Kimberly Atkins: GOP Think They Can Win Elections By ‘Keeping The Other Side From Voting’ | Deadline

Boston Globe columnist Kimberly Atkins and founder of Country Over Party Matthew Dowd discuss the battle over voting rights shifting to Texas as the state considers a series of bills that would limit access to the ballot box. Aired on 04/06/2021.
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Kimberly Atkins: GOP Think They Can Win Elections By ‘Keeping The Other Side From Voting’ | Deadline


  1. Repeal citizen United that allows big business to buy politicians in the name of free speech

    1. The US Supreme Court decided Citizens United. Packed as that court is now, I don’t have much hope that the current Court will overrule its previous decision.

    1. Same laws that Delaware has. But Delaware doesn’t have a morbidly obese “oppressed” multi-millionaire black woman running for governor 🤷‍♂️

    2. @Morbidly Oppressed Are you implying that we should ignore unfair laws because other states have them? The “all the other kids were doing it” defense? Or that if someone has a valid point we should ignore it because they’re overweight, black, a woman or rich?
      Because if that’s the case, I thoroughly disagree with you.

  2. In every other western civilisation, the parties try to encourage voting. It’s bizarre that the land of the free and the home of the brave try to restrict voting. From the outside, it looks like the US is going backwards.

    1. *I LIVE IN BULGARIA* we have just had the elections – if you had COVID or were quarantining for COVID THEY BROUGHT THE BALLOT BOX TO YOUR HOUSE FOR YOU TO VOTE..!!!*

      Let me point out – Bulgaria is the most corrupt country in the EU – yey men in full hasmat suits brought a ballot box TO YOUR HOUSE to let you vote…!

    2. @Shadow The Hedgehog Been voting for 46years in Canada and never waited more than 10 minutes. Plus are polling places are in our neighborhood

  3. The thirst for power is greater than their common sense. They’d rather cheat than actually offer people something worth voting for. Stupid is as Stupid Does.

    1. @Beachdudeca The history of voter ID laws includes federal court rulings that they’re an attempt to suppress minority voters, while proving you are NOT a carrier of a deadly virus is a temporary public health safeguard. Most people are smart enough to see the difference.

    2. @D.A. Oh , if you need to show ID to fly , buy booze , or take out a library book then you can provide an ID to vote

    3. @Beachdudeca I can. But why should I? You used to be able to do all those things WITHOUT an ID, and that only changed for various reasons. Airlines? To prevent second-hand tickets ($$). Alcohol? Arbitrary drinking laws (public safety). Library books? Definitely not a photo ID needed where I live, so lousy example. Autos? Public safety. Voting once ever 2 or 4 years? — no reason whatsoever.

  4. When you lose an election I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to change your political policies to try and appeal to more voters next election

    1. That’s how it works in a democracy. I don’t believe democracy is what most republicans are wanting anymore.

    2. @Vincentia Van Gogh They want the Ford Model T kind of democracy where you can vote for anyone as long as it’s a vote for them

  5. Actual Patriotic Americans want every eligible American to be able to easily cast their vote for WHOEVER they choose. A losing situation for the Republicans.

    1. Same laws that Delaware has. But Delaware doesn’t have a morbidly obese “oppressed” multi-millionaire black woman running for governor 🤷‍♂️

    2. @Morbidly Oppressed Are you implying that we should ignore unfair laws because other states have them? The “all the other kids were doing it” defense? Or that if someone has a valid point we should ignore it because they’re overweight, black, a woman or rich?
      Because if that’s the case, I thoroughly disagree with you.

    3. If Texas becomes a blue state – or even a purple state, the GOP is doomed. Similarly, if the GOP doesn’t start developing a platform instead of just opposing everything the Democrats want to do, they’re doomed. As the number of elderly white males declines in America, they’re doomed. Also, if Republican’s keep shunning moderates, nominating right wing nutjobs, and opposing legislation with widespread popular support – they’re doomed. The only thing they can do to stay in the game is suppress votes, employ extreme gerrymandering, and go all in on 24/7 propaganda/misinformation (FOX, OAN, Newsmax, etc.).

    4. *I LIVE IN BULGARIA* we have just had the elections – if you had COVID or were quarantining for COVID THEY BROUGHT THE BALLOT BOX TO YOUR HOUSE FOR YOU TO VOTE..!!!*

      Let me point out – Bulgaria is the most corrupt country in the EU – yey men in full hasmat suits brought a ballot box TO YOUR HOUSE to let you vote…!

    1. Republicons were BIG cheaters and liars before the orange monster and faux news came along. They were evil for decades already.

    2. Same laws that Delaware has. But Delaware doesn’t have a morbidly obese “oppressed” multi-millionaire black woman running for governor 🤷‍♂️

    3. @Peter Nolan Same laws that Delaware has. But Delaware doesn’t have a morbidly obese “oppressed” multi-millionaire black woman running for governor 🤷‍♂️

    4. @Morbidly Oppressed  @Morbidly Oppressed  Are you implying that we should ignore unfair laws because other states have them? The “all the other kids were doing it” defense? Or that if someone has a valid point we should ignore it because they’re overweight, black, a woman or rich?
      Because if that’s the case, I’m sure even you can see why so many people think these laws are “jim crow in new clothes”.

  6. The “people” have more of a voice now than ever in history.
    The pandemic made it very clear that the country, and corporations, depend on our labor and our money.

  7. To a foreigner it’s puzzling why a country that declares itself to be the ‘bastion of democracy’ has such little regard for it. Voter suppression and gerrymandering aside, your low voter participation rates are extraordinary. You declare 2020 and a turnout of 62% to be an astounding level of participation, but by international standards that was low. In Australia, where voting is mandatory, the rate is 91%. In New Zealand, where voting isn’t mandatory, it’s 82%. In Canada it’s 67%. It’s the same in the UK. In Germany, it’s 84%. The list goes on. The US is behind almost entirely across the board among western nations. And, now, instead of trying to expand the vote, you seek to discourage it even more. Your flirtation with fascism apparently runs deep.

    1. Same laws that Delaware has. But Delaware doesn’t have a morbidly obese “oppressed” multi-millionaire black woman running for governor 🤷‍♂️

    2. @Morbidly Oppressed Are you implying that we should ignore unfair laws because other states have them? The “all the other kids were doing it” defense? Or that if someone has a valid point we should ignore it because they’re overweight, black, a woman or rich?
      Because if that’s the case, I’m sure even you can see why so many people think these laws are “jim crow in new clothes”.

  8. Hard to make your views known at the ballot box when that’s the very thing republicans are limiting, the ballot box and our ability to vote them out.

    1. If you believe in freedom…you will find a way! Bring your own water and food to the one single box in your county and FIGHT! Don’t give up!!!!!!

    2. Same laws that Delaware has. But Delaware doesn’t have a morbidly obese “oppressed” multi-millionaire black woman running for governor 🤷‍♂️

    3. @Morbidly Oppressed Are you implying that we should ignore unfair laws because other states have them? The “all the other kids were doing it” defense? Or that if someone has a valid point we should ignore it because they’re overweight, black, a woman or rich?
      Because if that’s the case, I’m sure even you can see why so many people think these laws are “jim crow in new clothes”.

    4. @dekal you can use the free cell phone. To check the free bus schedule. While eating your free Ice cream. To go get a free ID. Then you have 2 years to get ready to vote. Polls are open for 4 weeks plus 2 weekends. You can take a shopping cart of food you buy with you to even MORE drop boxes. . 🙄🙄🙄

  9. GQP: “We will win if we can keep voters from voting against us.”
    Democracy: “That’s not how it works. Not at all.”
    GQP: “Shut up!”
    Democracy: 😳

    1. Once the argument for getting rid of human’s prejudice in the justice system by using AI software to hand out sentences and follow the constitution and other laws as humans are overseeing the process. It’s the only time that justice will work for all the people

    2. Same laws that Delaware has. But Delaware doesn’t have a morbidly obese “oppressed” multi-millionaire black woman running for governor 🤷‍♂️

    3. Democracy: i was never designed to be used to vote on people
      Everyone: STFU, we just want your good image and abuse your name.

    4. @Morbidly Oppressed Are you implying that we should ignore unfair laws because other states have them? The “all the other kids were doing it” defense? Or that if someone has a valid point we should ignore it because they’re overweight, black, a woman or rich?
      Because if that’s the case, I thoroughly disagree with you.

  10. They’re absolutely nuts if the GOP thinks that they’re going to get away with this. It’s sickening.

    1. Same laws that Delaware has. But Delaware doesn’t have a morbidly obese “oppressed” multi-millionaire black woman running for governor 🤷‍♂️

    2. @Morbidly Oppressed Are you implying that we should ignore unfair laws because other states have them? The “all the other kids were doing it” defense? Or that if someone has a valid point we should ignore it because they’re overweight, black, a woman or rich?
      Because if that’s the case, I thoroughly disagree with you.

  11. 😩🤦🏾‍♂️I went and brought my AR-15 and left with it the same day but I can’t register and vote that way…yea America definitely got some work to do 🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂

  12. If you want someone to vote for you, you have to convince them.
    The Republican party is trying to avoid having to do the work required to secure people’s votes.

    1. I agree 100 percent. The GOP is trying to game the system and gave up on democracy. It is obvious.

  13. No business can afford to ally itself with a political party which is based on taking people’s votes away. Voters are customers.

    1. @Ed Jones What makes you think that Republicans allow people to vote? What makes you feel they are entitled to?

    2. @Chris ONeill Your lack of basic American history is impressive. Posting is the last thing you should be doing.

    3. @Ed Jones I see. You think you get to decide who votes. And also who posts on YouTube. Well, I guess you’ve had a heap of experience with getting your accounts canceled.

    4. @Sean Whitford The account is less than a week old. You should see the Q nonsense he used to post on his old account.

    5. @Chris ONeill I had a feeling he was a Q follower. They are so blind and it is such a tragedy. Peace be with you man!!

  14. Just got to plan your vote. Once you are in line, they can’t turn you away.

    1. You can stand in line for the whole 4 week period. Plus 2 weekends. Take a shopping cart full of food you leech off foodstamps

  15. This isn’t politics anymore. This is men, lying to the public, for a membership in a ole boys club for wealth and fame.

    1. Same laws that Delaware has. But Delaware doesn’t have a morbidly obese “oppressed” multi-millionaire black woman running for governor 🤷‍♂️

    2. @Morbidly Oppressed Are you implying that we should ignore unfair laws because other states have them? The “all the other kids were doing it” defense? Or that if someone has a valid point we should ignore it because they’re overweight, black, a woman or rich?
      Because if that’s the case, I’m sure even you can see why so many people think these laws are “jim crow in new clothes”.

  16. *I’m ashamed of some of my fellow Americans and their attempts to prevent every qualified American from voting.*

    *Ashamed and heartsick…* 💔

  17. Don’t let simple block you push forward for every foot and don’t give one inch back… This is a Democracy we the people…

  18. brilliantly said, ty all. voting is a right for which many have shed their blood and even given their lives to achieve and to keep! we must not allow it to be taken from us! that ‘law’ must be repealed and corps had better step up or face a real boycott of actual consumers!

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