Kornacki Explains What To Watch For During Crucial GA Races | Deadline | MSNBC

Steve Kornacki is at the big board to share what we should look out for while the GA Senate runoff results come in. Aired on 1/5/2021.
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#Kornacki #GARaces #MSNBC

Kornacki Explains What To Watch For During Crucial GA Races | Deadline | MSNBC


    1. @Tech ti LOL Trump is not running the country now, chasing a golf ball and conspiracy theories. You’re funny.

    1. Ummm I’m not voting as long as these criminal scum you call politicians are in office. The entirety of Congress needs to be purged!!!! Both Demo. and Repub.

    1. I like that you said fellow.
      Not sure why, but it is endearing and I agree.
      Anything decent and positive right now is appreciated all the more (imo).

  1. I was stationed in Georgia (Ft.Stewart) back in the day. And I still have Georgia on my mind. Vote Blue!

    1. My late dad was a police detective (retired Marine & Korean War combat veteran) in Albany, Ga & Mom was stationed on base in Albany until I was about 7-8yo. I STILL have a heavy Georgian accent even tho I haven’t lived there in more than 40yrs. Both my daughters, tho youngest more than oldest, have slight Georgia drawl tho nowhere near as strong as mine. I solely worked from home w/my youngest & she was both home schooled & public schooled.

    1. @Tech ti Yes and all those extra seats the Republicans won must of been rigged to. Rudy when asked by the court
      are you saying their was fraud said no but forgot to add, we need to do this because we are milking money from stupid
      MAGA people who believe anything Trump and right wing youtube conspiracy sites tell them. LOL

    1. @kimberly smith The same nancy who bans words like Father, Mother, sister, brother? Lmfao. Phycos is what you are. Super ultra sensitive. What a disgrace. Obama weakened you guys with all this gender nonsense sense. He was the 1st president to put a man in the woman’s restroom

    1. Only way I would vote blue is if Tulsi gabberd ran. She’s one of the last politicians with some sense. Both GoP and Dems running right now are redicilous

  2. Loeffler: “The election in Georgia is rigged!”
    Georgia: “So, doesn’t that mean you being in a run-off is also in question? It’s the same ballots.”
    Loeffler: “I’ll give you $10,000 to not mention that. And sleep with you if that help!”
    Georgia: “Eww. No.”

    1. Ro G. The Republicans will be in the lead at midnight. & overnight the Democrats will get tens of thousands of votes. It’s not rigged. Lol.

  3. I just can’t imagine Georgia letting the world & themselves down by voting in shameless me above everything, anti-democracy, criminal republicans again! If they do I weep for the country & its bleak future :o(

  4. Regardless of results, thank you Georgia for stepping up to the plate. May God bless and protect you all.

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