Kimberly Guilfoyle, the national chair of Trump Victory Finance Committee, offers a rousing speech at the Republican National Convention.
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#RNCLivestream #RNC #GOP
Is she yelling at us to make us agree?
I was waiting for the purge alarm to sound after she finished

@Paris 54 Oh look, another DUI apologist.
He literally asks to lie down and not go in the cop car in the Bodycam Footage.
He died off of the Meth and Fentanyl.
In case you haven’t heard, there’s this thing called an “overdose” that happens when you take too many drugs.
Kurona Byrus When you have no argument, fall back on insults. Gotcha.
Kurona Byrus Let me guess. No college degree, right? Threatening people with guns is not peaceful. It was meant to be intimidating. The white “militias” (i.e. gangs) lining the streets and shooting people is not peaceful. Driving through protestors and shooting paint pellets and pepper spray at them indiscriminately is not peaceful.
Fox News is not news. It’s infotainment at its worst. Banned from some countries because it’s so dishonest.
Kurona Byrus Soooo, the police are better than gangs? Gee, what an accomplishment.
Kurona Byrus Riiiight. It has nothing to do with repeatedly saying, “I can’t breathe.” You’ve got to be kidding. You’re officially disqualified with that answer. Overdose. Jesus.
Huh Puerto Ricians are not immigrants.
Ruby Twilite yes her father not her and she’s not a first generation American this has nothing to do with her father
@Brandon Coleman Ireland
@Nelson M these days more and more of the Republicans think anyone that’s not white is a 2nd class citizen
Would so take that trade though….
@Ruby Twilite
Puerto Rico is part of America so idk where he was immigrated from
Cocaines a hell of a drug
She doesn’t look like she was on drugs, but I think she is just crazy
I’m sure she is well aware
She appears to be Bipolar I.
Gavin is a coke head
You got that right…Ask bath house Barry (Obama) about that…Especially when he was giving men head on the beaches of Hawaii in his college years in exchange for a few lines of it…Look into Larry Sinclair
Was waiting for her to say “Cannnn you Diggggg It!!!!”
Cyrus would’ve pulled that speech off. He’s the real deal. Whole lotta magic
@Tobin Durazo you took the words right out my mouth!!!

Warrrriorrrrs, come out to plaaayaaaay.
How to make 6 minutes feel like an hour
6 minutes? ONLY? WOW
Who is she yelling at? It’s an empty auditorium! Lol! Her fear mongering tactics are so over used and ridiculous. Hilarious!

Hilarious…but alarming and scary she talks just like how the dictators in authoritarian dictatorships talk. Identical. This is scary.
@Tori P. Scary is Donny jr. as the Republican nominee in 2024.
4 more years
Kurona Byrus Please Stop spreading those lies.
She LITERALLY gave me a headache. Who tf did not turn her mic down????

Kimberly does not need a megaphone because she talks very loud.
This looks like a comedy skit made by liberals to make conservatives look absurd.
@Sean Jones they haven’t.
@Jorgeyy Boyy Heard of The Lincoln Project? A lot of Republicans have had enough of this Orange goof.
@Aggressive Attitude Era and they are gonna vote for Mr. Hairy legs who gets kids to sit on his lap? Lol ok
@Jorgeyy Boyy I don’t know about all that but I know they’re not gonna vote for Trump.
@Aggressive Attitude Era so a blank vote?
I’m in Virginia and I could hear her from where I was.
“tHE BESt iS yET tO COme!!!”
Omg you’re hilarious
I am from Ny and I heard her from where I was
The Coke starts to interact with the Addreral around 3:28 …
Adderal and Ketamine is legit
The 2020 Hunger Games have begun!!!!!!!
“People talk loud when they want to act smart, right?”
Natalie1729 CORRECT
SNL would have a blast with this.
They don’t know what to do with this since it’s already so ridiculous haha
@Mark Menezes maybe literally just post this as a comedy skit. There’s nothing that can be done to make it funnier.
Thousands of car alarms were triggered all across America.
Hahahahaha. I almost choked on my saliva. Lol
Not just America

Did she forget to turn off caps lock when writing this?
Legit didn’t even think this was real for a minute
America is now a parody of itself.
She’s trying so hard to sound charismatic & influential but it’s not working
I felt like she was about to reach into a bowl and pull my name out as tribute.
ikr like pack it up walmart effie trinket smh
I want whatever she’s having.
Make it a double