contributed to swinging the election toward your candidate. Good luck wining in November, if in fact that is what you want anyways.

    1. @Plen122 It was pretty bad. Their plan hinged entirely on the moderates splitting the vote and allowing Sanders to win at a contested convention with a plurality. The moment Pete and Amy dropped out it was GG.

  4. It appears many blue collar voters have been swayed by the effects of Stockholm Syndrome (younger readers would understand it as extreme codependency). They (we) consistently lose over the course of generations and centuries in the game of abstract and inflationary capitalism, and yet we go and vote for the same old personalities who will never meet our needs. We struggle to turn our attention away from the echelon of narcissists who control us and our society, and we struggle to accept that we are powerful adults who can make our own decisions and elect the representative government which best meets our needs. Critics may chide me for my failure to worship or idolize our system of advanced capitalism. Before doing so, you should ask yourself what would be your calling or “reason to be” in either a pre-capitalistic or post-capitalistic regime, and then ask yourself if your calling is uniquely enabled solely by the current regime of advanced (inflationary and liquifactive) capitalism. To look at it another way–how much better or worse are you living compared to the quality-of-life of your ancestor in the year 1900? What about compared to your mother or father in the year 1980?

    1. *Adrian Alvarez*
      I’m a Biden voter, and I know a few as well. I understand how it would seem like he doesn’t have any supporters if you get a majority of your news and political commentary from YouTube and Twitter, though (which I do, so don’t get me wrong), because these online platforms tend to greatly favor populism which Bernie draws from and Biden is antithetical towards.

    2. Scott Sullivan Whos everyone else? I’m a truck driver and all I ever see is either Bernie or Trump never biden

  5. Doesn’t sound right to me. A lot of their jobs are in danger or they’re out of work even before the virus

  6. Remember in Illinois the day before elections, the news broadcast Biden’s victory. The day BEFORE the election

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