Kobe Bryant dies at age 41 in helicopter crash

Basketball legend Kobe Bryant, 41, died Sunday morning in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, California

#CNN #News

Kobe Bryant dies at age 41 in helicopter crash


    1. Rork Poast no people are just being rude to a person that lost his life no he should same with the other dude who keep saying “he got what he deserved”

  1. The only reason I am disliking this is because of the “interviewer”, she is so rude. Rip Kobe fly high I hope you and your daughter are in a good place and I give blessings to your family

    1. that’s same reaction when Chinese people suffer from virus, in the comment section people were making jokes…

  2. The nerve of this “woman”. She has no heart. To bring up the sexual assault at a moment like this is disgusting!!! Get her out of there!!!

    1. @windboit yeah Carl azuz is god in my school we watch him and he makes the kids laugh from his puns.

  3. This is why I’m scared shitless of flying. R.I.P Kobe and everyone in that accident. Prayers and condolences to the families.

  4. Why is she smiling? She didn’t give any details, and it’s like she has absolutely no empathy for his family. No emotion, no nothing. It makes me so sad that they disrespected Kobe Bryant like this. Love you Kobe, and rest in peace ❤️😭

    1. that’s same reaction when Chinese people suffer from virus, in the comment section people were making jokes…

  5. Sad that he died he was still young, and his daughter to at age 13 that’s even worse,May they both Rest In Peace.😭😭😭

    1. @Ski Mask The Slump God exactly, innocent until proven guilty. Kobe was innocent, she had no proof on him whatsoever, she just wanted clout and sympathy. Typical of these filthy whores.

  6. Everyone dislike this video! For her to bring up the bad things in his past when he just died. Shame on this woman and CNN!

  7. There is a Chinese saying : “The beginning is the most difficult part.” But I really really didn’t expect the beginning of 2020 can be sooooooooo difficult.

    1. Yes Indeed If You are a Chinese know my Name that I am who I am. I am Michael Who is like unto God and I am John The Baptist and I am The Holy Ghost Gui – Po. 2020 is the Beginning of the End and all who died in the cross roads of the transition is lucky and blessed as they will not experience what is worse to come for I am He is here now to let all men see The Power of The True Almighty and Living God The Sun who is I am.

  8. This is horrible I mean I can’t even imagine what his wife is going through! My prayers just go out to her and his family

    1. @RapistKobe arrested on July 4 2003 #Wikipedia

      Tbh I think u should aim that statement towards yourself. So damn selfish

  9. I can’t believe this, 3 years ago i met him and i asked to take a picture for my little sister and i could tell he was busy but he smiled and said “ i’ll make an exception for this young lady “ ❤️


    1. AniShad Main piss off. What will your negative words do to him? What will he do…? Actually kill himself? Nope. And yes, I did laugh at his joke. Dark humor is HILARIOUS.

    1. RapistKobe arrested on July 4 2003 #Wikipedia you have nothing better to do huh? You live a sad sad life my friend, my condolences goes to Kobe and his daughter and everyone else on that helicopter and to you, you seem to have lost your life a while ago.

    1. CNN is run by Democrats, they can’t mention someone black without tagging on something negative. It’s called racism.

    2. Yeah remember there are always haters who does not like it when others flourish! Those who have life that is messed. RIP my brother.

    3. RapistKobe arrested on July 4 2003 #Wikipedia you sad person having nothing better to do but to comment on everyone post

  10. The nerve of this lady, she decides to bring up sexual assault like rn isn’t the time. CNN is so disrespectful

    1. It’s the truth. Get over it. And Kobe carbon footprint is the worst.

      The world is a better place now.

  11. he and his daughter lost their lives today, and she felt the need to bring up sexual assault allegations from MANY YEARS AGO. that don’t sit right with me. rest up, to Kobe and his baby girl. 🖤

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