Keilar: Paul may have clapped for officer, but he didn’t do this

CNN's Brianna Keilar reports that though Sen. Rand Paul did stand and clap for Officer Eugene Goodman during former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial, despite being criticized on social media for not doing so, he was the only senator during the trial not wearing a mask.
#CNN #News

Keilar: Paul may have clapped for officer, but he didn't do this


    1. @Theo Bell when you get covid, do us all a favor and don’t seek treatment. Save it for the people who care.

    2. @Scott Becker if I don’t get treatment there’s a great chance I’ll survive just fine. When you get aids, syphilis, heart disease, cancer, drive drunk…….ill assume you’re smart enough to see where I’m going with this. You’ll be ok though, triple mask, avoid human contact, take the “safe” vaccine and stay home and afraid un till daddy government and mommy msm say it’s ok to come out.

    3. @Theo Bell Seriously it is mind boggling how you can politicisize a damn pandemic. Where I am from, the measures work! We have an extremely low amount of new cases. It is truly mind boggling

    4. @Muhd Aizuddiin No one mentioned politics. This virus is not as deadly as they say period. There is no need for lockdowns, people being out if work and businesses being lost not to mention a dozen other side affects caused by this scare tactic like abuse of all sorts and suicides from fear and worry. That people Are still buying this b.s. after a year now is mind boggling.

    1. COVID is CCP’s BioWeapon, twitter risk-life-flee-china virologist @DrLiMengYAN1 gene evidence reports, find a Gene guy you TRUST(not the famous ones on TV) to verify her reports, she has waken the right(she had to talk with the right first since the right was in power), help her waken the left!!

      PS:why CCP didn’t allow wuhan people go anywhere in china, but allowed them to go overseas?

    2. @Jessse Rivers It says CNN” so you can bet it’s all made up and not investigated. Like Cuomos nursing home scandal. CNN is a joke.

    1. @Gigi According to NBC News, Rand Paul cites what he believes is his immunity to Covid-19 as his reason for not wearing a mask. Here is a link to the story:

      Are you suggesting Rand Paul really cannot wear a mask but is ashamed to claim a weakness? That does not make me feel sympathetic. If he has a legitimate excuse, he should own up like a grown-up.

    2. I tried editing my reply to reflect that Rand Paul has told reporters he doesn’t wear a mask because he believes himself to be immune. My edits don’t seem to be taking but search it for yourself. Rand Paul proudly defends his not wearing a mask on the basis of his presumed immunity, NOT any injury to his lung following being beaten up by his neighbor.

    3. COVID is CCP’s BioWeapon, twitter risk-life-flee-china virologist @DrLiMengYAN1 gene evidence reports, find a Gene guy you TRUST(not the famous ones on TV) to verify her reports, she has waken the right(she had to talk with the right first since the right was in power), help her waken the left!!

      PS:why CCP didn’t allow wuhan people go anywhere in china, but allowed them to go overseas?

  1. In this kind of situation when someone says… “There’s no bigger ‘blah blah blah’ than me” …ya know they’re lying, especially this clown.

    1. @Linda Spach-Korepta Now ya got me thinking about that Monty Python ‘Spam’ routine. “Spam, spam, spam, spam.”

    2. @Linda Spach-Korepta Have you noticed you can also report his spam messages? Click the three dots next the message… I’ve been doing it to his messages under this single video for a few minutes now. I guess the plug of this bot will be pulled off at some point.

    1. @Special People Right, just like there’s herd immunity for the common cold and the various influenza virii, right? Getting a vaccine, social distancing, and washing your hands is not, and will never be, a sufficient replacement for wearing a mask in public. I agree with your statement that those who don’t try to protect themselves shouldn’t go to the hospital, but the rest of your comment shows a serious lack of understanding of virii in general and this virus in particular. We should all hope (and for who are religious, pray) that not everyone will catch this virus because the death toll would be in the millions.

    2. COVID is CCP’s BioWeapon, twitter risk-life-flee-china virologist @DrLiMengYAN1 gene evidence reports, find a Gene guy you TRUST(not the famous ones on TV) to verify her reports, she has waken the right(she had to talk with the right first since the right was in power), help her waken the left!!

      PS:why CCP didn’t allow wuhan people go anywhere in china, but allowed them to go overseas?

  2. Imo he should lose his medial license for knowingly putting everyone at risk with his blatant disregard for human life. A doctor in Oregon had his license yanked after implying Covid is basically a hoax…..

    1. @Calvin Parish Yet Q is your shepherd. Q loves to lead the piglets because they’ll accept to eat anything including bull💩

    1. Skip the rules, skip the hospital, sound fair? If you do not want to wear a mask, get a vaccine , social distance, or wash your hands, no problem, just do not go to the hospital when you catch it. You get to decide what makes sense, the end result is the same. Everyone will catch it, there will be herd immunity, those that followed the rules will have fewer problems and deserve medical care if they need it.

    1. @Josue Madrigal – it should be, considering how many of the “jurors” met with & conferred with the defense councelors! Retrial won’t happen though.

    2. During Trump1, McConnell said he was NOT going to be an impartial juror, and his Republican “jurors” were going to be in “lock step” with Trump’s defence. So of course they talk to his counsel.

    3. It’s not a trial like in a court room, he did nothing wrong but it doesn’t look good. It’s the same on the other side.

    4. Stop pretending that was a real trial.It was mainly a partisan show. The chairman of the proceeding, who is supposed to marshal the process the way a judge would, had said publicly before the “trial” that the accused was guilty..

  3. In Germany, Rand Paul would have been asked to put on a mask, and if he kept refusing, he would have been excluded from the House for the day. And then again the next day. And so on.

    1. @ByeDon 2020, i so much want to go back to Germany where the KKK/Nazi Party has so much less influence.

    1. He is asking for another beat up, only this time concentrate on his head so that miniscule brain of his may shift in the right position.

    2. @C Higgins a sorry, third rate, wannabe, wasn’t worth a sh!t, didn’t even last 2 hour coup.
      Dosent even rate in coup of coups of history, the coup leader turned tail and ran, pretty embarassing. George Washington has to be rolling in his grave.

    1. COVID is CCP’s BioWeapon, twitter risk-life-flee-china virologist @DrLiMengYAN1 gene evidence reports, find a Gene guy you TRUST(not the famous ones on TV) to verify her reports, she has waken the right(she had to talk with the right first since the right was in power), help her waken the left!!

      PS:why CCP didn’t allow wuhan people go anywhere in china, but allowed them to go overseas?

    2. And Biden doesn’t know what day it is. You’re lying to yourself if you think he’s firing on all cylinders. He’s like C3PO with skin.

    3. @Covid IsReal Anyone with your name tells me you are a very young, immature, person with no actual knowledge to speak of, other than what others tell you to say and think. The Flu is real too. You’re witnessing a test of what they can get away with to control the population. Look at your life if you think I’m wrong. It’s sad how gullible you are to the bigger picture. You’re so consumed with what they tell you, you lost your own thought. They count on that. Congratulations for being a mindless test subject of control.

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