The Strategy Session panel discusses the Conservative leadership campaign, including Jason Kenney's endorsement of Erin O'Toole.
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What? Is this some kind of a joke? Some guy named O’toole? Endorsed by a guy that can’t even spell Kenny right? What are we in the frkn twilight zone? Just when I thought we had enough tools trying to run the country LMFAO
Who would you support
Oh let’s hope we don’t have to wait that long , the libs have already destroyed Canada, we can’t wait that long .
Just ask a veteran about
This message is for “ Silver spoons” you had better be out there with bells on ! Next time I go down there! Do I make myself perfectly cleaner ?
Lib/Con two headed snake , just boring political theater and bad acting, pass the popcorn.
silly humans open your eyes
He would be. But he wont win. Hes great. Doesnt mean he’ll win – Canada 2019 to the future…….
Peter McKay thought he was a contender again.
Erin O’Toole is the next Prime Minister.
Who do we want to drive the economy into a ditch, O’Tool or MacKay ,because that is the only question when talking Tories,they never saw an economy they couldn’t ruin.
Lmao. The Liberals and their ridiculous policies have destroyed Canada’s economy. Now Warren Buffet has fled Canada with his billions in investment in Quebec. They allow illegal activists to shut down the country. They ran up the biggest deficit, not in a war or depression, Are you really that ill informed or are you just brainwashed. I’m not sure any of these conservatives will do better but who could possibly do worse
@Millie Me All I know is that if you look at the history of Canada ,what you will find is that every time the Tories are in charge of the economy they run it into a ditch.The Tories ,seem to me, to be too doctrinaire,they get an idea in their heads and even when it’s going wrong they won’t change course,that isn’t how you run a successful economy.
Erin O’TOOLE has my vote!
Mackay Is not a conservative. He’s a liberal in conservative clothing. He also threw Andrew Scheer under the bus, this proves to me he’s not to be trusted.
Why isn’t anyone talking about john Robsons article in the National Post
If MacKay wins the cons won’t get my vote and they will not win an election again, would have liked if Pierre P stayed in running but would trust Erin O .
Gee and the VIRUS seems rather SUSPECT HUH? Purposely Released EH! Massive Massive corruption going on!
I would’ve like to see Poilievre stay in there
Albert me too. So much.
ontario is never gonna change because of ford
Screw Ottawa Alberta needs to separate . Enough said .
I hope and pray MacKay does not win. I’m really praying. MacKay will be just more of liberal rhetoric. He is such a libcon.
I am tired of you so-called leaders eating steak and using loud words to prove your worthy. Well you are not worthy. We expect teamwork to get the most optimum solutions, pull your weight or go home. We don’t need words.