Ketanji Brown Jackson: Senate holds final vote on confirmation

The Senate confirmed Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court on Thursday afternoon, making her the 116th justice – and first Black woman – to serve on the nation's highest court.

RELATED: Biden announces Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as Supreme Court nominee

The Senate's historic vote was 53-47 with three Republicans – Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Mitt Romney of Utah joining every member of the Democratic caucus in voting for her confirmation.

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Ketanji Brown Jackson: Senate holds final vote on confirmation


  1. This is the day the Lord has made and let us rejoice and be glad in it! Congratulations, Madam Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson! Amen!

    1. @Old Kid Lol, how some people can’t write or mention anything without the socially constructed word ” race” It doesn’t exist.

    1. disagree and unbelievable anybody voted for her , this is why they should have recall elections on All politicians

  2. Justice KBJ. Congrats girl.

    She’s gonna be make a superb Associate Justice of The Supreme Court.

    Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson. 😌 that sounds lovely. I had to hear myself say it again once more.

    1. May we be protected from any S .C. J .who cannot distinguish between a
      Man or Woman
      so presumably assumes every witness has the same problem with all the consequences that has for witness testimony in many even the most
      intimate of contexts.The implications for Justice(!?) are obvious

    2. disagree and unbelievable anybody voted for her , this is why they should have recall elections on All politicians

    1. @Old Kid Very qualified by birthright and social justice? That has to be the most ignorant thing I think I have ever read.

    2. disagree and unbelievable anybody voted for her , this is why they should have recall elections on All politicians

    3. @Massudd decat Nice grammar. Show’s how tuned into things you are. She has more qualifications than the current Justices. Her judicial career spans longer than 4 of the justices COMBINED.

  3. She will do great, and can finally breath a bit, holy crap it feels we just battled forever to get her to this point.

  4. Ketanji Brown Jackson ( You Got The Best Of My Love ) ❤ Congratulations
    They tried but They could not stop the Outcome

  5. And Still We Rise!! Congratulations and God Bless to the Honorable Associate Supreme Court Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson!! Thank you to you and your family for your sacrifices, service, and representation!!

    1. disagree and unbelievable anybody voted for her , this is why they should have recall elections on All politicians

    1. All people are created equal!
      Now go and procure yourself some beans!
      Soon all your kind will be paper-pushers!

  6. Lindsey Graham was so mad, he had to find a reason to lie not to be in chambers 🤭… I LOVE IT…..That he definitely showed how disgruntled, and upset about it ALL he is. Don’t he know we’re watching how pissed off he is, and it’s making us laugh even MORE.

  7. We are so grateful for this young lady that is more then qualified to do the right things for our country she is going to do a great job and our nation will benefit

    1. How do you figure that!?!? – She blatantly refused to answer the questions Americans deserved her answers too before gaining a LIFETIME position in the SCOTUS!

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