CNN's Brianna Keilar calls out Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) for trying to walk back his role in the US Capitol insurrection while noting that Hawley, who has voted against all of President Joe Biden's nominees, only seems to vote yes when it comes to overturning elections.
#BriannaKeilar #CNN #News
Expelled Josh Hawley and Marjorie Taylor Greene from congress.
@Kevin Preston no but telling an angry mob to go storm the Capital IS
My mother is not having any job

“I want to do something for my mother
“But youtube is not giving me views “Phearith i am worse than others..
@Kevin Preston no but telling an angry mob to storm the Capital IS
Democrats persecute anyone who disagreed with them. Totalitarian regime with CNN spreading fake news propaganda…Bye election cheaters.
@Simone Schultz nobody said that
hawley is a worm.
@Titus Maximus well if your about education then you should stop listening just to cnn dribble maybe you might het educated. Your educated guess on voting biden in office was a complete and utter failure he and the democrats are trying to change our constitution because there scared of trump. So tell me how smart you are that you cant see he is bought by china russia and ukraine wise up because however educated you are yourbwisdom lacks
My mother is not having any job

“I want to do something for my mother
“But youtube is not giving me views “Phearith i am worse than others..
Democrats persecute anyone who disagreed with them. Totalitarian regime with CNN spreading fake news propaganda…Bye election cheaters.
@Lanuiiohu Sukikiya So right leta look at the situation. There has never in the history of the capital has there been the lack of security. Nancy was i n charge right? We’ve seen police waving people in , taking pictures and the dems and tve liberal media say it was insurrection with out guns. Has there ever been any government over thrown without weapons i never seen it. Now the democrats are trying to change everything and half the nation is looking the other way. We need to get this looked into real fast or life as we know it ia gone for trump and biden supporters.
@Titus Maximus Yes i forgot about that pigs dropping..
tnx for the reminder..
That’s cute how he dresses like Trump. Besties
Right that’s what I thought hehe
@RAIDERxNATIONx818 you mean over turning the executive orders 45 did on doing the good President Obama did?
My mother is not having any job

“I want to do something for my mother
“But youtube is not giving me views “Phearith i am worse than others..
Democrats persecute anyone who disagreed with them. Totalitarian regime with CNN spreading fake news propaganda…Bye election cheaters.
There’s time for everything, his time will come just like Trump’s time came to past.
@Lea Brown you know fact is I’ve got 10k that if they do a full forensic and actually name audit not just count the ballots with no addresses or dead voters that trump will win. Actually if Biden wants America to unite he would want them to look into it but instead he helps prevent the investigation of it. They have finally got the chance to look at them in arizona so if the judge doesn’t put a gag order on it. Like they did in antrim county we’ll know in a few weeks. Have you seen those results it’s kind of shocking to say the least.
His time will come if reasonable Republicans step up and reject people like him.
Democrats persecute anyone who disagreed with them. Totalitarian regime with CNN spreading fake news propaganda…Bye election cheaters.
Trump is not done, it is only beginning. Wait and see
Hawley: When ambition blinds good sense.
@CNN everybody report this bitcoin spammer- REPORTED
Hawley should be tried and I’d hope convicted for being a traitor. He was supportive of Trumps sedition
I want the name of every Dem who spread or believed the Russian collusion lie. They should be banned from voting. We need to put an end to this cult of stupidity
@Education is key why? The false conclusion by Barr failed to state the report recommended further investigation by a senate committee as his committee could not do it under the its terms
He’s not mature enough for that responsibility .. he’s a child
“The Sedition Coalition” Hawley “I’m a fuken horse!”
It’s the Sedition caucus, refers to a faction of voters in representative democracy, Coalition works as well but is a phrase used more in UK or Canadian poltics.
i don’t know what the horse thing is about but I’m still laughing.
Sedition coalition….. lol great group label for the treasonists!
Slithering swamp creature, sliming everything it touches.
Guys like this think they are a big and bad tough guys but in person I know he’s a wimp.
Yeah I’ve seen guys just like him begging for mercy after getting the beating he surely has coming to him
@John Robinson Bubba would bend him like a super model. Morning Brotein shakes.
Reminds me of Paul Ryan. He was the young big shot Republican the GOP was gonna flaunt during the Obama administration. Been MIA since 2018.
Hawley doesn’t have a fear of suspension or any discipline. He demonstrates the impetus of white supremacy and privilege in America.
Nicely put.
Hi sexy Dwayne
Admitted conspiracy story: I’m pretty sure josh hawley and jared kushner are brothers, maybe lovers.
Is CNN the Qanon for the left? Most comments lack knowledge and credibility
Speaking of that, you still injecting the Trump Russian collusion lie into your veins? 

Democrats persecute anyone who disagreed with them. Totalitarian regime with CNN spreading fake news propaganda…Bye election cheaters.
Hawley: “…is a lie. It’s dangerous,”
You’d know all about dangerous lies, don’t you little man?
@Alexandra Luca and learn it quietly
My mother is not having any job

“I want to do something for my mother
“But youtube is not giving me views “Phearith i am worse than others..
Clinton won the popular vote by 3M votes. She conceded the night of the election and attended Trump’s inauguration like a grown up.
@Conservative Prodigy if it was up to you rethugs there would be no minimum wage. Let employers treat workers like the mining company’s of old. You work like a dog 12 hours a day and at the end of the week they pay you what they think you earned. And
by the way if you don’t like it there’s some other poor slob who’ll do anything to feed his family hanging out at the mine office hoping for work
Every damn time increasing the minimum wage gets serious mention you can count on “conservatives” claim that will ruin small businesses. Republicans come out against progress for working people at every point in the past. 40 hr work week. Prohibiting little kids from working in coal mines. Making companies improve the dangerous working conditions. On and on.
OSHA, clean air, clean water, all Democratic initiatives. Had to fight rethugs for any progress for workers. .
The look of disgust in Romney’s face says it all.
He may be a super rich weird dude, but he was the only R in the senate to vote yea on impeachment the first time. Also, I do believe he really despises that dude. Like laser vision blasting his head-off glare.
Hawley is disgusting, and dangerous to us as well as himself.
Sort of what my face looked like when I saw Romney run for President.
Democrats persecute anyone who disagreed with them. Totalitarian regime with CNN spreading fake news propaganda…Bye election cheaters.
@Lanuiiohu Sukikiya Read a book. A lot of books. Especially about totalitarianism. Then move to those countries. Enjoy Belarus!
He looks like a boy who didn’t get a hug from his mommy.
from either parent
He actually looks like he smells a very bad odor. Itd h as ve to be his own lying breath, that’s rotted for it has no lifeblood to them.
To be fair. Who would want to?
Now he’s a coward. Once again he whines up his constituents to murder a police officer on the steps of the capital and then washes his hands of everybody involved. Leadership qualities zero
So stupid that he’s acting like the victim here
That is what they all do. “Mommy, they’re picking on me again.”
Is CNN the Qanon for the left? Most comments lack knowledge and credibility
Speaking of that, you still injecting the Trump Russian collusion lie into your veins? 

Oh he is a victim of his own demise.
@Education is key Why is it acceptable for you to be an idiot, but not acceptable for me to point out?
@Education is key Quanon is not everywhere! Just the Republican party. They should change their name, because they ain’t the Grand Old Party anymore. They have sold their souls for cheap crap to a door salesman.
Dishonoring their sworn oath to protect the Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic” is grounds enough for fines, suspension, removal from office or jail time. That their party doesn’t acknowledge this makes them ALL ACCESSORIES after the fact.

Are we sure his name is Josh? He looks more like a Chad. A trust-fund Chad.
“I’m Josh Hawley, I think you deserve better”
Yes Josh….. Yes we do.