Keeping Health Care Workers, Public Safe Amid Coronavirus | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Drs. Leana Wen and Siddhartha Mukherjee discuss measures to keep medical workers and the public safe as coronavirus infections across the globe are on the rise. Aired on 3/30/2020.
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Keeping Health Care Workers, Public Safe Amid Coronavirus | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. —MLK Jr.
    Trump is not our leader

    1. he stands for nothing. he made that self-declaration weeks ago. as long as he can make money he doesnt care who it hurts. hes looking at April 12 because he wants to gain the support of religious communities he knows make up the majority of his campaign funding.

    2. Yes he is our leader! And doing a really good job. Not perfect but really a good job. I will not get tested unless I get sick! There is no need to do so. The State here in NM wants to test us all. I think she really just wants our DNA for future control of people being she is far left wing Democrat that is using fear like many of them are in the Democratic Party to destroy freedom

    3. @Roger Bowen worst handling of the pandemic in the world. Just look at the numbers. They don’t lie.

    4. @Roger Bowen In 2008 during the financial meltdown, Obama asked China to buy more Tbill at near zero interest. And China did. In 2019, all the pharm material and equipment are in China and there is an export restriction. What did Trump do/ He expelled 60 Chinese reporters and signed the Taipei act. What kind of strategy is this? He hasn’t even removed the tariff on medical supply. This is why our doctors are in garbage bag. I felt so ashamed when I saw those pictures

    5. I believe MLK Jr will go down in history as one of the greatest speakers of all time. He was visionary.

    1. @Tanner Shortnacy
      Genesis 1:29
      And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.”

    2. @Russian Bot I think the point was that Covid-19, according to scientists, was almost assuredly started by eating bats. Eating less animal products would help eliminate that possibility however improbable.

    3. @Russian Bot In his followers eyes trump is forever the victim. The supposedly most powerful man in the world ….right!

  2. Please just stay at home. this is the best way to avoid a catastrophe. Don’t run to the doctor immediately if you don’t feel good. don’t leave your hospitals. this is serious! Sorry for my english. Warm greetings from Germany. we all stick together

    1. Yes social distancing is NOT enough. In Belgium we are a little behing Germany, but are shifting to their amount of testing. The expert of the WHO told the effort of testing should be multiplied by 80, yes eighty times more than we are doing now. T. has lots of work ahead, and will probably have to hide from the american people! Good news is that more Hospitalized people recover and are able to go back home! STAY SAFE

    2. @Linda Lauer maybe find a drive-through testing place? Call your doctor on the phone and ask. They might be too busy to answer the phone but a nurse will likely call you back in a day or two.

    3. @Me Great advice ! Thank you, so much. Im at the point of hot and cold, running outside to find a place to spit when someone is in the bathroom & my family living with me freaking out. Once again.. Thank you !

  3. When this is over, people will forget everything until the next pandemic happens. China will not close their animal markets unless we unite with other countries and pressure them.

    1. We don’t know conclusively if that’s what caused it. The super bug theory was stated many years ago. This WILL continue until we balance things out again.

    2. Why China? There are many animal markets around the world! as well… Italy Spain, Iran, India, etc.

    3. This wasn’t something that just mutated and spread through animals. People were hired to study this combination & with all of the lies/tricks/deception, they expect you to not see the truth so they can get away with it !
      This was an attack & still is.
      This administration is out to take away our voices & take away our freedom wether you know it or not ! This is a quiet replica of the holocaust.. and, the tampering of drugs with fentanyl was also one of the first lines of attack with it’s direction on people targeted as well. This was NO ACCIDENT !

  4. lol Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee didnt even have time to brush his hair..this is how Fast he wants to deliver the message

    1. @안 두선 Yes, just remember THAT when they get bashed by this administration. Not saying they are not criminal but would WE do the same thing? I doublt it.

    2. @hew195050 I don’t know what that means. We were talking about the Doctor’s hair. Is that what you are talking about?

  5. Thank you Dr.Mukherjee for all your efforts ❤️🙏. He I so Exhausted!
    I Hope you can get some rest. You need it!

  6. Someone needs to remove Donald Trump from the equation; form a group of informed scientist, qualified to individuals, to put forward a National response plan to help the healthcare system meet their needs and distribute supplies; and most importantly bring forward a cohesive message clear, concise, and utilize national resources wisely and effectively immediately…

    1. bruce allan , Donald tDUMP wants Americans to pack churches this coming Easter.PACK YOU DONALD, the only church you know is Churches Fried Chicken 🐔🍗🦠💩

    2. People are nuts. How about remove the president of these healthcare companies!! They had time to prepare and they are getting into bidding wars for equipment. beating the drum for items that are disappearing. Imagine nearly dying from coronavirus and getting a bill making you wish you had. These medical companies are sick

    3. @Lived Rages Sadrama are you serious? Trump isn’t the right president but a Chinese president is even worse because that’s what the Chinese government want. One world order under the regime of the Chinese government.

  7. This will last about 5 days. Then when things start to hit their peak, he’ll be back to saying he doesn’t believe the medical supplies are needed and the 30,000 ventilators will not be coming because they haven’t all been made

    1. @David Wong I don’t think any yet… but we haven’t gotten to the bad part where dozens and dozens of people will show up at once and need ventilators… It’s sick the way he is using needed medical equipment as a hostage until he gets the ego strokes he needs.

  8. I’ve spent months online reading Asian news and seeing many many videos coming out of Asia ( Taiwan. Singapore.. Indonesia.. Viet Nam, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan, Malaysia, Laos, Philippines, etc……and the United States is so so so disorganized. It’s nearly a complete disaster. In Asia they actually track the virus person to person, and get that person isolated. If symptoms get worse….the patient is treated.
    No deaths in Viet Nam too

    1. CDC advise if you have not enough symptoms mean you are not infected and if you are meaning is mild ,so just stay home and heal yourself .This way it can prevent overburden of hospital and testing kit to those who really need it . Problem is , people doesn’t listen and always wonder around causing the next person getting infected . Now US is not even imposing strict lockdown . Not enough resource and not enough strong action meaning disaster await .

    2. @U S yes , that why is really important to do social distancing . The virus is still going to go away if you are asymptomatic . Unless you can setup like south korea doing car check up , is better to stay at home and stay healthy . Most cases doesn’t need the patient to be hospitalize , only serious cases .

  9. I never thought that a virus was going to be the one taking the clown out of the office!!! Life is full of surprises

    1. Jose Ramos , Donald tDUMP wants Americans to pack churches this coming Easter.PACK YOU DONALD, the only church you know is Churches Fried Chicken 💩🦠🐔🍗

    2. Are you kidding? Trump*’s base thinks he’s doing an awesome job handling this pandemic. They are immune to facts or reality. They and their loved ones may die due to Trump*’s pathetic leadership, but they will never admit it to themselves. They will rationalize that if a Democrat had been president everyone in America would have died, so thank god for Trump*.
      They were infected by the stupidity epidemic long before Covid-19 came around.

  10. No symptoms and spreading the virus is the scariest news. Why social distancing and washing hands is SO important!

    1. White Centaur When an infected person coughed without using her/his elbow , the virus spread on the air (airborne) and when a person passes the person who coughed inhaled the virus……The virus also drops (droplets) on surfaces like tables ..everything that the person who has the virus touch and when you touch it you got infected ..that’s why social distancing and washing hands is important.

    2. @Nikah Blair You got that right. I put a sign on our front door saying no visitors allowed due to the corona Virus.

  11. You guys should stop asking what and start to ask why all this mess: the reason being you don’t have a functioning Health Care System for all!

    1. We don’t have a leader that serious about the virus. All he cares about his re-election. He is safe from the virus, his family is safe from the virus. Even if they get infected, they will have a supper care from a top medical staff. Why should he care??

  12. When are you going to talk about the cost of treatment? There needs to be real talk about free treatment, and free healthcare

    1. OOOH, no! That would be… Socialism! That would be so wrong! You commie! People should die because they’re not rich! There, Trumpturds, I saved you the trouble of replying to a compassionate post.

    2. In CA, a teenager died because he has no insurance. People need to realize untreated patients are health hazards. This includes illegal aliens and the homeless

    3. Healthcare in the US should be free. Just look to the NHS in the UK and the wonderful job they do. To put it simple, the United States doesnt care about the poor

    4. Your society is only as strong as your weakest link. No- testing means someone w/Covid could infect you.

  13. I tried to get tested when I was sick , at the end of January.
    I was told that I was not sick enough, and that the virus was not hear, by my primary doctor.
    I still don’t know if I had it.
    I knew this pandemic was coming, because if I wasn’t getting tested , nobody was getting tested.

  14. The USA will have the highest death rate because of ‘Liberty” and “Independence over Community”.

    1. The UK and Canada have National Healthcare Systems, and they are going to be overwhelmed too. So it makes no difference if it’s private or national healthcare, they are all overwhelmed and short on needed supplies. Don’t worry about Bernie, after this pandemic is over, you will have a socialist system even worse than what Bernie proposed. You bernie supporters wil get more socialism than you bargained for.

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