Killer Mike Gives Impassioned Speech On Atlanta Protests | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Rapper Killer Mike gave an impassioned address from his hometown Atlanta, where mass protests broke out against the police killing of George Floyd, and he called for an end to looting, urging citizens not to burn down their own homes. Aired on 6/1/2020.
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Killer Mike Gives Impassioned Speech On Atlanta Protests | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. a *free* nation would not need its military to pacify its citizens
    an exceptional nation would have known to avoid this

    1. There has never been a nation on earth like this, stay in your basement and watch your movies. Let the big thinkers comment here.

    2. @Markus Stewart I cringe everytime Joe tells us how he believes in that. It is false at best, arrogant and disdainful at worst.
      Every empire has these kinds of myths, about being better than everyone else, i get that. Every empire ends eventually, too and then it would be better to not have to come crushing down mentally from such hybris .

  2. The world is with Black Lives Matter! Some protesters are gathering at U.S embassies. Street protests over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis went global over the weekend, as demonstrators in London, Berlin and Toronto gathered under banners declaring that Black Lives Matter and called for an end to police brutality in the United States and around the world. Take care of each other. Watch out for white supremacists and others who have no interest in Black Lives Matter; they’re sabotaging these protests.

    1. You show us how the world would be with blacks and leftist in power and normal ppl are terrified.

    2. You are wrong. People as a whole are losing support of this movement because destruction does not gain support.

    1. James Holst how ironic that this protestors in Michigan with guns KILLED No one. DESTROYED No PROPERTY and STOLE NOTHING from innocent business owners.

    2. James Holst I have no problem with protesting. I fully support it, I attended one on Saturday and it remained peaceful. We assembled together to fight against police brutality and to support those who lost their lives at the hands of someone who was supposed to protect and serve. What we did NOT do was Harm innocent people, damage personal property, raid and steal from business. You CAN support the cause without resorting to violence. I will NEVER condone that. The people who lost their lives in the Riots didn’t deserve to die either!! The small business owner who had their property damaged and stolen didn’t deserve that. That’s THUGGISH behavior and it should not EVER be condoned.

    3. @Silvia Delariva Stop acting like you don’t have your say. Reclaim your institutions.

    1. @Power Evolution RC It’s not what I think. It’s the truth. For the animal to be so vile, lazy, ignorant, repulsive, liar, thief, delusional (genius, my as) and criminal. The proof is the pudding.
      International Courts and Laws for Human Rights, are you listening?

    1. @David Osterberg my ancestors lived thru colonization… i don’t need ur religious lecture. As Trump LOOTS and BURNS SYRIA… hypocrites. The provocateurs are government agents and they planted bricks all along the streets. Wake up.

    2. @TheSquad plus1 there have already been 5 deaths from these protests. People who would not have died had they not been doing that.
      I have lived a long time in black skin, you want to tell me what it’s like to be black too? You want to tell me that I don’t know about it? You’re a fool! There aren’t enough of us to win a physical battle and we are making it worse going around acting like.a bunch of idiots.
      You know what rioting in the 60’s accomplished? Electing Richard Nixon! Bunch of stupid, know it all fools is what we got out there on these streets. Fools making things worse!

    3. @SPZ Aruba none… he’s losing the election and if he doesn’t declare martial law he goes to prison… pretty str8 forward. What part did you miss? oh btw, the provocateurs were cops and feds.They were caught on vid… and they report to Barr… nuff said????? Neither candidate is fit for office and I don’t support faux parties… so I lose NOTHING with the idiots on the stump. Shove that up urs.

  3. It’s funny how Republicans are trying to shut down George Floyd protests by warning of the coronavirus but were encouraging anti-lockdown protests during the height of the pandemic!

    1. @Aaron No… The democrats aren’t calling it a hoax or just the flu or anything like that. They aren’t saying they are taking away your rights, when none are being taken. They are telling folks if you want to go protest but be safe about it. Wear a mask. Stay apart. When did any conservative ever say that?

    2. @occhamsrazor They tried to shut down the Republican protests because the virus might spread and then weeks later went out in MUCH larger groups. That’s the point I was making.

    3. @Aaron You know what? whatever your shriveled up little heart wants to believe? Believe it. I’m done trying to reason with conservatives, when to them facts don’t matter.

  4. How long did Trump think it would take for the madness he has sowed to show up at his own doorstep? Oh, that’s right – Trump doesn’t think.

    1. @SPZ Aruba Willful ignorance usually strikes a nerve with me – because, you clueless clowns have the right to vote. And, we all see how that turned out in 2016 – we ended up with one of the most stupid people on the planet as President of the United States.

    2. @Richard Owens You mean the tax reforming, trade reforming, CCP monopoly breaking, minority owned business creating, highest minority employment having, pollution reducing Trump. I wouldn’t have him to dinner, but until the CCP COVID coverup, no generation had it so good.

    1. The incident took place under a Democrat governor, mayor, city council, and DA. Is it that you are that indoctrinated or that opportunistic to bring Republicans into it?

    2. This is actually not true, there was a small peaceful march in Mississippi yesterday but no unrest. None. It was peaceful and calm. I am sure there are other places as well.

  5. The real Looters are corporation.😤😤😤 Leadership Matters, especially when it comes to racial inequalities.

  6. RTJ – Mike has been preaching for years its not colour ITS POWER!! the 1% has us hating on each other on for social status, skin colour, immigration, when THEY ARE THE POISON! – Love from Great Britain

  7. Take control, fill out the Census, register to vote, tell everyone to stay safe and get a ballot so they can vote by mail, and for those who still want to vote in person, vote during Early Voting, and above all use the doctor’s advice to be smart:
    S-stay home
    M-mask up when outside.
    A-avoid crowds
    R-refresh indoor air
    T-ten feet distance is better than six.
    Be as SMART as you are.

  8. Think about this for a moment, there was protests in Wyoming, North and South Dakota, Montana= total black population near zero Protested!

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