1. _”What we do in these next 10 days will matter for decades to come.”_ – *Barack Obama, Two-Term President of the United States of America (2009 – 2017)*

    1. CNN will never say a bad word about the scumbag Bidens. They never said a bad word about Socialist Obama either…EXTREMELY DANGEROUS BIAS HYPOCRITES

    2. @The Boss, Nice try, Trumpanzee. “I was going to vote for Biden but this changed my mind to Trump.” 🤣😂😆 Guess what? We all know you’re a Trumpanzee and nobody is clicking on your conspiracy theory crap. Trump is done. Get over it.

    3. @Sparky Sparky, Give it a rest, Russian troll. Even your boss Putin is kicking his “useful idiot” to the curb. You’re next.

    4. @Mac Daddy 50, Yeah I remember hearing that Eric was forced to obey the subpoena, but it was obviously a closed to the press. I hope he flipped on Daddy Donald. I’m sure he secretly hates his abusive psycho father. So does Don Jr. How could they not? They’re just worried about the family money. “There’s no loyalty among thieves.”

    1. Biden is a disgusting Fake politician. He is a Parasite that has mooched off fed govt for 40 years….Our Current President declines his Govt salary and donates it to charity……dah!!! OH, You mean the Media has not told you these facts???

  2. Hoover was a successful business who did great things for the country as a citizen. Trump sucked blood from government before he became president.

    1. I Was Voting for Biden But This Changed My Mind to Trumphttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbozDBM67lY

      It’s time to wake up

      I Love America Too Much to Stay Silent

      The historic truth of the democrat and republican parties: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_a7dQXilCo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OURy5WFp0zk

      Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?

      Black Lives Matter Is a Marxist Movement

      Democratic Plantation

      Joe Biden : Every Racist Moment


    2. @Jason Boyce Wow, do you need an education. When one calculates the number of expected years lost This pandenic has not kill as many years of life as Biden’s Pandemic. 28 times more children died. while the average age of death of civ0d 19 is older than average life expectency in America. And if it were not for Dem Govenors forcing old people to room with sick people just because they were likely be Trump supporters the numbers would be half. The Farmers are all going to vote for Trump. The farmers know they can produce food cheaper that anyone in the world. And Trump is going to force China to love free trade as much as he does.

    3. CNN will never say a bad word about the scumbag Bidens. They never said a bad word about Socialist Obama either…EXTREMELY DANGEROUS BIAS HYPOCRITES

    1. I Was Voting for Biden But This Changed My Mind to Trumphttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbozDBM67lY

      It’s time to wake up

      I Love America Too Much to Stay Silent

      The historic truth of the democrat and republican parties: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_a7dQXilCo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OURy5WFp0zk

      Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?

      Black Lives Matter Is a Marxist Movement

      Democratic Plantation

      Joe Biden : Every Racist Moment


    2. CNN will never say a bad word about the scumbag Bidens. They never said a bad word about Socialist Obama either…EXTREMELY DANGEROUS BIAS HYPOCRITES

    1. I Was Voting for Biden But This Changed My Mind to Trumphttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbozDBM67lY

      It’s time to wake up

      I Love America Too Much to Stay Silent

      The historic truth of the democrat and republican parties: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_a7dQXilCo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OURy5WFp0zk

      Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?

      Black Lives Matter Is a Marxist Movement

      Democratic Plantation

      Joe Biden : Every Racist Moment


    2. I Was Voting for Biden But This Changed My Mind to Trumphttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbozDBM67lY

      It’s time to wake up

      I Love America Too Much to Stay Silent

      The historic truth of the democrat and republican parties: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_a7dQXilCo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OURy5WFp0zk

      Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?

      Black Lives Matter Is a Marxist Movement

      Democratic Plantation

      Joe Biden : Every Racist Moment


  3. Republicans: “Democracy is great…just so long as we can subvert it to gain power and maintain our corrupt minority fascist rule!”

    1. @o0 JUiCYLUCY 0o
      You poor people believe fake news telling you lies rather then you’re own eyes!! C’mon man look around. Crooked basement joey couldn’t fill a pizza shop with supporters meanwhile President Trump can pack a sports stadium in a hours notice!!
      Just look at crooked basement joeys last
      so-called rally where more Trump supporters showed up heckling him then there were biden supporters. Speaks volumes!!
      🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸

    2. @o0 JUiCYLUCY 0o
      It’s really so sad how Fake news brainwashed & manipulated you to the point where even when presented with ACTUAL evidence you still deny it because of your built-up hatred for President Trump caused by Lies and false information fake news MADE you believe. I’m so sorry. Be well. Peace ✌️ & Love!
      How does it feel to keep losing?
      TRUMP 2020♥️🇺🇲🇺🇸♥️

    3. Here’s the mentality of the Typical Liberal –
      “A coyote is way to small to carry a child across the border! Bad Orange man lied to us”!!
      Still LMFAO😂🤣
      Nuff said!!!
      Save you comments. I can just watch Fake News to hear what your about to parrot 🐦!!
      🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸

    1. @wily wascal What you don’t get and apparently never will, the more your mainstream media maligns Trump the better the job he’s doing draining the swamp and ridding DC of rats. But no one expects myopic bird brains to realize this is what we’re seeing.

    2. @Bill ~ Criminal indictments involving recent administrations:
      Donald J. Trump (Republican) — 215
      Richard Nixon (Republican) — 76
      Ronald Reagan (Republican) — 33
      George W. Bush (Republican) — 16
      Gerald Ford (Republican) — 1
      George H. W. Bush (Republican) — 1
      Bill Clinton (Democrat) — 2
      Jimmy Carter (Democrat) — 1
      Barrack Obama (Democrat) — 0
      50-year TOTALS: Republicans, 352 indictments; Democrats, 3 indictments
      Notice a pattern? Who’s actually filling the swamp, who’s actually draining it?

    3. @Gary Gantz ~ West Wing is the COVID-19 epicenter, ground zero, a hot zone; the White House is the super-spreader!

    1. @roughtake Joe’s family got money from Russia, Chyyna and Ukraine. Joe threatened the head of Ukraine. Who built the cages?
      Everything the Democrats have accused Trump of, the Democrats have actually done.
      Wrap your mind around that.
      P.S. Joe is recovering from that Big shot in the buttox.

    2. @Kamza Mosweu Biden’s questions/interviews are all orchestrated. Softball after softball. Trump answers fast balls every interview. It is obvious why President Trump will cut off questions lol.

  4. Guys don’t pay the media no mind, about who’s leading in the polls remember what happened to us Democrats in 2016 . Please vote USA needs you and get ready for the big blue wave!!!!!

    1. @Francisco sosa poor baby foreigner talking trash on trump hoping to hurt usa, how are you feeling? are you sick? i hope you get better soon!

    2. ​@gin Rest assure I am American. The question is why would we keep a criminal, and liar. I can never forgive a man that deny my right to vote, or insults my intelligence on a daily basis. Who the hell does that bag of dirt think he is, my father. Wants to now give me the cure that he got, which is no cure. Must be because he wants my vote. Never talk about helping anyone, while 225 thousand die. I never expected intelligence from that rich man, but this is ridiculous. He actually believe that we use ID to buy grocery. The man betrays with every breath.

    3. @Francisco sosa i asked you a question, you think the sauds are smart enough to hack the richest man in the history of money? it is the one whose name cannot be spoken, the sauds work for them.

    4. @Francisco sosa try living in america if you are talking crap about americans, or get some smarts, do you even know what habeas corpus is? do you think biden will bring it back since it went away on his watch. you think biden is better?

    5. @Francisco sosa the auds have been doing those things and more to other auds for as long as i can remember. if you think usa should step up to tell the sauds to stop loving each other then my answer to you is — after you buddy, you and your RRukranRRian Barmy can lead the charge on this one, and you can pay our tab too.

  5. Voted blue in a red state. Same as the extended family. Get trump out. The problem now is the parties’ ability to redraw their districts and gerrymander and red line with computer accuracy. End the electoral college all together

    1. @Phil Burton It’s the exact opposite I don’t believe anything Trump says I only believe what I see and what I see is the exact opposite of what the media is telling me every day watch the live streams watch the violence listen to them chant death to America

    1. @SR707 only a degenerate and communist would vote for new world order back stabbing anti American Democrats . Just move to Venezuela . What used to be one of the richest country’s in the world until your ilk took over . Now it’s in ruins. It really boggles the mind how stupid people are .until you realize it’s because you revel in debauchery . So you vote for anti Christ pedophile perverts .

    2. Vote for Biden quickly. So when Biden is arrested later this week for Treason you can say you threw your vote away.

    1. You’re worried because you’re believing all the garbage the MSM is vomiting about the election. You being worried shows your ignorance and you’re gullibility. You believe the propaganda the MSM spews 100% with not a free thought in that small little mind of yours.

    2. @Too Many Hobbies Tucker is a nut case and so are you . Trump goes to prison soon and the Biden/ Harris team has to clean up the allfull mess left from orange hair.

    3. @Too Many Hobbies “Must see”? This is just the first shot from the bullsh*t shotgun were about to be blasted with. There will be one of theses everyday. Problem for you is, if all you and the other excrement spreaders are right, he’s still the better choice than The Mayonnaise Jar there now.

    1. @Julie B give it up troll. You already said you seen the kenosha shooting. So you’ve seen the violent left. I just want to say happy birthday to Hillary Clinton today and her president was a 3rd conservative on the supreme court in trump’s first term. 🥳🇺🇸🥳🇺🇸🤣🤣🤣

  6. Thank you for this. I am a history buff and I love everything Ken Burns does! Good job CNN, we need more of this.

  7. wearing a mask is really quite a small “price,” compared especially with the loss in productivity and normalcy that we’ve all experienced because people simply won’t give up the little bit of pride it costs to put on a mask when you go out in public.

    1. @Facts not emotions think about what you just wrote. The President of The United States is beholden to the citizens, All of us- not just his select few or no one at all

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