CNN's Brianna Keilar rolls the tape on all the times President Trump has embraced violence and the way Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has tried to rewrite his past support of Trump since the riot at the Capitol.
#BriannaKeilar #CNN #News
CNN's Brianna Keilar rolls the tape on all the times President Trump has embraced violence and the way Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has tried to rewrite his past support of Trump since the riot at the Capitol.
#BriannaKeilar #CNN #News
Ted Cruz cares about defending the Constitution as much as he cares about defending his wife.
or kerry
To every congressional member that felt threatened during the storming of the Capitol. I want each one to come to Seattle where the CHAZ/CHOP was an apologize to every nieghbor that was held hostage and abandoned for 30 days to an armed occupation.
Then when they’re done they can go to Portland and apologize to every nieghbor that was held hostage by an armed insurrection at the Red House autonomous zone. Republicans and democrats and especially the DSA members all of them owe those groups a huge apology for abandoning them
@Yolanda Denny I did not mean any thing by CAPITALIZE your Name. You very HATE. What HARM was that SORRY if you got A PROBLEM TAKE It To GOD. YOU Be BLESS Mrs YOLANDA DENNY. With Your Hate SELF
beto was on the cover of time
He and his family were insulted by Trump in 2016, and now he insulted himself and his constituents.
Cruz was also accused of frauding the Iowa caucus by Trump when cruz won over. He said it was baseless then but now? Gtfooh. There is a reason he almost lost to liberal Beto in Texas. Next time, he’s out.
@Lynchpin00 pitiful
Well, kamala insulted the hell out of joe until it was time to grab on to the coat tails.
When asked about harsh comments she said “yes, that was a debate” 

@thethumper088 I’m sure hoping that the people of Texas take a page out of Georgia’s playbook. Especially if the people can’t get him censured from the Senate.
@Loyd Kelsaw Cruz trying to cover for Trump and he’s really on the side of a treasonous president. Cruz also needs to be subject to impeachment.
BREAKING: Department of Justice investigation showed that Capital security was protected as much as Ted cruz protects his wife

Ted cruz was the lieutenant in charge. He can’t distance himself, he led it.
@Sandra Smelcer LMAO
@Sandra Smelcer Democrat n Republican is one America !!! Stop talking as if we are living in North n South Korea ??? It’s crazy how citizens can become hateful or each other to satisfy politicians?????? It’s unacceptable
the sheep think they are grazing openly in the land of the free until one day they will hit a barrier lift their heads open their eyes slowly and realize they too are living within the same walls as those they once ridiculed
Why distance when it was a success.
Can someone explain to me why when Ted is holding a rally his Texas accent is there but on tv interviews it disappears. ..
Because he is trying to covey to his republican rats he’s “a good old boy”. You know. The kind that did terrible things to blacks. Cruz is a sick human.
Ted “the blender” Cruz
The same reason Kelly Leoffler did in Georgia. To peddle to that audience
beto first in…we love him
Just like a Texas weather vane. Seeing which direction the wind is blowing as he changes his story. Love that analogy. Nailed it!
When he’s in cuffs and stuffed into the back of a police car, I hope the police ‘take the hand away’ to ensure his head is slammed against the car since he thinks police are too nice to criminals.
@MsJustJenna That’s appreciated and weklcome. That’s wyby I thoughtbyoiu’d be intrerted to know hooow your help can be received. LIk I said, i’m not preacvhing, just trying to help you to hekllp oythers/.
no harmd done, I hope?
@B one 1 My IQ is 135. I ghost write popular books for a decent living. Her statement was grammatically correct with the exception of a two very minor errors. She dropped a comma and used single quotes instead of double quotes. Those are common mistakes made by many intelligent writers that are often corrected in the editing process. I think your assessment of her intelligence is based on your dislike of her politics, not on her grammar.
like real police cuffs?.uggh
Chuck Schumer said Jan 6 would live in infamy..He was off by 2 days. Today, Jan. 8th, 2021 is the day that will “live forever in infamy”, for today is the day that America has been attacked truly, and from within.
Banning the President from Twitter, as well as his whole team, is an act of war on the American people.
They claim it’s to tamp down any potential violence, but this has only ramped up that potential 10 fold..
You don’t just silence the President of the United States and not expect some serious consequences, do you?
No, you don’t.
Intended or unintended, this big tech/ Dem push to ban Trump is going to backfire spectacularly, and I hope EVERYONE is getting prepared for the consequences..
You democrats are so full of hatred and violence, what a shame..
I can’t believe he actually said that with a straight face
Snakes can’t show much emotion.
He tries to hide behind that beard and mustache but we see right through it.
@Enjaces Than his tweets are more apparent of this.
I support Teddy Bear Cruz 100%
“Paddy wagon”. The way every law-abiding citizen talk about the police, right? Right?
Her best statement was “…leaving the arena early to beat the traffic”. Give Brianna a raise.
I’d be honored if some fellow concerned citizens would take a quick listen to my acoustic piano & vocal performance of DANCING IN THE DARK by Bruce Springsteen on my YT channel in tribute to the United States of America and our next President, Joseph R. Biden. Peace and everybody stay safe in ‘021.
Was just thinking the exact same thing- outstanding closing statement! Bravo
Toh yes
oh wow
The domestic terrorist thuds were very special to him and he love them…
Toh yes
oh wow
@C Bulk exactly
Putin not happy with Comrade Trump.
It was a great protest, almost 100,000 people there to say Biden cheated.
@Dicky Jones More like 4,000 terrorists who desecrated one of our sacred institutions to heed the words of a failed so-called leader.
“leaving the arena early to beat the traffic”. Damn. You are good, Brianna Keilar.
She is reading off a teleprompter. I highly doubt that was her bit. Someone from the creepy table who writes this garbage at least has a sense of humor!
I’ve watched a couple of her bits in the last couple days and she definitely lays the smack down hahah. Looking forward to seeing more of her clips!
Toh yes
oh wow
Chuck Schumer said Jan 6 would live in infamy..He was off by 2 days. Today, Jan. 8th, 2021 is the day that will “live forever in infamy”, for today is the day that America has been attacked truly, and from within.
Banning the President from Twitter, as well as his whole team, is an act of war on the American people.
They claim it’s to tamp down any potential violence, but this has only ramped up that potential 10 fold..
You don’t just silence the President of the United States and not expect some serious consequences, do you?
No, you don’t.
Intended or unintended, this big tech/ Dem push to ban Trump is going to backfire spectacularly, and I hope EVERYONE is getting prepared for the consequences..
I was thinking the same thing, NAILED IT!
“Leaving early to beat the traffic “ brilliant, Brianna!
Remember america, Cruz wants to be president. Imagine how bad THAT would be.
Lots of sniveling and more creepy videos of Ted trying to kiss his daughter.
Please don’t forget
You just know he’s running around the white house taking a dump in every room
You must be the guy that has to pick up the mess.
Tes Cruz needs to ne fired! And whats with that nasty looking beard? Creepy!
Yoh yes
oh wow
I hope so…
“These are people leaving the arena early to beat the traffic.” How disgustingly appropriate. Congress should enact a new law to allow states’ voters the privilege of impeaching or recalling their criminal representatives. Ted Cruz should be the first to be ousted. Can’t wait six years to oust his a@@.
The GOP is now the enemy of democracy–and thus the people.
Apparently Trump got it right when he called Cruz “Lyin’ Ted”
Whenever trump is actually correct about something, it’s always accidental. That was trump just projecting, which he loves to do, but he was unwittingly accurate nonetheless.
“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.”
– George Washington
Farewell address