A Minneapolis jury on Thursday convicted former police officer Kim Potter on all charges she faced for fatally shooting Black motorist Daunte Wright earlier this year.
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She is guilty a d the jury made the right decision.
ȠỈဌဌᕦЃ found out
WHATEVER she won’t do any Time.
@Ivan Novotny —
By now, you must have guessed why I said what I said. Think, just think why she will be made an example of.
@Mel Stiller EXACTLY
if that was the case they would have set her free until sentencing . Ignore the idiots.
@Exhibit A , and the Judge said she’ll be treated like anyone that committed this type of crime.
@D & H B…. Yeah I know that judge was cold blooded . I wish she would have been Derek Chauvins .
I hope you’re right. She did society a favor.
_she should have complied with the law_
*bye lady*
ȠỈဌဌᕦЃ should have not been a felonious violent thug.
@Worth-A-Shot Gaming oh wow you’re so edgy, don’t cut yourself
@Worth-A-Shot Gaming Don’t use the *N* word!
She screwed up so she needs to be accountable, so jury got it right.
bravo .
Incompetent (former) police officer.
Well police need better training.
no, criminals need better training
jury siding with the criminals what a shocker. More criminals on the street and less police just what the thugs wanted.
The jury DID NOT side with the criminal, they found her guilty.
Karen Potter
Well if the boy would have done what the police told him to do and not fight with the cops are run it my be different
that seems to be the common thread in most of these incidents
@John Feeley , If that woman didn’t break the law I’m sure she wouldn’t be going to jail.
whats wrong with his eyes?…
Nothing, he is actually a robot, they still have some bugs to work out.
not guilty.
That’s too bad.
The kid brought it upon himself.
@N M
No, she neutralized a danger to society – with her sidearm.
@D & H B….
And the kid brought death upon himself. She was doing her job.
@Raynus 1 , and her pay for doing her job, jail.
@D & H B….
And that’s a shame.
@Raynus 1 , if by shame you mean justice.