House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy is vowing to secure the border, cut back on government spending and launch rigorous investigations into the Biden administration if Republicans win the House, reflecting a mix of priorities as McCarthy will be forced to contend with an increasingly hardline and pro-Trump conference that is itching to impeach President Joe Biden. #CNN #News
Kevin McCarthy asked about impeaching Biden if GOP wins House. Hear his answer

We should cut congressmens salaries and benefits. For the taxpayer
@Michele Rocks How about the REP from Guam half way around the world /They get a travel allowance .
@michael maes Agree!
@luis velez oh sweets I have a college degree’s. Try again though. Maybe they should stop being so money hungry and actually try to help people. Both sides but especially the republicans.
@Tigerboy You have a GED at best . Whose money hungry .? the Republicans you vote for
Their salary is insignificant compared to the insider trading and corporate lobbying donations they receive. We need to ban corporate donations. All campaigns should be 100% funded by individual citizens’ donations. Nothing else. Senators and House members should be banned from trading individual stocks, no exceptions. The US has had legalized corruption for decades. Let’s call it what it is.
Wonder how much he actually believes the words he speaks
he will say anything if it suits him
Enough for the red waive…
@David Claussen Waive?
Subliminal Trump messages….hmm
@Shirley Donnelly Yep! He’s a creep, with no moral compass!
The GOP wants “accountability” except when it relates to Donald Trump or January 6th.
@Not Entirely Apathetic it was an insurrection.
This IS kind of fun, telling you the truth, knowing in the end, I’ll win.
Whatever is not convenient for them at the time, they do away with… like law and order, decency, morality, their oaths of office and to uphold the constitution.
The GOP wants accountability for everyone!!!! Your kind just wants to focus on chasing Trump for 6 years while the country goes down the drain!! Demonrats are like little school girls,right Daisy Mae?
@Mike Kelley whatever you need to tell yourself. If a three hour riot that ends by itself is an insurrection, then what would you call the months of looting, arson, destruction of property and murder in the name of social justice? A civil war? World war three perhaps?
@We Don’t Need Politicians yeah you joined 2 days ago I’m sure you’re in some room in Russia just trolling away
Hearing McCarthy talk about accountability and rule of law is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.
99% of the things that come out of McCarthy’s mouth are a joke and lies. After J6 was the only time he actually said something truthful when he said Trump is responsible for what happened and should be held to account…. before going down to Mar-A-Loco to kiss the ring and bend the knee.
@Derej Firde “when you say everyone “involved” you think that means donald trump somehow, am i right?’
if he didn’t intend to incite the insurrection, then why did he refuse to stop it despite everyone asking him to?
if nothing else, it proves he was both negligent and completely awol in a crisis.
The supreme law of the land aays: “The public debt of the United States..shall not be questioned.” 14th Amendment Section 4. Comparing this to a “credit card” is ridiculous.
Especially when half of his party is breaking the law
I’m born and raised in Kern County and am embarrassed and ashamed to say that McCarthy is also from here. Such a weak excuse of a man…
@Angel 7&11 King of the nasty comments, are we?
@Lorraine McFarland Not at all. It’s just hard to see a elected leader from my home town cowar and bow down to another man like he does and with a straight face praise the same man even after Jan 6. Makes me sick just thinking about it…. Facts
@Angel 7&11
You are Perfectly Correct!
Thank you!
The others defy any reason or
If I win the house I promise to do nothing. Promises made Promises kept.
~ Kevin Mcarthy
Biden, right?? That’s who you are speaking of??? In two years he has destroyed Americe. Let that sink in. Two. Damn. Years. Destroying. America. It will take 10 years or more to fix his screw ups.
@JaneJetson He passed more than what trump did in 4 years
@matt if anyone you know has diabetes tell them to pay the pull price
@JaneJetson Bless your heart
@xAlpaca Zeu that’s what your going with, everything is twice as high,fuel stockpile is at record lows, terrorists walking freely over the border, and the best chance of nuclear war in my lifetime, but hey insulin is cheaper for SOME people
I’m 80 years old and one thing I have learned in those years is, when someone talks incessantly and doesn’t really say anything, is they are lying and most of the time have no idea what they’re talking about.
@BaTTaN ouch OuCH there are many examples of how your conman reality TV star failed to keep his promises. don’t be sad, you’re not alone—you’re not the only sucker he duped, “he literally did everything he told Americans he would do!” is a lie I’ve heard (almost verbatim) hundreds of times.
it’s as if he had y’all hypnotized.
now saucer-eyed and compliant you tirelessly repeat his lies for him. it’s uncanny how his lies come from your mouths almost word for word. robotically?
now, this is just one because i’ve stayed too long… he promised the wall. he still talks about it all the time. the wall is one of his greatest hits. it still manages to keep the coffers filled with millions in campaign donations. talked about it before he was President. talked about it the entire 4 years he was President. still talking about the this failed promise after losing the election in 2020. how many years has he been flaunting that failure right in front of you?
this criminal liar and failure hybrid is telling you he’s a failure… he’s telling you he’s a liar.. straight to your face!
why won’t you believe him?
@Gary Golfer I’m gonna win, I’m winning, stop the vote counting, I won! Who’s with me? They stole your country! Send me $! The wacky, wavy, inflatable, arm-flailing tube man survives!
You are correct.
@V for Wombat I’m obsessed with making him President again because everything you said and everything the Democrats stand for is insane. Insurrection? That’s insulting to those of us who went through insurrections in our home countries. If President Trump had wanted to overthrow the government, he would have used the military and not boomers with flags that respect velvet ropes. No one cares about Jan 6 and we laugh when you clowns say “danger to muh democracy.” The country is in trouble right now because Democrats have ruined it, but we are about to fix that problem right now with a RED TSUNAMI!
@Robbie Hollywood is that your counter to him pointing out how your side is dividing the nation and trying to institute mob rule at the behest of your failed former president?
“Uh…. uh…. he just has dementia! Totally incomprehensible!”
What Kevin considers as wasted debt is money to help those affected and lost jobs and died under COVID. Kevin is going to do exactly what trump tells him to do.
Don’t forget Biden has cut the Debt in half. It continues on with major expenditures, but those put money in the hands of working people
@Coley w weren’t necessary? Boy you are bright
@Coley w Without PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY measures put in place during a GLOBAL PANDEMIC you can bet your bottom dollar that the death tolls would have been MUCH higher than they already are. Which, mind you, the USA is leading on even still with over 1 million out of the 6 million and counting worldwide. Most of the deaths in the USA were elderly and citizens in red states because of lack of vaccination and enforcement of safety policies.
@Coley w the more you comment, the dumber you sound. If it wasn’t for the shutdowns the deaths from Covid would be even worse than they already were. If Trump would have been a real president and done his job in the beginning of the pandemic such drastic measures might not of been necessary. I know that’s hard for you to comprehend because your obviously not very smart but something had to be done. The same people whining about what was done are the same people who would have whined if nothing was done at all and hundreds of thousands more would have died.
@Alma Mathews: Also he & rest of the GQP also considers SS, Medicare & Medicaid wasted debt!! NEVER forget that!!!
Wonder if McCarthy could tell us what bills GOP put on floor or brought to committee that would solve these problems during the past two years.
@Rick Pontificates they cut taxes for the rich. And what economic explosion? Change that name to Rick Deficates because you only spew bullshit
Wonder what bogus bills democrats brought during covid Nd then some all whilst throwing greedy paydays of their agenda in it saying the working class needs respect while disrespecting the working class at the same time… classy dem classy
@Edward Rodgerson Why 2024?Why not now?
Nothing. They’ll never have any solutions to anything.
ZERO! not only McCarthy all the Repulicons! All they done is hate and threatened and lie! That’s their platform and it will get worse! And ugly!
McCarthy: Washington has so much wasteful spending.
Me: Like paying over $100 million for secret service to rent rooms and golf carts at the presidents properties? Or over $100 million for secret service to fly around the world so the presidents kids can make hundreds of millions of dollars in business deals? What about all of the tax dollars spent on Big Macs only to have them thrown at a wall during a temper tantrum?
@LD not to mention- every time there is a Dem in the WH our personal debt skyrockets!!
@Albert Deleon Same amount as Biden’s Depends!
@Tobias Birmingham Cite source??
@thrasher vids listen to Fox News much? Ask me how I know that? I listen to it sometimes too and all your points sounds like you just shut it off. AOC is ONE person and we know her and Biden disagree on ALOT of things. First and foremost defunding the police. Biden has 1000% said he DOES NOT support defunding the police. He was ridiculed by many Democrats for that stance. Turn the channel a few times, you’ll learn a thing or two. Secondly, you REALLY think that pipeline was going to make us energy independent? That pipeline was going to increase oil production by 1%, if we were lucky. That much production only endangered people’s lives (similar to the 300,000 ton spill in 2019 after Trump restarted it back up) but the oil companies would have made money off of it but our independence, no, that wasn’t going to do it. Lastly, you can tell from the mountain tops that Biden supports open borders but you’re wrong. You do realize he was part of Obama’s administration that was responsible for more deportations than Trump’s and Bush’s administration right? So how in the HELL could he do that but be supportive of open borders? Again, has he done everything right, absolutely NOT but just regurgitating talking points that aren’t remotely based in fact does no one any good.
@James McDonald the reason why trump didn’t have to deport as many as Obama is because during Obama we didn’t have the wall the border was way less secure than what it was during trump. Again biden had the decision to either open the border or keep trumps policies in place he decided to throw them out and open the border he had the choice to sign the order and he did. Sure he was part of Obamas administration so what? He isn’t Obama. He wasn’t the president at that time Obama was. Biden is a weak leader our country is a complete mess nobody can argue that our economy was good during trump. The minuet biden stepped in office if you look at the inflation data which the liberals love to blame biden for it the inflation started going up when biden took office and way before the war in Ukraine bidens policies and mass government spending is to blame.
He says curb spending. He means to make Social Security and Medicare DISCRETIONARY SPENDING Which is code for ELIMINATE Social Security and Medicare
@EXTREME MAGA Wait until you getting old as I am and unable to find the job. My saving for retirement was wiped out once I the employer got rid of due to higher insurance premium. Maybe you have to go through this life learning to understand that policy to back up the old and aging body without families to support you. Or you became disable and lost your income with no where to turn for help. May your wish come through to have the hardship life experience.
@EXTREME MAGA ” it was bad policy from the start”
sure,it only let americans live decades longer than they otherwise would have.
i can see how MAGA folks think ppl living longer is bad.
They already said they will do a government shut down to force it.
He said ‘curve’ spending, actually. Educated in America !!
Pray and VOTE VOTE VOTE!! Stop allowing half of our politicians to manipulate and take away our rights
@Wen Ku what has the Inflation Reduction Act or the American Rescue Plan or Relieving Student Loan Debt done negatively for u?
What rights? The free speech and right to own guns? Repubs will protect those rights,don’t worry,Jasper!!
@David Eby “What rights? The free speech and right to own guns? Repubs will protect those rights,’
err, no.
it was trump who signed a law limiting bump stocks.
republicans have been trying to pass laws left and right to curtail free speech.
for fk’s sake,they tried to make insulting cops illegal.
then there was this summer: dems tried to pass laws protecting your right to marry and your right to use contraception.
republicans blocked both of those.
they have already openly talked about making contraception illegal.
republicans dont’ want to protect rights.
they want to rescind them.
Dobbs proved that.
@V for Wombat Repubs protect rights!!! You’re just mad you can’t abort a full term baby,Dr Mengele
I am sure these programs have given hope to some people even though there is NO evidence presently that these programs are working as Joe Biden has promised they would. The legislation was just passed so NO one has seen any benefits from them. There hasn’t been that much time passed for these programs to kick in. This doesn’t stop Biden from weaving the notions that benefits are being produced. It is an election year and the Dems NEED for the American people to believe their legislation works, even though NOT enough time has passed. If they lie to you on this, they will lie about everything. The Dems lie to remain in power.
I still want to know what Biden has done that is “impeachable”. Honestly it just feels like they are butthurt that they lost still.
@Odes2Bees Changing border policies and fucking up an already doomed military operation are hardly impeachable offenses. As for corruption? what?
@Odes2Bees Everything you said is 100% wrong L o l
Exactly,he didn’t do anything,is j7st that the crazy maga wants Biden gone,so that they can bring Trump back.
@Tracey Geer I also want to know at least one thing.
@Odes2Bees so… baseless talking points on thing you blindly disagree on? You realize Trump negotiated the Afghanistan pullout, right? And there’s been no real changes to any border policy for you to be crying about. Plus seizures of drugs is up, so what “dereliction” is taking place?
Noticed McCarthy never mentioned the $1.5 trillion tax cut for the super rich when discussing getting our house in order?
Per year…
Wow I didn’t know if you had a business that has a yearly net income of $60 grand you are the super rich. How amazing.
Which did not pay for itself and helped raise the debt by almost 8 trillion during Trump’s presidency. And without a word of complaint from McCarthy!
@Lorraine McFarland
I’m so Sick of their Hypocracy!
Despicable Political Party
I laughed when he said there was a lot of “wasteful spending in Washington”. Yeah,Kevin,like paying your salary.
He’s a waste of space which makes his salary (and all the graft) even more despicable.
FACTS! lol

We should start by demanding term limits for members of the House and the Senate.
Agreed!! This needs to happen so people like McConnell can’t spend their lifetimes destroying things from the inside out.
How can Trump run again ? that’s wrong !!
Did you vote for Biden? If you voted for Biden,a 40 year bad politician,you don’t want term limits.
What do you think the chances are that the senate will pass legislation to cut their own throats?
Supreme Court justices as well!
I literally just choked on my food. He really said accountability? Wow, after trump he didn’t get to even say that word. It holds no weight for him nor republicans anymore.
Didn’t he refer to his kneeling and kissing Trump’s


What McCarthy really means by “accountability” is revenge on the Democrats and excusing members of his own party for their abhorrent disregard.
@Radka Hunter AMEN!!!!!!!
How do you have the nerve to talk about “Lies” now and you are the Party Of Lies..I mean trump?
Remind me what trump did?
Kevin wants convenient accountability, only if it’s convenient for his party
McCarthy wants to “give more funding to police” but then rallies around the insurrectionists that literally beat police officers half to death on J6.
@LD please give me a little time, I just had Herschel Walker’s baby
@Chuckle Head
Had the baby?! You mean Walker didn’t pressure and pay to abort the fetus?
@Chuckle Head I just had a great out-loud chuckle when I read your comment. Thanks!
letting him off the hook about allowing someone as dangerous as MTG to serve on committees if they win is beyond me
I totally agree! Terrible reporting!
He deflected quick when she mentioned the debt ceiling raising under Trump lmao