Kevin O’Leary testifies at wife’s trial over 2019 boat crash

CTV's Mike Arsalides reports from outside the court house where Kevin O'Leary has testified at his wife's trial over a boat crash in 2019.

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Kevin O'Leary testifies at wife's trial over 2019 boat crash


    1. She did consume alcohol but it doesn’t mean she was drunk. The breathalizer indicated “alert” meaning she was somewhere between 50mg – 90mg. The legal blood alcohol limit is under 80mg. As soon as someone hits 100mg there charged immediately. She could have consumed alcohol and still be under the legal limit. However the breathalizer was taken after the accident so she could have been drunk at the time then waited for there blood alcohol limit to drop before reporting it to police. It all depends on who has the better lawyer in this case.

  1. Are they still going with the Manheim defence from s3e1 of The Practice, “Passing Go” ?
    “She only drank after the accident to calm her nerves”

    1. Do we know how much of it did Mr. Wonderful had to drink to calm his nerves? But of course, he wasn’t driving the boat.

  2. 0:43 “Killommadders/umm Keelomeeters”. Lol. Does this guy argue with himself very often??

  3. The elephant in the room
    Nowadays, in many places, you can buy the favors of the law with enough money

  4. The lights were always on for the other boat. And now since their is no witnesses and because they have a lot of money. The woman will not be doing any jail time or punishment.

  5. Kevin O’Leary and his wife should be in jail if it was anybody else they’d be in jail… My memory wasn’t the best ,,because it was chaos yet when it comes to businesses his memory works what a joke.

    1. I don’t even want to think about Kevin O’Leary’s wife in a women’s prison running around in her underwear getting in tickle fights with all the other inmates.

  6. Oldest drunk driving trick. Say you took a drink after the accident to settle your nerves.
    If you are going so fast you don’t see the boat, lights or no lights, then you are going too fast.
    Kevin is trying to protect their money and reputation.

  7. Like an alpha male lets his wife drive the boat. What a farce. They’ll never get what they deserve because $$$$ trumps justice.

    1. Amen, Brother. Kevin is lucky his wife is a ride or die woman. There is no way he isn’t driving his own boat.

      You said it before I could type it…

  8. So if they did not know what they hit then then why did they ask is everyone ok and expect a response from the other boat if they don’t know what it was that they hit.

  9. I was thinking Sparks had a song on their 1973 Album “A Woofer in Tweeters Clothing” called “Beaver O’Leary” but they didn’t, it was “Beaver O’Lindy”… take that smart asses.

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