John Kerry, the United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, has begun three days of meetings with his Chinese counterparts ahead of a leaders' summit on the environment to be held by President Joe Biden later in April. CNN's Steven Jiang reports and Rosemary Church speaks with former Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd, about the significance of these efforts.
#CNN #News
Kerry has a bigger carbon footprint in one day than most have in a year.
@Ivar Brouwer if this admistration doesn’t get it together we won’t have to deal with climate change because Russia or China will take care of it for us.
John Freedman anti China propaganda from epoch times, that is not a reliable source, China is rising, USA is falling, and the world will be a better place
MyNameIsJeff 123 there is no genocide in China, this is western lies and misinformation, Uighur have better access to healthcare and education than USA citizens
MyNameIsJeff 123 USA was built on genocide and slavery, china is morally superior
John Freedman let’s talk about usa military burn pits
John Kerry should be on an episode of the show BOTCHED
He used to be on the sitcom The Munsters. He played Herman Munster.
Same for are those old fossils in dc
@M Hall didn’t he also do a part in another one? A character named Lurch?
@Vital Signs
. Yes The Adam’s Family. 
Kerry visits after “slapping” China with delegates visit to taiwan
Gotta try. What else can you do.
LOL…..The Biden Administration’s new “bagman” since Hunter is on his book tour.
Uncle Joe named Hunter after he had to hunt a preschooler he was porking in the park urinal
The “big guy” gets 10%. He’ll throw some blow, hunter’s way.
Hi, can we get more coverage about that Brooklyn Center, Minnesota BLM
protest please ? Interested to see what happened there, heard one of
your crew was present, but I can’t find anything about it here
Thats against CNNs narrative. We cant be having that
CNN doe’s not tell the truth- I think they have a large black audience, and won’t offend them. You suck CNN it’s all catching up to you
CNN film crew was attacked by the BLM in Minnesota including one of the members got smacked on top the head by a frozen water bottle
They are afraid of their black viewers, and democrats…They are an opinion news outlet. No more real news
M Hall Hitler and trump both use the term “fake news”
(3:08) That guy wearing the glasses is good at Chinese Mandarin…..He’s all over YT showing off his Mandarin
“I think there’s an art to manipulation. Inflection, saying things twice – there’s little subtleties to how to manipulate people…I mean, it’s enough to change the world, you know?”
Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director
Sounds like right wing propaganda.
“If it bleeds it leads”
#ExposeCNN #ProjectVeritas
I rest my case.
CNN Director Caught on Hidden Camera Saying The Network is ‘Trying to Help’ BLM By Only Pushing Stories That Implicate White People and that reporting about black on Asian hate crimes would “set back” BLM, which they wouldn’t want. This is what editors & producers of CNN say behind closed doors.
@Daniel Berger
Yawn. Lies of project ‘veritas’.
Kerry sees common ground with most nations guilty of human rights abuse.
I am a you-tuber from China, God bless the kind American People
Lol. No you’re not. You tube is a banned platform in China just ike Twitter.
Thank you for the bat soup.
No ccp troll
Thanks Batman
How much ketchup and mustard did China promise to buy from Kerry’s wife?
Xi Jinping can’t stop laughing since last November 3!
In China they called trump “comrade who helps build the Chinese nation” you got fooled by a demagogue con man, sorry
@Ivar Brouwer
It’s farmers, they stupidly vote GOP every time. So let them suffer for it.
@jeck jeck – sorry dude I thought you were reacting to me earlier.. yes I agree, they got what they deserved for voting GOP.
jeck jeck it was funny when republicans were complaining about biden giving money to black farmers in the rescue package after trump gave white corporate farms billions because they were hurt by his trade war
Ivar Brouwer also all these republicans were complaining about jobs lost on keystone pipeline, but didn’t hear a peep about all the jobs lost from trumps misguided trade war
Oh,…any riots last night in Brooklyn Center?
Maybe hypocrite Kerry could lead by example and have all his wife’s Hienz ketchup plants run on solar.
Hey! Lurch What’s your mode of Transportation?
“I think there’s an art to manipulation…Inflection, saying things twice — there’s little subtleties to how to manipulate people…I mean, it’s enough to change the world, you know?”
@Teresa Ellis
The irony of your words.
@jeck jeck …sadly..our country is decaying from all can’t see it.Well,you will just have to live with the results
@Teresa Ellis
Ironic, from the ones who are the core of said decay.
@jeck jeck ..sorry that reteric does not work ..your words mean nothing.We know we are strong,law abiding citizens who love this country.Your banter doesn’t work..we know who we are..we know what we are.
@jeck jeck just imagine..the left..being called to defend this nation.They would have to get up,listen to authority and follow directions…they would be so offended…scarey thought to say the least
Imagine that, now that Biden is in office, Kerry is back on the stage looking to get rich with his Carbon tax credit scheme.
Xi Jinping has to be laughing right now.
Parents make your children learn Mandarin.
They are going to need it.
Long live great leader Xi
Buried deep within the heart of every conflict lies a territory called “common ground” but how do we summon the courage to seek its order