Kirschner: Capitol Rioters Were ‘Donald Trump’s Foot Soldiers’ On January 6 | The Last Word | MSNBC

Glenn Kirschner, former federal prosecutor, joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss why the criminal investigations into the Capitol insurrectionists must “build to Donald Trump.” Aired on 03/30/2021.
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#Kirschner #January6 #MSNBC

Kirschner: Capitol Rioters Were ‘Donald Trump’s Foot Soldiers’ On January 6 | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. @Michael Humphrey Didn’t you hear .. BLM Antifa just recently tried to set the federal courthouse on fire in Portland again because Ted Wheel had some second thoughts about completely defunding the police…How is that not an “insurrection”? But with leftists it is catch and release and only one was even arrested.

    2. 😩 @Rachelenish Elenishenish. Yeah and I just saw the big bad wolf chasing after little red riding hood.

    3. @Michael Humphrey Did you see that when they had you on a VR headset while getting your gender reassignment surgery?

    4. @Rachelenish Elenishenish you really should stop trying to find equivalencies. It makes you look desperate and completely stupid.

    5. @Michael Humphrey So BLM Antifa can be the dems attack hellhounds and do billions in damages to people’s property .. but we should just ignore that and only have flower words for them .. and just talk about what Trump supporters did?

  1. Thank you, Mr.Kirschner, for helping to make the picture so clear. Your comments are always insightful and educational.

    1. He has a mastery of explaining complex legal stuff to a regular audience. He also has an excellent youtube channel @Justice Matters

    2. @Frankie Salatino I listen every day. He really helped me during the past few months of craziness.

    3. @Terry Campbell I’m a Team member and he really makes us feel like a team. For a few dollars and projects we can be part of. It’s well worth it. Thanks for posting. It all counts for sure.

    4. If only they could have been reached by the “sane and level left”…. taught to “peacefully protest”… like when BLM Antifa was blocking off interstates and ambushing and attacking motorists.. or when BLM Antifa tried to set the federal courthouse in Portland on fire again …. or when BLM Antifa lit up a few hundred new cars in Kenosha and set many small businesses on fire.. Maybe there is a way to rehabilitate them? Like have an Antifa therapist teach them how to drag some mattresses out of a furniture store to light up and huff in those acrid cyanide fumes from burning mattresses? Maybe teach them how to topple some “racist” statues of Washington and Jefferson? Maybe give them lessons on how to burn American flags? Then when they graduate to looting and burning cities down .. they will be “mostly peaceful protestors” like the leftists.. Right?

    1. Rachelenish Elenishenish The difference is one group was trying to overthrow the government, the others were protesting the brutality toward people of color. Black people are imprisoned for things white people pay a fine for.

    2. @Rachelenish Elenishenish Most of the Black and Brown BLM protestors will have had awful experiences with the white police. Your looney right whinger friends WONT!

    3. @Sophie Robinson Oh let’s see .. like Floyd committed armed robbery and home invasion and a Latino was bludgeoned over the head with a gun while he was robbing her. So a white person could do that and just get a fine? BLM Antifa attack federal property on a regular basis.. they laid siege to a federal courthouse which went on for months and just recently tried to set it on fire again.. That is not an insurrection?

  2. t’rump: “So, let’s all go to the CAPITOL. And I’ll be right there with you!”
    Maga cult: “Yes! Storm the Capitol! Let’s go!”
    t’rump: **sneaks off to a tent to watch cable news**
    Maga cult: “Hey! Where did he go?”

    1. Rachelenish Elenishenish There have been more black people wrongly shot dead by cops in the last few years than were lynched during Jim Crow.

    2. @Donna Brown Just saying “most secure in history” does not make it true.. maybe some AUDITS with SIGNATURE verification and CALLING a random sample of voters would ease some concerns.. as Senator Paul suggested. You don’t get to ram through mass harvest ballots and blanket cities in them as though they were cheap toilet paper on halloween .. then let anyone vote who comes in without any ID .. even corpses wheeled in as long as they vote dem.. and say nothing to see here.. move along and have the other side accept it.

    3. @Donna Brown Like the Capitol cops arrested Ashli Babbitt? And she was not even reaching for a knife like Blake was.. just murdered by the cop. So … it okay for Trump supporters to burn your home down now and set your car on fire? Your property cannot compare to Qanon lives.. RIght? Qanon lives MATTER!

    1. Trump probably told Charles Flynn to delay sending support troops for as long as possible. It so happened, Flynn delayed deployment for 3 hrs and 20 minutes.

    2. @Jon B Just some “tag alongs” “causing trouble”? And that is why after the devastating looting and destruction in Chicago…BLM leader and organizer Ariel Atkins gave a speech praising the rampaging and looting and called looting “reparations”; and was encouraging even MORE LOOTING?

    3. @george butler Oh; so since a Capitol cop murdered Ashli Babbitt; it is time for thousands of Trump supporters to start burning and destroying? So you will have no problem at all if they burned your home down and lit up your car?

    4. @Sophie Robinson Be a good leftist and report to the gestapo anti party speech. Your cause can’t stand on merit and free discussion .. so must stand on suppression and cancel culture .. Right?

  3. A Jan 6th rioter tweeted: “It’s DC and guns are illegal, so no guns.” Sounds like a deterrent. If DC hadn’t had the gun laws, they’d have brought them and it would’ve been far worse. Gun laws apparently work.

    1. @Hankakah
      Hi !…. Im Joe Biden….👈😁

      ….and these depends that
      Jill bought are “extra control”, for
      when I have NO CONTROL…👈😁

    1. If only they could have been reached by the “sane and level left”… taught to “peacefully protest”.. like when BLM Antifa was blocking off interstates and ambushing and attacking motorists.. or when BLM Antifa tried to set the federal courthouse in Portland on fire again …. or when BLM Antifa lit up a few hundred new cars in Kenosha and set many small businesses on fire.. Maybe there is a way to rehabilitate them? Like have an Antifa therapist teach them how to drag some mattresses out of a furniture store to light up and huff in those acrid cyanide fumes from burning mattresses? Maybe teach them how to topple some “racist” statues of Washington and Jefferson? Maybe give them lessons on how to burn American flags? Then when they graduate to looting and burning cities down .. they will be “mostly peaceful protestors” like the leftists.. Right?

  4. Thank you, MSNBC, for having Mr. Kirschner on your show. His voice of reason needs to be heard more broadly.

    1. @Good Day Nope not triggered at all just enjoying your meltdown. Keep going it’s quite entertaining.

    2. @Debra Johnsonyou call this a meltdown? No dear, I’m just fascinated by your inability to treat anyone who might have a different political opinion to you with any level of decency. And the fact you think trump is not to blame is actually laughable. Bet you think the election was stolen too, right?

    3. @Tom Cembrowicz and what exactly is it you think I’ve said that you object to? At least give us a clue…

    1. If only they could have been reached by the “sane and level left”….. taught to “peacefully protest”… like when BLM Antifa was blocking off interstates and ambushing and attacking motorists.. or when BLM Antifa tried to set the federal courthouse in Portland on fire again …. or when BLM Antifa lit up a few hundred new cars in Kenosha and set many small businesses on fire.. Maybe there is a way to rehabilitate them? Like have an Antifa therapist teach them how to drag some mattresses out of a furniture store to light up and huff in those acrid cyanide fumes from burning mattresses? Maybe teach them how to topple some “racist” statues of Washington and Jefferson? Maybe give them lessons on how to burn American flags? Then when they graduate to looting and burning cities down …. they will be “mostly peaceful protestors” like the leftists.. Right?

  5. When will Trump be dealt with? Stone, Giuliani,Trump jr?, Greene, Hawley, Cruz, Boebe? When.

    1. @SPUG Rich
      That’s a LIE!!!
      80+ million American citizens voted for President Biden!
      You don’t have to like it but it’s still true!

  6. When are they going to pick up Mitch, Lindsay, Cruz, Hawley, Jordan, Trump & the rest?
    Charge them all …or charge no-one.

    1. @Rachelenish Elenishenish You don’t give up do you!
      You are about as clever as a fart in a jar!
      Deflection much?

    2. …..and Charles Flynn, who delayed security response by over 3 hours. I think it was Trump’s orders, but we’ll see. Lots more to come forth in coming weeks.

    3. @Ernesto Sage You would appear to have no respect for your girlfriend if you’re hacking her Instagram account !!

    1. @Theda B Gatlin A minority car dealer in Kenosha had all his new cars burned to charred husks by rampaging BLM leftists.. over 2.5 million in damages..

    2. @Theda B Gatlin The claim was denied by his insurance company as they called what those oh so “peaceful” BLM “protestors” did; an “INSURRECTION”.

    3. @Theda B Gatlin So just go to court with the car dealer and explain how “peaceful” those BLM protestors were and that they were not at all “insurrectionists”; and if he gets his 2.5 million for his cars they burned and destroyed; surely you can get 10%. An easy 250k .. right?

    4. When I was 5 years old, my mom used to say things like, “If your pal Jerry told you to jump off a high bridge, would you do it?” The insurrectionists aren’t even at a 5 year old’s maturity level.

  7. The moment Trump told his cults to go to the Capitol and show their strength…that’s the moment he threw the scepter of the U.S presidency under his feet and crush it.

    1. If only they could have been reached by the “sane and level left”….. taught to “peacefully protest”… like when BLM Antifa was blocking off interstates and ambushing and attacking motorists.. or when BLM Antifa tried to set the federal courthouse in Portland on fire again …. or when BLM Antifa lit up a few hundred new cars in Kenosha and set many small businesses on fire.. Maybe there is a way to rehabilitate them? Like have an Antifa therapist teach them how to drag some mattresses out of a furniture store to light up and huff in those acrid cyanide fumes from burning mattresses? Maybe teach them how to topple some “racist” statues of Washington and Jefferson? Maybe give them lessons on how to burn American flags? Then when they graduate to looting and burning cities down .. they will be “mostly peaceful protestors” like the leftists.. Right?

    1. If only they could have been reached by the “sane and level left”…. taught to “peacefully protest”… like when BLM Antifa was blocking off interstates and ambushing and attacking motorists.. or when BLM Antifa tried to set the federal courthouse in Portland on fire again …. or when BLM Antifa lit up a few hundred new cars in Kenosha and set many small businesses on fire.. Maybe there is a way to rehabilitate them? Like have an Antifa therapist teach them how to drag some mattresses out of a furniture store to light up and huff in those acrid cyanide fumes from burning mattresses? Maybe teach them how to topple some “racist” statues of Washington and Jefferson? Maybe give them lessons on how to burn American flags? Then when they graduate to looting and burning cities down .. they will be “mostly peaceful protestors” like the leftists.. Right?

    2. MagaNazi’s….the face of fascism & current day colonialist racism, yet think their “Patriots”
      Fukn Arsehats 🥴

  8. The seditionists knew that they would be busted before they got to the Capitol if they had brought their guns.

    1. @Rachelenish Elenishenish Here are the 14 Characteristics of Fascism:
      1. Powerful and continuing Nationalism
      2. Disdain for Human Rights
      3. Ideation of Enemies as a unifying cause
      4. Supremacy of the Military
      5. Rampant Sexism
      6. Controlled Mass Media
      7. Obsession with National Security
      8. Religion and Government intertwined
      9. Corporate Power Protected
      10. Labor Power Suppressed
      11. Disdain for intellectuals and the Arts
      12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
      13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
      14. Fraudulent Elections

    2. @Rachelenish Elenishenish Why would Antifa be “actual fascism?” Silly little boy! Antifa literally is short for ANTI-FASCISM. Get it? Anti Fa(for fascism). In simpler terms, it means Antifa is AGAINST Fascism.

    3. @FactsarenotdirtyFwords Antifa is not “anti fascism”. Calling themselves “anti fascist” is deflection. They just call all police and courts and law and order “fascist”; so they are against the U.S government in general and want anarchy or communism or some combination of the two.

    4. @FactsarenotdirtyFwords Those definitions are partly true .. but those definitions were written by left wingers to attack right wingers and deflect from what they are doing. At the core .. fascist .. the term .. is used to describe the policies of The German socialist WORKERS party during WW2.. and while they were nationalists.. they were also SOCIALISTS and Adolf was a LEFTIST. Adolf had a platform that was against capitalism and was for the government “taking over production” and hyper regulations..Adolf also ordered Porsche to design a “peoples car” that was hyper efficient.. also known as the V.W beetle.. Adolf wanted all German workers to drive a hyper efficient regulated party car whether they wanted to or not.. much like Obama’s REGULATIONS. Fascism is control.. regulation .. the party telling people how to think .. how to dress.. how to walk.. dictating what their culture is.. outlawing all culture and beliefs outside of official party culture and teachings. That is the LEFT .. what democrats want to do with their cancel culture and hyper regulation of all free speech except for their own.

    5. @Rachelenish Elenishenish You really need help, man. Seriously. If you believe that you write, you are insane and in need of psychological help ASAP. Seriously.

  9. That’s like saying: “I was only following orders”. NEVER is any excuse like that acceptable no matter how you change the words!!

    1. @Rachelenish Elenishenish is that what you’re fake media told you?
      That’s just not how insurance works bucko!

    2. @Ken Albertsen Except Adolf was a leftist and his people attacked private property and shops; much like BLM and Antifa.

    3. @Random Internet User “On each of the next two nights, however, rioters set fire to cars in his lot. Khindri said the first night of mayhem caused $1.5 million in damages to the business; the second night finished off the rest of the cars, adding up to a total of $2.5 million in estimated damage costs. “

    4. @Random Internet User “Khindri said he was hopeful at first the dealership’s insurance provider would cover the damages. Instead, he said they entirely rejected the claim.

      “They don’t cover the riots. This is domestic terrorism, don’t cover it,” said Khindri.”

    5. @Rachelenish Elenishenish
      You cannot be allowed to get away with such blatant misrepresentation.
      The right in Germany, and throughout Europe either supported Hitler, Mussolini and Franco or sat on the wall. The international opposition to Franco, during the Spanish civil war was from the left. It was Hitler who sent Stukas against the International Brigade. Before he moved against the Jews, Hitler arrested the socialists and the communists.
      Oswald Mosley (a personal friend of Hitler) founded the British Union of Fascists, and his Blackshirts were in regular street battles with left wing students and socialists.
      Enough with your attempts to turn history on its head. Stop trying to gaslight the politically naive and uninformed.

  10. Is that the Glen Kirschner from Justice Matters. Wow he’s awesome. Time to join his team. Thank you

    1. If only they could have been reached by the “sane and level left”….. taught to “peacefully protest”… like when BLM Antifa was blocking off interstates and ambushing and attacking motorists.. or when BLM Antifa tried to set the federal courthouse in Portland on fire again …. or when BLM Antifa lit up a few hundred new cars in Kenosha and set many small businesses on fire.. Maybe there is a way to rehabilitate them? Like have an Antifa therapist teach them how to drag some mattresses out of a furniture store to light up and huff in those acrid cyanide fumes from burning mattresses? Maybe teach them how to topple some “racist” statues of Washington and Jefferson? Maybe give them lessons on how to burn American flags? Then when they graduate to looting and burning cities down …. they will be “mostly peaceful protestors” like the leftists.. Right?

  11. Glenn Kirschner is the BEST! Thank you for your insight. I only hope Merrick Garland is taking extensive notes from the professor.

  12. I love Glenn. I didn’t know from his show that he goes on news programs, because he’s never talking about himself.

    1. If only they could have been reached by the “sane and level left”….. taught to “peacefully protest”… like when BLM Antifa was blocking off interstates and ambushing and attacking motorists.. or when BLM Antifa tried to set the federal courthouse in Portland on fire again …. or when BLM Antifa lit up a few hundred new cars in Kenosha and set many small businesses on fire.. Maybe there is a way to rehabilitate them? Like have an Antifa therapist teach them how to drag some mattresses out of a furniture store to light up and huff in those acrid cyanide fumes from burning mattresses? Maybe teach them how to topple some “racist” statues of Washington and Jefferson? Maybe give them lessons on how to burn American flags? Then when they graduate to looting and burning cities down .. they will be “mostly peaceful protestors” like the leftists…, Right?

  13. Given Trump’s history of sexual assault, it’s possible that he actually does consider physical violence to be hugging and kissing.

    1. If only they could have been reached by the “sane and level left”….. taught to “peacefully protest”… like when BLM Antifa was blocking off interstates and ambushing and attacking motorists.. or when BLM Antifa tried to set the federal courthouse in Portland on fire again …. or when BLM Antifa lit up a few hundred new cars in Kenosha and set many small businesses on fire.. Maybe there is a way to rehabilitate them? Like have an Antifa therapist teach them how to drag some mattresses out of a furniture store to light up and huff in those acrid cyanide fumes from burning mattresses? Maybe teach them how to topple some “racist” statues of Washington and Jefferson? Maybe give them lessons on how to burn American flags? Then when they graduate to looting and burning cities down .. they will be “mostly peaceful protestors” like the leftists…, Right?

    2. @Rachelenish Elenishenish 🦅🦉🦅 just signed on last week, what’s that about 🦅🦉🦅PS Washington was a enslaved people(slave holder) trader. He gave freedom to his enslaved people, upon his death. Martha, however, passed her “enslaved people property” on to descendants. But 1 Young Woman got away… read the historically true book, “Never Caught”. This is TRUE HISTORY. If u like, I can give you the names of some other books written by Americans researching the white supremacy history and salve-holding history in their family lineage. 🦅🦉🦅🦉🦅🦉🦅PS: You must know by now – anti fa = anti fascist. Tucker Carlson just predicted that your and my country will be fascist in 10 to 20 years. Anti fa folks are fighting the fascists, like yer ancestors might have done in world war 2….. maybe. Do U know about yer family history? 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦉🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 when did they come to the usa as emigrants ? 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅

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