Emmy Award winning documentary filmmaker Ken Burns reacts to modern politics and explains why he thinks “this is the most fraught time in the history of our republic.”
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#MSNBC #KenBurns #Politics
If it wasn’t for conspiracy theories the GQP would have no theories at all.
@Billy Pardew Ok Billy boy the famous Russian troll tell us what conspiracy theories from the right have ever panned out? Since you notoriously spam comments with right wing crap let’s hear your spin? c’mon let’s hear it?
they would have the stark full on disinformation like “socialism is communism is liberalism” tropes they’ve been using since WWII and somehow suckers and boomers obsessed with the military still think makes their old D’s hard
@Hunter Roberts whatever you’re standing in Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia turn off for you you’re still eating a bowl of s*** over that one I bet that taste good how about this one the origins of the coronavirus came from the Wuhan Institute of virology the same virus that dr. Anthony fauci studied for years and has funded for years there was no election fraud LOL you want to bet and not just a little bit either massive voter fraud now whenever you’re ready big boy I’m ready to play
@Billy Pardew You keep pushing the same crap as Russian trolls so if the shoe fits you must be wearing it. You certainly are not an American that respects the constitution or the concept of democracy. Trump is a russian stooge and you are backing him all the way so yea you must be a Russian troll.
@Billy Pardew здесь я переведу на ваш родной язык, чтобы было легче понять. Вы тролль, являетесь ли вы гражданином США или нет, вы определенно не патриот и поддерживаете лживого преступника.
The clown’s clowders’ crazily crave the fat cat.
National story teller to a T…True and sought after American! Thank you Ken Burns
We would do ourselves a favor by educating the ignorant so as they don’t fall victim to the likes of a conman such as Donald Trump in the future.
You cannot teach those that do not want to learn.
Education takes time….and the time’s up.
Well that’s funny we were thinking the same thing about you
If any of you were educated you wouldn’t vote for a Communist Democrat
sadly, rule number one of Fascist Fight Club is “do not talk about education because the cult throws you out”
Hey GOP;
“Better to be alone than keep bad company” – George Washington.
Thanks MSNBC, Ken’s the man!
@frutbum p , do you even know who he voted for or you just assuming based on your whitewashing conditioning
@frutbum p
@frutbum p gaslighting biden voters like Trump cultists simply doesn’t work, Boris. Try harder.
@BlondeGirlSez This help me out, tell me where I’m gaslighting?
@BlondeGirlSez This you mean to say the Bidenites aren’t religious?
Ken burns a soft spoken man with the knowledge to backup what he said,
It’s so good to hear voices like Ken Burns in the times, to remind us we are better than we are now and that history shows what we are experiencing has happened to others in the past.
A FTM Like most famous ppl.
This country needs to find a way to get corporate money out of Washington.
it was in HR-1 which the GOP and Manchin killed. Would have killed Citizens United!
@Mauser found this in your homepage comments:
“Troll account. Nothing but shilling and ignorance. Just report, ignore and don’t engage.”
I will express my sincerest middle finger to the poster though…ha…ha
@BlondeGirlSez This Correct. But he did it for “bipartisanship” Hes an absolute disgrace.
@T. R. Campbell
Of course repuglicons will back a bill with Democrats on a Asian hate bill. It’s in their best interests, and Moscow Mitch’s wife is Asian. Your pathetic attempt to bolster repuglicons pitiful image is sad to say the least. Now stop playing with your mommy’s computer and go play in traffic with your little zombie friends!
@George B So the Democrats voted for the bill because it was in our best interest? I don’t believe so. Both Republicans and Democrats backed the Bill because it was a good bill. That was the key right there, it was a good bill. I have been criticized for my spelling but your spelling is atrocious. I am highly offended by your reference to my mother, she passed away years ago, your reference is despicable. Your hate and your bitterness is showing.
this is truly sad. you are witnessing the watershed moment in American and human history. I hope we can pass through intact
Something’s got to give. It’s just a matter of time until we see what.
Me too! It’s sad and worrisome.
History is becoming a choose your own path story. For me it will be a dystopian horror novel.
Ken Burns is a national treasure.
@Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov The troll factory has pulled out it’s big guns. I’m impressed, thanks.
@Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Lenin was hunted down and killed by Stalin in Mexico so maybe read some history comrade
Ken Burns is a thinking man’s rock star.
And thinking womans.
@Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov homepage reads: “Joined 16 Jul 2021″….yesterday….KGB troll with blank homepage tabs
Screen name is true name of Vladimir Lenin.
Excellent Intelligent Articulate Professional Discourse on this important matter. Cheers from Michael. Australia.
This was a brief and WOW interview…
“Sanitized, Madison Avenue version of our history”
A bit of Woodie Guthrie, Mark Twain, & Will Rogers rolled into one. When Ken crafts, people should listen.
Sadly, just as laws are obeyed by the law abiding and ignored by the lawless, so the humility and humanity that should flow from knowledge, perspective and history, Ken’s material, will be always unavailable to those who lack and disavow it.
And scholarship/ research. Remember those stunning letters from the Civil War battle fields?
@Kimberly Crichton Yep! And Shelby Foote. Riveting commentaries.
Ken finally looks like an adult. I hopes he lives a long healthy life.
I was thinking the same thing, his haircut and goatee are very becoming
Very distinguished on the outside, yet he is always been distinguished on the inside.
As a soldier who watch the Vietnam series he did on AFN in Germany, I became the biggest fan of the genius of a man. History is just that…”His Story”.
History is how a fan of Churchill may have referred to that man. His Tory. I get what you’re saying and agree with it but I couldn’t resist

If only the GQP read history instead of looking at crystals for the future.
If only….
Weird how Q co-opted so many “hippies” through alternative -medicine- facts. I’ve lost almost all of my old friends – first to go was the bikers, then the crystal critters. I hope they wake up, I miss them
They prefer their “info” fed to them with a side of lies, corruption, greed. Self-appointment for dessert!
Lying about or even denying a loss you suffered is not a sign of strength, but quite the opposite. The weak always blame others for their own mistakes and shortcomings.
I have always loved Ken Burns’ documentaries. Now, having seen this and heard him, I have even more respect for the man.