MSNBC's Steve Kornacki joins Nicolle Wallace to break down Georgia's first exit polls and compares them to November's exit polling. Aired on 1/5/2021.
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About Deadline White House: Before getting into cable news, Nicollue Wallace worked in politics, including as President George W. Bush’s communications director during his administration and for his 2004 re-election campaign. Those experiences helped contribute to the knowledge and unique point of view she brings to this program. Wallace leads dynamic discussions on the political stories driving the news cycle with Washington insiders and well-sourced journalists. She also provides in-depth reporting while delivering up-to-the-minute breaking news to viewers.
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#Kornacki #Georgia #MSNBC
Kornacki Breaks Down First Exit Polling In Georgia Senate Runoff Elections | Deadline | MSNBC
Khaki pants never go out of style!
Ted Cruz wants Kornacki removed from MSNBC for wearing Khaki pants.
@Sean Breen Coincidentally, sales of khaki pants have gone through the roof!!! Seriously!!
Toh wow
oh good
The system is completely rotten. The Georgia election is as rigged as November 3 election. Its a shame. Loeffler got minus 24000 votes at 95 % counted.
15 days until the trailer trash is removed from the white house
@Johnny Hunt Jr
@Sisu Guillam don’t bless me!.
@ms 3533 your finger broken?
@ms 3533 “best economy “

Khaki Kornacki is back!
I hear he wears his lucky unwashed high school jock under them
Yoh wow
oh good
The Man, The Legend is back hopefully he get sleep this time
@The Truth Is Out Now 777 Says the pathetic, desperate “3 week old” tRump troll account
@The Truth Is Out Now 777 yup I’m the snowflake says the guy who’s having a fit about Trump losing the election.
Hoh wow
oh good
@Daniel Schlobach Trump is going to win tomorrow snowflake.
@The Truth Is Out Now 777. M t
It is really really REALLY weird to classify people by “race” … yet this is normal in the USA.
It would be so weird in Latin America and Europe.
Are you kidding me? America is a race based society. It’s very foundation is genocide and slavery whilst establishing a white supremacy hegemony. It’s in the books.
I’m european and this would not be seen as normal here..very strange,but then again there are a lot of things in the US that don’t make sense for the rest of the world (ex(guns,no healthcare etc).good luck to all& just stay safe!!
First thing I thought …..
There is nothing more authentically American than racial politics. You would be surprised at how many Americans don’t really consider minority American citizens as truly “American”.
Come on GA Vote Blue
Flip the turtle on his shell 
@Savnac do you have sources for your very false claims?
@Kidd Tee sure bout that bud? Both republicans are winning
@Kidd Tee like 4million ppl have commented so idk what
You asked what
@Kidd Tee and it’s not false. Your just brainwashed by the media. It’s in
Your name your a kid. Look up his accomplishments and you’ll see
Svanac still gonna loose
I hope he got sleep this time remember the presidential elections? He is a king of his craft.
Toh yes
This is like Christmas for Steve lol.
It really is, this is his wheelhouse and time to shine. Go Steve, go!
Toh wow
oh good
Steve can turn statistics that seem kind of boring into something exciting and interesting. Glad they invited him back to present the Georgia election.
Numbers are in Dem’s in front call it now. Any changes it must be fraud.
Good one
Unlike Punk… We’ve got actual evidence
oh wow
oh good
of Khakis, one & only “Map-Daddy” of all elections!! 

@Prickly Pear But, in an election the voters are who we care about. Non voters are irrelevant because they chose not to participate. Anyone who can’t be bothered to vote doesn’t really matter for the purpose of this discussion.
@Prickly Pear what are you talking about? Voter statistics matter quite a bit.
@Brand New . . . Soooo. . . why care about voters’ race and age at all? A vote is a vote, right? But if we don’t know the PROPORTION of those voters (by race and age) who “chose not to participate” RELATIVE to the states’ demographics, then we don’t know ANYTHING! We don’t know where to concentrate our efforts or why our efforts either failed or succeeded.
@Prickly Pear I wish that a vote was just a vote, and that all votes carried equal weight. Unfortunately, this is not the case under our current election system. For instance, I live in Manhattan. My Presidential vote carries less weight than a voter who lives in Billings Montana. A person living Omaha, Nebraska has a more valuable vote than some on living in Los Angeles, California. That’s why I agree with those who want to abolish the dated and unfair Electoral College system. It feels very much like people who live in the Midwest and the South are given too much consideration and value, especially when so few people live in these areas relative to the coasts. When we have had two of the last eight Presidential elections won by candidates who had more Americans voting against them than for them. That’s not the will of the people. We shouldn’t have leaders who the majority of the country does not want in power. It’s wrong.
@Prickly Pear Voter demographics are important for us to understand where the country stands in certain respects. It tells us what issues are import to which people. It tells us how united or divided the country is. It tells us whether certain candidates or tactics are being accepted by which groups and which are being repudiated by which groups. It’s tells us in what areas our leaders need to focus. It helps the candidates to understand their constituency, and how they should vote on certain issues in the legislature. It tells you about which demographics are changing, which areas are changing. Exit polling and voter demographics give us a lot of important information that we can use to better understand one another, and better meet the needs of our community. Those who vote are the ones who actually care. We need to understand and respond to those who care. Candidates can talk specifically to groups that they need to represent, voter demographic information makes that job easier. Back in the 1950’s and before, candidates only really catered to and acknowledged white Americans. Millions of non White Americans were completely ignored, and their plight, their beliefs, there aspirations were completely ignored. It wasn’t until the 1960 that a spotlight was beginning to be put on black Americans. Since then we have harvested data that helps us to better understand many minorities and subgroups. It is an important step in realizing America’s potential. Minority groups that may not have the numbers in and of themselves to affect change, have been able to join forces with other disenfranchised groups to build a formidable coalition that makes up such a large group that those running for office are forced to take the needs of these minorities more seriously. Without voter demographic information, it would be difficult for groups to understand who is voting and work out which common areas could present an opportunity to build a powerful coalition that can’t be ignored.
Blows my mind that young people, and 30 or less is not that young don’t care about their future enough to make their voice heard.
@Super Yacht Chef Yes I did. When I was 18 young men were being drafted to Vietnam.
I will never vote by mail again I don’t want republicans next time to stole my voice and my vote but anyways my vote count because I vote for a blue wave
Young people dont vote cause they dont care. And one of the major reasons why they dont care is cause they don’t own anything in their name. They’re too early in their life to own a house, pay taxes, or do anything that truly contributes to society. So even tho this is one of the most important elections of their life, it doesn’t really affect them.
@G Mercer you got offer young people something more tangible like Medicare for all and forgiveness of student loans
For once both parties can agree – this is very interesting!
Never want to hear young people complain about the world being handed over to them when they never show up to vote for their own future.
I drink to that
Bill, you’re right. But what you don’t mention is that the boomers are a much larger voting bloc and thus are even more culpable for this problem.
@Justin Blame them both.
I hope that trend is changing.
I’m seeing exit polls. Has that changed from only people voting on election day?
The people of the US are trapped in a septic tank, arguing if it’s better to be a pile of crap reaching toward the exit or the sludge that fills the rest of the vat.
Sad to know young people do not vote in crucial elections. Their grannies get to select other grannies to mess them up!
This isn’t supposed to be funny but this makes me think of an army of moody mumbling grannies that won’t shut up about the evils of technology
oh wow
oh good
The voters in GA are right that people are tired of attack ads and not hearing the issues.
As mush as I am invested in the Georgia runoffs, I’m just as excited to see Kornacki work his magic.
We fwu Steve
He is really dedicated to making sure our anxiety is cured in 1 night