Lori Williams says Alta. Premier Jason Kenney's recent comments and decision to lift restrictions may end up 'emboldening' demonstrators.
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For the last time, it’s not about the vaccines it’s about the mandates
Which have 0 to no impact on freedoms and rights
Stop even watching this crap tbh. Download rumble
@Zach Carter Stop smoking crack
How is restoring freedoms and rights that should never have been taken away controversial?
Thanks for the feedback btw. Love when someone can properly defend their stance…..
Guess not eh
Lots of commitment in this conversation…
Well done?
@Zach Carter this coming from the guy admitted he is trolling this video
Poor Zach……
@Zach Carter poor Zach
No No No – it`s Trudeau`s actions over the past 2 weeks.
Where is Mister Ford ? you know ,that overweight guy.
No, PM Blackface emboldened the convoy when he hid under his bed for 2 weeks.
No he showed them all the respect theyre due lol. May their trucks be impounded and may the next vaccines be tested on them, in a facility hidden somewhere
@Jared MooreNo need to use them for testing. Lobotomites like you do it for free
99.5% of viewers don’t like it lol….
Less than 15% actually
@Zach Carter working tirelessly I see. Times must be tough
could may speculatuin art best so she has no idea what she is talking about. Just her opinion.
Quarterly boosters, quarterly earnings report, sounds like fascism to me.
That’s actually just capatilsm
“Fascism is when the government does stuff”
How much is Trudeau giving this commentator for giving favourable views?
I don’t know but I’ve made hundreds of thousands with “donations” for the convoy
Out of touch lady working from home from Mount Royal University, stop it.
Kenney just finally knows who he works for
Ya right don’t fall for this crap. He’s trying to secure his job and its way to late for that
He has to go.
Lori Williams, I an so grateful for your speech. You must have access to the COVID 19 Virus sequencing. Would you kindly publish it? I tied to email you, but your email address doesn’t work.
Informed consent without coercion!
International and Canadian law.
Nuremberg, you will be judged!
He has to drop everything now is what he needs to do right now
It’s time to start taking the names of these leaders down I’m bringing them to trial.
Stock/crypto market is a place where business should work hard for our investment to multiply, while we relax avoid continuously tracking our investment everyday, weekends, night, allow compounding to happen,this can only take place with the right pro katherine CFR
It shows he’s actually listening. And other Premiers are starting to do the same. We need more of this.
You should be talking about Trudeau calling anto-vaxxers misogynists and racists… doors anyone know the meaning of the term racist anymore?
Education can’t be superseded by uneducated and not just hesitant but actually person’s pointing fi gers at anyone smarter on the subject and experts, our healthcare system teams highly educated in science
There’s no lack of education available. But it requires a certain level of education to even understand it. This is high-level science, stats, math,
How about this headline instead “Trudeau’s marginalization of millions of Canadians inflame protests”
No worries. I doubt the truckers have ever heard of the word “embolden”