Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), who is on the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack, discusses a federal grand jury issuing a subpoena for former Trump White House lawyer Pat Cipollone. #CNN #News
Kinzinger says new subpoena is ‘bad news’ for Trump

This ENTIRE family / administration should be BANNED from political office !!
Just like all of the opposition parties in Ukraine.
The secret service will never be seen with HONOR again unless they come clean.
@Gibby Cash Il keep you in my prayers do aswell and have faith, the diference between ,whos gonna be ok with whatver comes, and those who will be desparate not knowing what to do , stays in youre persoanl conection, to the holy spirit, wich is being built , true often prayers and bible study! if you dont have a bible ,get one asap, theres nothing more important for you than to get youre sword and shield against evil! the bible is not a book, the bible is gods word! its literaly everything worthy and meanigfull: faith, wisdom, love ,shelter,forgiveness, joy, meaning, asurence,security,-its literaly gods private chanel to the siner, true faithful prayers, and bible study, the siner stays in conetion to god, wich abolished him of all sins and second death, true faith in jesuses! no one will be in heavens , due to his deeds, or because he is a sevenbth day adventist! only by faith in jesuses hrist, and consistency in prayers!
@Tarziu Armando-Liviu , you weird people keep talking about God like He’s not Omnipotent. If God wants something to be done, it happens. He doesn’t need you or anyone else to make it happen.
If all 3 don’t come clean citizens won’t ever believe in government again. I hope they see they are destroying their own image.
“Just shut up and be an American for one day.” Love it!
This man, unlike his shameful colleagues, puts his country BEFORE his political party! Very honorable.
1 Leonard Tobin Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Marie Lucas pretty simple as I’m referring Adam Kinsinger!
The interesting thing about text messages: They do not exist solely on each individual’s device, they also exist in the provider’s server logs. Why are those not being looked at yet?
That they exist in the providers server logs is just another thing some think cant be erased. It can.
Last fight
As retired DOJ Prosecutor, Glenn Kirschner, has said, that his team always used The Secret Service’s data retrieval lab,
because they were the best at retrieving erased electronic data.
The crux of the statement is, that means the inverse is true also: as they are the best in deleting data.
What we know for sure, is that whatever was in those text messages, was incriminating enough to someone(s) that they decided it better to look stupid, negligent, and corrupt rather than allowing them ever to be seen.
“Just shut up & be an American for one day” I love that A. K.
1 BeachGirl Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I’m not a registered Democrat or a registered Republican, but I admire Adam Kinzinger. The Congress and Senate need more people like him.
Could you explain to a foreigner — why on earth do people register as a supporter of a party? In other countries, you may be a MEMBER of a political party, like you can be a member of any club (except that one condition of membership is that you are not a member of any other political party)… but to publicly register as a supporter of a party, as people do in the US, that seems to be a different thing. Why do people do it?
@Gibby Cash Il keep you in my prayers do aswell and have faith, the diference between ,whos gonna be ok with whatver comes, and those who will be desparate not knowing what to do , stays in youre persoanl conection, to the holy spirit, wich is being built , true often prayers and bible study! if you dont have a bible ,get one asap, theres nothing more important for you than to get youre sword and shield against evil! the bible is not a book, the bible is gods word! its literaly everything worthy and meanigfull: faith, wisdom, love ,shelter,forgiveness, joy, meaning, asurence,security,-its literaly gods private chanel to the siner, true faithful prayers, and bible study, the siner stays in conetion to god, wich abolished him of all sins and second death, true faith in jesuses! no one will be in heavens , due to his deeds, or because he is a sevenbth day adventist! only by faith in jesuses hrist, and consistency in prayers!
@Eh… You will find that the platforms for the Republican and Democratic parties say close to the same thing, however, there are some differences such as pro life or pro choice, and gun control positions which one party or the other support or disagree with, so people will support the party which more closely supports their position. And, as a rule, Democrats are more liberal, Republicans more conservative..
@Ben Bonham You might be surprised to know that a lot of these these are fairly recent differences, the result mostly of GOP being captured by the evangelical right, and the deliberate polarising/dumbing down of GOP by the people who put Trump in power. When I was young, policies like abortion and gun control were not seen primarily in bipartisan terms.
@Eh… No surprises here. I am aware.
Every time I see Kinzinger interviewed , I get the impression he knows WAY more than he can say.
@Julio Prida Never met the man. But in comparison to Trump the man’s a boy scout.
@Miranda Hotspring 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Mr Kinzinger, in the next few years, please reconsider and come back and run for election in your state. We may disagree politically more than we agree, but we need level headed people who are sick of this political garbage that is permeating both parties right now. What happened to Rep. Meijer makes my blood boil (and I’m a Democrat). I would fire every one of those hacks who thought that up.
I would vote for him for Governor.
Last fight
When i hear/see Kinzinger i take a deep sigh of relief. An honorable, strong man with integrity. We need more of such a quintessential American and human being.
@Gibby Cash Il keep you in my prayers do aswell and have faith, the diference between ,whos gonna be ok with whatver comes, and those who will be desparate not knowing what to do , stays in youre persoanl conection, to the holy spirit, wich is being built , true often prayers and bible study! if you dont have a bible ,get one asap, theres nothing more important for you than to get youre sword and shield against evil! the bible is not a book, the bible is gods word! its literaly everything worthy and meanigfull: faith, wisdom, love ,shelter,forgiveness, joy, meaning, asurence,security,-its literaly gods private chanel to the siner, true faithful prayers, and bible study, the siner stays in conetion to god, wich abolished him of all sins and second death, true faith in jesuses! no one will be in heavens , due to his deeds, or because he is a sevenbth day adventist! only by faith in jesuses hrist, and consistency in prayers!
Kinzinger 2024. Put this man in the White House west wing. I love this guy !!
@Angelisa Kinzinger 2024 all the way to the white house. He has my vote and Im registered as a democrat. I don’t vote party I vote for the best person for the job. I would love to see an honest person in charge of this country.
Strong man that weeps like a little bish🤣😂🤣😂
This man makes a lot of sense. And yes, texts were deleted on purpose.
1 Roman Kacin Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
My God, this corruption and filth has filtered through every area of our government. Everybody must be brought to Justice. Everyone must be held accountable.
@William Bock exactly! Thank you!
@William Bock when the super rich get heavily taxed its passed down to the consumers. The super rich own or run businesses and have to pass down the tax by raising prices in order to stay profitable.
Love this guy! One of the few and I mean FEW republicans that actually has demonstrated some integrity wisdom and morals.
@A Nethers He called out #traitortrump’s actions on many occasions; you just weren’t paying attention.
@Keyspoet27 he also voted for his policies and supported his election runs
@Deez Nutz
Your argument is about as convincing as a child begging for a Happy Meal.
Don’t you understand the implication of the messages being deleted?
When things are hidden, there is a reason.
The reason is nefarious af.
Or you can use some lame semantics to argue…
“There has never been, ever before, an administration that’s been so open and transparent.”
Claimed by: Donald Trump
Fact check by PolitiFact: Pants on Fire
I am so confused when I see some republicans actually following the law, and making sense like Kinzinger here.
Agree – a Republican with integrity – one out of too few 🙄
Please… this man needs to be the USA President!! Clear headed, unbiased, relatable and intelligent.
The NSA almost certainly has copies of these communications. They surveille, capture and copy all our data and communications, why not government officials too.
The whole situation of “accidentally” deleting those text messages does stink to high heaven. A cowardly unforgivable act and there needs to be accountability.