MSNBC's Steve Kornacki took the reins on Monday's episode of "Hardball" after host Chris Matthew announced his retirement at the start of the show. "I knew how much you meant to him, and how much he meant to you. And I think you’re going to miss him, and I will too," said Kornacki. Aired on 3/2/2020.
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Kornacki On Chris Matthews' Retirement: 'That Was A Lot To Take In Just Now.' | Hardball | MSNBC
It was time. He lost a ton of credibility when he compared Bernie Sanders to a Soviet Block dictator, wondering if Bernie would line people up against a wall and shoot em. That’s the sort of thing a right wing radio numbnut would come up with.
Is it not suppose to be an opinion…. America is gradually loosing itself
Well brown shirts were known for going to thier political enemies rallies and meetings to cause uproars and fights to disrupt them, AKA Antifa and the DSA.
But, He should’ve compared them to Lenin and the Komsomol. Or at least Gustavo and the shining path.
A bernie sanders campaign staffer was leaked by project veritas saying, that gulags weren’t bad and that he openly supported using it in America. On top off that Bernie praised Fidel Castro who was known for killing everyone of his political enemies and those who wouldn’t submit to communism. How cognitive dissonant can you be? But hey at least thier school systems reading comprehension was good, since all they ever read was pro-commie and anti-American propaganda.
@Texas Chainsaw Jesus the Socialist retreads don’t realize that Capitalism is the reason we can afford Social programs. Help the dumbasses see the light.
Poor Kornacki. That was tough for him to fill in like that.
He should have gone to the YouTube polling.. 99.9% of people wanted him to resign after he called a Bernie win a Nazi invasion. 99.5% thought it was more disgusting after learning Bernie had relatives who died in the Holocaust. The 0.5% who cheered it were in fact Nazi themselves. The percentages were even for every demographic every ethnic background and every age group.
0% or respondents considered that any communist would hang him.
0% of Americans identify as Communist.
40% of Americans who support Trump fear a communist take over.
40% of Americans are as dumb as a rock.
joe Biden has responded he is very upset. Which pete and Amy agree with.
Now lets look at the polling and discover why Chuck Todd who has an even lower approval rating has not yet gone..
Sadly Kornaki is not allowed to spin the polling and leave out people between 50-64 and not include their preference to make it look any better. Because it does not help.
@Hannah wellsMatthews’ Nazi statement was too much hyperbole for anyone to bear.
@Bofa Sofa If you’d bother to get past your hatred for Christianity, you’d see that he is presenting facts. Granted, he has a Christian worldview, but, unlike the MSNBC propaganda mouthpieces, he doesn’t let that cloud the truth. I have no problem with the MSNBC and CNN talking heads having their own political opinions, as we all do, but when they report based on those views, they are not being honest journalists. Tell me, why can’t they say ANYTHING positive about our President? When their reporting is that slanted, we should all complain. You should listen to some of Dr. Turley’s other videos explaining why Our Man Trump is leading the way for nationalist leaders all over the world. Trump and other nationalist leaders and replacing the globalist political philosophy that is so prevalent with Obama, Merkel, Macron, Trudeau and others.
@Hannah wells you have a communist /nazi /perv in the white house and communist moscow mitch in the senate and pg co., howard co., laurel city in maryland has been and is n. korea style communist since 1980
I didn’t like how he interrupted and talked over his guests. Couldn’t watch it anymore.
Laurie Mayhew MSNBC actually tried to fire him 2 years ago but he kept interrupting and they were finally able to get the word in just now.
Being a professional propagandists and wrong guy didn’t do it for you?
Patrick Boland

Chris had actually mellowed out the last few years. He used to eviscerate guests who came on with the B.S
I applaud Kornacki for stepping up when the show needed it most!
Kornacki is the silly geek who spent months with his maps and charts
confidently predicting a Hillary landslide in 2016, only to get blindsided
on Election Night. As one state after another went for Trump, Steve
looked so sad and confused that I almost felt sorry for him.
Nicole Wallace would be a far better fit than anyone else currently on MSNBC. Maybe even go way outside the box and bring in Shep Smith.
Matthews deserves that MSNBC tell the truth.That he was really let go because of what he said about Sanders.MSNBC is fake news
I don’t understand. Chris Matthews made his announcement, but didn’t even stay to finish the show?
Mic drop
Probably like any firm. Once your fired, you are out!
Girls in the backdrop seem all broken up by it.
@Tessmage Tessera Let’s make a bet, loser kills himself.
@Bad Cattitude and you should bein max security state prison w/gay cellmate doing lwop =life without parole
They are having a jolly time
another victim of Russia Gate! The media has to learn that they must take responsibility for what is said on the air. It’s mostly opinions now, rarely “news.”
It’s ALL manufactured outrage and propaganda for oligarchs. They only care about advertising dollars. That is it. Money. They don’t give 2 fks about informing the public, or an educated electorate.
Trump is a traitor, that was proven, it’s the Republican cowardly traitorous Senators and congressmen that don’t give a crap about this country and the Constitution.
He was fired. It reminded me of when Germany surrended in WWII.
@Redwood Wilson There we’re sexual harasment allegations in addition to the on-air inappropriate statements.
Okay, I was wondering about that. Frankly, having watched Chris on many occasions, I’m not in the least surprised…
@TRICROTIC1 Well, I’ve looked it up, I only see more allegations of inappropriate comments from a journalist. I realize some consider that to be sexual harrasment, but frankly that’s just the way Chris talked all the time. Again, I am not a fan and do think he has bad manners. But I do see a sort of class-cultural purge taking place here, in reaction to trump. In other words, by today’s “progressive” elite (now mainstream, if not actually fully dominant) standards someone like him really has to change and censure themselves around some people. Or, far more likely, people (or at least men) as generally crude and sarcastic as him with decidedly blue-collar sensibilities simply no longer meet the standards of “polite society” at all. Apparently, they should now all just go back to the provincial small town or drab aging suburb from wince they came…

@mike caldwell Or the gas-filled Hindenburg going up in flames and crashing…..while people scurried away to get out from under it’s burning, falling wreckage….
Something to finally calm Kornacki down!
MSNBC force chris Matthews into retirement by giving him two options either we fire you or you retire now.
@Roy Hassell maybe he was telling the truth about the guy. Bernie supporters are crazy tho
@MrPent9295 The only people who are crazy are those who support the democratic establishment in opposition to the choice of the vast majority of working class America. That choice being Bernie Sanders.
The “I’ve decided to retire,” part was very telling. In a trumpian sort of way, saying the opposite of what’s actually happening, thinking you’re controlling the narrative.
C Burk,
Yeah, better you give “give it a rest” a rest. This story is *about* what you’re kinda doing right now. First, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Second, but not least, it is NEVER ok to diminish another person based on their orientation. Most everyone else has gotten over the idea there are people who are not clones of whatever we ourselves are. It may not be xenophobia, but it’s a close second. (and it sorta is, actually)
@Roy Hassell chuc//k todd is nbc news and msnbc so it’s a lill different then just being msnbc
I’ve heard MSNBC is considering Shepard Smith to fill Chuck Todd’s time slot. Maybe now they’ll consider Shep for Matthew’s time slot instead
@Beth D Yep, Democrats…………….
Matt Gutman could use a new job.
Beth D,
As Dave said, “Over a parking spot.” That’s not gonna be an accident.
Totally agree bring Shep Smith to MSNBC. At least he wouldn’t be working in a hostile environment as Fox@
It was difficult to recognise Kornacki with his sleeves rolled down.
Kornacki caffeine junkie.
“We do have to fill the rest of this hour” – a rare moment of blunt honesty about what the whole project of corporate news really is: finding stuff to fill the gaps between commercials. But also an indication of just how sudden this was and how little preparation the network had done. Seems like the network asked him to gracefully retire and he said “you want me to go? Ok, sure. Bye. Taxi!”
@Night Owl I was thinking the same thing about Howard Beale.
@Brian Donovan at the Trump rally in Las Vegas on 2/21. A personal friend of mine is a reporter in DC and he told me about it and posted it on Facebook. That may not be enough for you to believe my story. Do a Google search. Not all his supporters are Nazis either, I have friends who voted for him but there is definitely an element within his tent he blatenly chooses to ignore.
@TJ K Trump has repeatedly denounced these people. No white racists are for Trump. They hate him because his family is partially Jewish. I’m Jewish so its pretty clear to me. Show me a video and I might believe it. All I see are Alt-Right guys condemning Trump as a ‘Jew lover.’
@LINER011 F he is that and more lol
@truth btold lol
Getting a head start on Bernie before he’s dragged to Central Park
He looks like he’s fighting to now cry the whole time…pretty tough…
So sad. I loved Chris Matthews. He probably couldn’t bring himself emotionally to do the last show on such short notice from the network.
This tragic news kind of reminds me of the fall of France in 1940…
Good one.
MSNBC: ”It’s over.”
Chris: ”How can it be over?!”
MSNBC: ”It’s over!”
See you in central park, Chris;)
Chris lives in Bethesda, Md– Maybe Rock Creek Park
Yeah, in the bushes with a kid… just like a typical democrat degenerate.
When the Bernie Bros come knocking at 2am. ” Let s take a ride comrade.”
@Scott M no that you snitching on yourself
Are the women in the background celebrating getting rid of Chris Matthews?
Safe to assume.
Most likely, and about time!
Great eye!! My guess at the conversation. “I’m glad shitbird is gone he is always staring at my boobs!”.
What a loss. I really enjoyed his commentary
Kornacki: “What’s this thing I’m sitting on?”
Crew: “It’s a chair.”
Kornacki: “What’s this thing in front of me?”
Crew: “It’s a table.”
Kornacki: “Where’s my touchscreen?”