Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth said someone called in to the station asking if he would deputize armed citizens to patrol the city amid recent protests to which he said, "oh hell no."
#CNN #News
Kenosha sheriff on deputizing armed citizens: ‘Oh hell no’

This guy should be fired for making the police incompetent. Kenosha sheriff is an absolute fool.
so they can afford that armored truck but not body cams got it
@steven campbell “The cops know exactly who the bad cops are. They need to clean their ranks, starting with the cops.”
I don’t know who the bad cops are.
1) The police union may protect the bad cops. The police union may be evil.
2) The cops know who the bad cops are, but they cannot do anything about the bad cops.
3) The cops know who the bad cops are, but they choose to do nothing about it.
4) Civilian Police Oversight Agency (CPOA) can do something about the bad cops.
5) Citizens can submit complaint to the CPOA.
Is this reform good enough for you?
How would you like to improve the police system?
@Tom Ceman
6)CPOA will use three strikes you’re out mandate retrospectively.
7)The complete record of all officers will be made transparent to the CPOA.
Yes, that a start to commence after the initial purge.
Havnt you seen all the burnt police cruisers and suvs?
@Roe Young no, it’s the lying and half told truths.
@Mike Redner it’s the lying and half told truths.
Who is lying? Who is telling the half truth? Are you a liar?
HIS MOTHER’S NAME IS JULIA JACKSON. For God’s sake can’t you even get that right when you looked at your notes???
@Margaret Nicol Seriously.
It’s in the past
He doesn’t care about her name any more than he cares about her son.
She’s a black mother he doesn’t need to know her name the right way. Using her name any damn way to tell black people and others to be cool calm adaptable and compliant. You either stay behind closed doors or the year the Enemy of the State. It’s just another black person that’s been shot and they’re lucky he’s dead
Lmao is that George Taylors cousin?
Damn! You wonder why people don’t trust police.
I fully trust our policing agencies where I live. We have some great people on our forces.
The criminals don’t trust the police. Normal people do.
@orecoast 1961 Oh by the way, here’s a suggestion, you call people stupid and you call them morons, yet your inability to punctuate sentences with commas and periods in there proper places, or failing to correctly utilise punctuation at all seems to corroborate the idea that it’s you who could use some additional education, think about that the next time you call somebody else stupid…!!!
@Rockout 10000 So you trust crooked cops that kill and mame blacks and push seniors to the ground?
@Colin Davis So you prefer to be called an idiot???
They’ll investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing.
Rusten T Sheshkey
1907 21st St
Kenosha WI 53140-1874
(262) 524-8065
Fixed Voip #
Potential Family Members:
Spencer Edward Sheskey
Sue M Sheskey
Thomas M Sheskey
Probably because “there was NO wrongdoing” with the exception of the violent leftists, antifa, and blm terrorists!
You know the diff between the city, county and state? Jaggoff.
Because there was none
@RTQ they are all the government
It appears that the cop emptied his whole clip into the dudes back. WTF?
@t1tacal Not really considering after the above commenter I did research and told him I was wrong. As a matter of fact, in the future I will be running with one in the chamber in my glock. I have a Blackhawk holster they gives you a straight finger draw anyway
@t1tacal I never did it before because thats what I learned from the Marine Corps: dont run around with a condition 1 weapon unless you’re ready to rock n roll
@philster611 Tasers Very often fail to work but still make a noise of “i better stop what im doing” but Jacob Blake refused to do any of that.
@snipo So he calmly walks to his car where his kids are. And then a paranoid racist white cop shoots him in the back. And now the victim blaming from the racist Trump supporting whites flows out like diarrhoea.
really, but you butt hurt whiners know there is 15 in a standard err “high capacity” magazine err “clip”. WTF is with your total ignorance D?
The officer should be charged with 7 counts of attempted murder — one for each round he fired.
Ammo Can cops aren’t judge and jury. They can’t decide if someone is a criminal. What was this man’s crime? Resisting arrest? Why was he being arrested? You don’t know. They could have been violating his rights before they shot him.
@12 34 your a prime example of why people of color are getting shot resisting arrest is posing a threat which takes the officer to another level of Defense and it’s his choice to use deadly or physical. I said his choice because very rarely do you see a female officer trying to Duke it out with a Criminal. Which is another reason they shouldn’t be police officers. They say you live in learn but maybe not I thought everyone knew any time you run resist arrest Etc on that level with police officers they knew the choice and the risk they were taking could be deadly. So let’s put it this way everyone in America knows now the risk you take when you resist arrest!
Joe Nesser “resisting arrest poses a threat to the officer.” So? The officer poses a threat to the man walking away. I don’t see why the officer’s life is more valuable.
@12 34 well like I said now you know better
12 34 you’re an idiot.
It’s called “DUE PROCESS UNDER THE LAW!!!! “SOME” Cops have become KILLERS in BLUE UNIFORMS!!!!!
@philster611 you dont have the right to burn other peoples properties down and attack them in the streets just because someone got shot while resisting arrest. but yes, we all have the right to question
@Apathetic Apparition May I remind you of history. The Boston Massacre, Tea party. They didn’t have the right to protest or riot either.But they did. And no one is disowning them.
It’s also been established that the rioters are not connected to the protesters and are scapegoating them. Which is a typical of the Reichstag fire incident.
@philster611 wow
@Apathetic Apparition See the similarity?
@philster611 … you should review your words before hitting reply. according to you, this is a violent revolution, but also a government conspiracy comparable to the reichstag fire… or maybe its just kristallnacht, and your brown shirt buddies, or antifa or blm or whatever theyre calling themselves this century, arent as righteous as theyd have you believe.
None of this matters now. You are no longer credible.
“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” – Frederick Douglass
preach. this country will never be right.
@Couch Empire Slavery was abolished a very, very long time ago. Why are you living in the past instead of the present?
Don’t pretend like black people are still slaves in America. There are wealthy black people all over America, black people who didn’t buy in to the victim mentality and became successful people in life. The only thing holding the black race back are the blacks themselves, the ones who feel like they are owed everything for free.
It’s called entitlement mentality- and it’s way too common in inner-city America where the majority of black people don’t work and leech of the government.
Leeching off the government puts a burden on the working class however, because the working class is taxed to death to pay the unemployed and unemployable.
It’s a broken system.
What made you vote for Kamala Harris? Something tells me it was because the color of her skin. If you want to see what a racist looks like Couch Empire, take a good look in the mirror.
@M Jones Virtue signalling how much you hate virtue signalling is even more pathetic. Did that internet comment make you feel “hard”? Like a man?
Great Choice!
@Tracy Sutton It’s called “The Domino Effect” that’s what the quote is referring to, not what’s right or wrong with the aftermath of that first domino
I wish they would make as much effort to stop unjust police shootings and to bring bad cops to justice as they do getting ready for protest, which are the result of unjust police shootings and lack of accountability.
if only these idiots actually put there hands up and complied. instead they resist and get shot. stop defending idiots
@Apathetic Apparition you mean like this guy…who was literally shot..while unarmed…literally laying on his back on the ground..with his hands up…not even under arrest…had not committed a single crime whatsoever?
@2 Gunz Films random example is random
100% ditto
I mean Republicans have tried introducing reform but Dems filibustered it and then started calling them lazy. So yeah.
You know you are being oppressed when you can’t question the narrative, right?
Ok FBI. You better wear sunscreen.
@Ancel Rick
Press it to doubt.
@Voice Of Reality I did. Nothing happened. Do you press it hard or soft?
well said
so a 17-year old w/ a AR-15 past curfew gets a water bottle?
SunRae* ** A psychopath? Are you stupid? He made every attempt to avoid shooting someone.
orecoast 1961 Because people are attacking other people out there as well as threatening his safety and well-being and life and he chose the best weapon for the job.
Julian Searcie he didn’t illegally possess an AR 15. What was his motivation? Don’t be stupid don’t say it was to try and kill people. Because he went out of his way to avoid killing people.
NOS Nitr2ous Actually no it’s very legal please
orecoast 1961 Yeah well. When you can’t call the cops…the next best thing.
Sheriff you are the bad people!!! Your officers aid and abetted a murder to escape.
the mother called the police multiple times because the guy keeps assaulting her.
Yup they sure did.
Funny how they want honest dialogue after shootings instead of before to prevent them.
@M. Romero
Wow you mean those baddies you punks call for when you get an owie or set yourselves on fire? Vs calling for your mommie?
@Maria-Cecilia Peon
Bring it. Did not end well for democrats last time.
@J S EDUCATION a socialist value? And tolerance too? They are the necessary tools for any civilization!
@Maria-Cecilia Peon
Wow, and how tolerant is the CCP?
@M. Romero I for one, disagree with both of you boneheads, you both have twisted logic..
The shootings are always being investigated is always being turned over to a grand jury and they’re always getting off
Police unions
I love you liberal wouldn’t last five minutes with these angry, tough, assaultive community folks in the hood
Every fckn time.
@Dave Arnold sounds familiar against a black folk…. Hmmmmm…
@KojiGaming White people can’t judge base on facts when it comes to skin color, they even did studies on this. Lol
They’re more worried about burning buildings versus their office is killing people
Every capitalist is more worried about burning buildings then human lives. Human lives are cheap and replaceable.
ur right. those people who own businesses deserve to have their things burnt and looted any time a cop shoots someone. how dare they resist! it must all burn because he police used a gun!!! we arent seizing the means of production, we’re burning and looting it!
so true
@Alex M these businesses are the work of human lives.
And they should be
When did this country start allowing under age kids walk through the streets. Peaceful protesters don’t carry guns but kkk white children can carry guns is like going backward. We are not going backwards by no means
Pamela Miles black guns matter, and we have piles of them.
well said
Fact .The peaceful protesters shot first.
@eric hughes & people like you keep lying
It’s called keep and bear Arms the the rioters are burning down property! Firearm owners are not going to stand for it anymore! Criminals need to stop obey the law! Law enforcement officers that go to far need to be held accountable! Black people need to wake up and get educated so you are not out there in the community getup in trouble!!
The people have a right to publicly protest and address their grievances with the government….. such as the gratuitous shooting of an unarmed man in the back by “law enforcement”. If you had trained your policemen better, and developed a better attitude within the police force you wouldn’t by seeing the damage and violence that now besets the city you are supposed to protect and serve. The police shot first, then the police supported vigilantes shot second. Now you want us to believe its the fault of the protesters, two of which died at the hands of your out of state vigilante buddies. Who you did not apprehend even though he was carrying a semi automatic weapon. And then you cry about the damages….. it’s your fault. Resign, and or go to jail. You have no credibility.
yes it was their fault sure not all of the protesters but they attacked the kid
@1000000000 views perhaps but the kid didn’t have to put himself in that situation to begin with, he was clearly not prepared for. just cause he had a gun and maybe even the right to carry – doesn’t mean he was prepared. did he have training for crowd control, did he have training for a volitile situation. was he called up to help because he’s delt with situations like that before, or was he just another but case looking for an excuse to kill someone. and yes your all dumb for supporting him. cause you don’t have the right to kill someone for taunting you in any situation. protest or not – not matter who that person maybe. a saint it a scumbag, a man of God, or a man with a criminal past. and that’s just bullshit and a go to when you know your wrong. dragging up criminal history. so according to you numbnuts out there who believe the kid did no wrong and the bring up the victims past as an excuse for him being shot. do any of you have any criminal past? do if someone kills you then it’s okay cause you got the history – right. and if that’s your reasoning then everyone with any criminal past juvi or adult should be shot. pretty damn stupid thinking. how do you know the mind of that kid, do you know him personally, oh wait he had a gun and wants to be a cop do that makes him a” good ole boy”. so if this is what cops support and what future cops are going to be about – then cops just reinforced what BLM has been fighting against for years. smart cops – NOT!

@Mike James idc he was their to protect businesses from being destroyed and help protesters with first aid good enough for me and crowd control? how are you suppose to control a crowd that wants to beat you and posibly kill you nor do i care if he knew how “crowd control” he was protecting businesses and helping protesters with first aid also you think he shot them becuase they were taunting him? did you even watch the video bruh? and when did i mention the rioters past?
That Sheriff is supposed to resign for referring to Black people with racist epithets!
Oh put it back in the deck
i hope he’s fired!
What he say
@Chris Donahue something out of context no doubt
Apathetic Apparition but what did he say?