Former Acting U.S. Solicitor General Neal Katyal tells Lawrence O’Donnell that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is afraid of what Former National Security Adviser John Bolton could say about President Trump during the impeachment trial. Aired on 01/08/20.
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Katyal: McConnell Trying To Hide The Truth | The Last Word | MSNBC
This will backfire spectacularly on Republicans.
@don christie says the brain-dead moron.
Christian hey troll, you responded with the wrong account. Does it feel good to upvote your own comments?
What a moron.
@sal been
Is TDS a disease where one supports Trump regardless of in your face facts?
@Freewheelin’ Franklin more like regardless of nonsense spewed from a news channel with sinking ratings.
It’s completely blatant what McConnell is doing. So why is it allowed to happen. Why?
When it’s THAT blatant, how is it allowed to happen?
@Mainely BINGO…..and any decision tht they don’t like will just get pushed all the to the supreme court where their handpicked judges will rule in their favor, it’s the American way
The people of Hong Kong showed how to protest, for democracy. Why are Americans not doing the same?
@Gauley Guy Mccunthole has been setting up this since at least Obama’s first term. Now he has trump, the Republican Senate majority and the Russians, he’s doing what he wants
The dnc is on its way to blowing it AGAIN
@billy pilgrim the dnc are the only looking out for Americas interest, and apparently the only ones that have read and understood the constitution. Trump thinks the first three words are,” me the people “
McConnell is digging his own grave…
No he is not.
They are going to get away with all of it.
When he’s finished, I’LL PUSH HIM IN
Alex Huyghe lets hope so. Along everyone else in this criminal administration.
Alex Huyghe. He better be, because I will gladly push him right into it!
The open corruption of the RP. is a disgrace
The open ignorance of the DEM voting base is even worse , you all think the Republicans are any more crooked then your own leaders then youre delusional . They’re politicians they all lie they all cheat to get their way they dont care about you they care about their own agendas , get woke you sleeping sheep.
@tired of the problems you believe blatant lies every day from your own leaders ….
@Jordan Goodman there has NEVER been one like Trumpski. When you openly believe what Russia, North Korea, Saudia Arabia tell you OVER your own intelligence offices and our Allies, you need to go.
@tired of the problems Could you present some proof that he believed any of those countries of American intelligence or are you just going off of what CNN told you ? And if you’re talking about him not believing Democrats get outta here with that because that swamp is full of snakes . Tell me how Trump’s presidency has negatively affected your life on a personal level?
Moscow Mitch to Trumpanzee’s rescue! The whole lot of the GOP should be thrown in prison along their orange puppet!
*IG Horowitz Says It Over And Over-He DID NOT Clear FBI Of Political Bias*
*FBI Lied To FISA Court In Russiagate Investigation*
*IG Report Reveals McCabe Blocked Request to Remove Peter Strzok from Russia Hoax Probe*
IG Horowitz – *it was illegal surveillance*
FISA court issues rare rebuke of FBI *Rosemary Collyer, presiding judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) court, said the inspector general’s report “calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable.” She ordered the FBI to file a report by Jan. 10 on how it intends to remedy those mistakes.*
@snoop alert Yeah, if morons like you vote for him
A trial without witnesses? Moscow Mitch doesn’t want us to find out how Russia paid him off.
@don rutter Russians spent Christmas Eve 2019 with Trump at Mar-a-Largo. Putin Calls Trump Christmas Holiday at Mar-a-Largo 2019 (did anyone listen to that phone call). Trump ordered the Killing of Soleimani, January 3rd, 2020. Why was the Iran Attack Briefing NOT to be DISCUSSED? What was the IMMINENT Danger to America?
@David Eaton All Republican Roads Lead to Putin.
Right on the money, me friend.
I’m confused! Trump says he is innocent of all accusations, yet he refuses to let the very men who can prove he’s innocent testify? Why would any innocent man distrust those who can absolve him?
@MA 292 too bad your whataboutism didn’t stop the vote to impeach huh?
@MA 292 we… are… gonna. make…sure…trump…is…DEAD!!>.. go it… legally….of course…=]…40 indictments, 8 top aids in prison, under investigation in 27 jurisdictions… treason weasel trump…. will die in prison…we are running him to his grave…. enjoy.. we sure are… manafort, gates, cohen, flynn, stone…winning?.. hbahbvhbahbahbahba

*IG Horowitz Says It Over And Over-He DID NOT Clear FBI Of Political Bias*
*FBI Lied To FISA Court In Russiagate Investigation*
*IG Report Reveals McCabe Blocked Request to Remove Peter Strzok from Russia Hoax Probe*
IG Horowitz – *it was illegal surveillance*
FISA court issues rare rebuke of FBI *Rosemary Collyer, presiding judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) court, said the inspector general’s report “calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable.” She ordered the FBI to file a report by Jan. 10 on how it intends to remedy those mistakes.*
because t Rump is a liar….google it ! “how many fact checked lies has Trump told since being President?
President Trump has made 15,413 false or misleading claims … › politics › 2019/12/16 › president-trump-…
Dec 16, 2019 – In 2017, President Trump made nearly 1,999 false or misleading … according to the Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes … That’s an average of more than 32 claims a day since our last … The report accurately captured the content of Trump’s call and many other details have been confirmed.
It’s nuts that someone says they are willing to testify (crucial to the investigation) and the Republicans just say no thanks.
Sure sign of guilt…
G K, it’s something worse than “nuts”. It’s a criminal conspiracy on the part of GOP Senators. Nuts implies they’re just crazy. This is not crazy, it’s a blatantly calculated strategy.
Trump and McConnell are the swamp.
Trump keep draining swamp rats are running
Pelosi adam shifter nadler
Obama Hillary CIA director FBI director CIA director brennan
Behind fake statements fabricated stories lies
Don’t leave out Miss Lindsey, Miller and others.
Republicans claim there’s no ‘first hand’ witnesses so impeachment is a sham. Bolton is a first hand witness, so why not call him if he could prove Trump did ‘nothing wrong’..
They are openly lying about criminal matters which may lead to further investigations. We know they want to gamble on re-election in order to help their criminal president avoid prosecution for another four years of his patented “American Carnage”. That’s right, just like every thinking person realized: when Trump was talking about American Carnage during his inaugural address, he was outlining what he was going to do to the country. If messing everything up and putting us back twenty years is his idea of winning, then his carnage sure is a national champion.
@Okkie Trooy True, even though reps still insist all the witnesses had no first hand testimony. Frustrating when we’re having what we know to be true, denied. It’s truly Orwellian.
@Robert Murrell You are a citizen, TRUMP is the president. Can’t compare the two.
@Kathleen Hammett It is really baffling. I am not american (did work and live in the US for 5 years) and had previously only a superficial interest in American politics. I was however familiar with Trump as real estate businessman and with his reputation. I was therefore surprised that the GOP made him their candidate.
Since then I try to understand what is going on in the USA. Fascinating but also scary. Logical and analytical thinking seems to be thrown out of the window and replaced by ridiculous conspiracy theories like a child trafficking operation run by Hillary Clinton from the basement of a pizzeria while this pizzeria happens to have no basements.
For sure Orwellian but I also see some absurd improvisational theatre.
The play however has surpassed its staying power. It is not fun anymore. Even for me as non-american it is exasparating. I just hope that the world is not improvised into WWIII.
@Robert Murrell Makes perfect sense
The constitution is only relevant for the Republicans when it suits them, pretty funny how some of them went apesh!t after the briefing on Trumps attack but when Trump violates the constitution on several points it’s nothing, they are Fakeriots and put party over country!
John Bolton needs to man up and go public in order to put a stop to Trump’s reign of terror.
Crystal Giddens and what is the relevance of your shiny things? Maybe your bias makes them shiny to you……
@AmurruMan *‘We’re not allowed to talk about anything wrong in the party’: AOC trashes the Democratic establishment*
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one of the chief architects of the Democrats’ leftward shift, has hit out at her party for fielding candidates like the centrist Joe Biden, and said “we’re not allowed to talk” about party division.
No trust for any repubs.John Boltin included.His colors havent changef!!!
@Terry Parenteau Nancy Pelosi Dodged Mike Pence Phone Call Notifying Her of Iranian Missile Attack
“Tell him I’ll call him back.”
I have read many of the comments on here and Ms Crystal Clear As Mud has cut and pasted the exact same response in many spots after this video.
Oddly, I see no comment left by her(?) that isn’t in response to someone else’s comment. Like a machine that only responds to a few key words?
“We’re GETTING to the point of the absurd”?
The US Attorney General was LITERALLY a
Moscow Mitch wants to cover up traitor trumpanzee crimes
Support the Ditch Mitch Campaign & Mitch’s opponent in the Senate race, Amy McGrath.
Agreed. She is a great candidate and would be a huge improvement over that corrupt Moscow Mitch POS.
Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo…etc all were blocked from testifying because they have first hand information on Trumps crimes.
Drug dealers in the street use the same tactics. Eliminate witnesses…so there’s no proof.
Nothing stopped Mulvaney & Co from testifying, they preferred hanging on to their jobs. Trump said no-one could testify, but career professionals like Bill Taylor, Lt Col Vindman and others, were brave enough to defy Trump. So could have Mulvaney & Co, they were just too gutless.
The exact same tactics the Mafia employ, get on the wrong side of Piggy Trump and he will make you disappear.
The entire world knows trump is guilty, except him self.
Oh, he knows too. In fact, the reason Trump tells so many _unnecessary_ lies is because he has a neurotic need to “control the truth,” an attribute of power.
Trump knows he’s guilty, that’s why he has blocked witnesses and evidence.
Mitch McConnell *_IS_** absurd – as is the doped-up Donald Trump!* Arrest McConnell for “Obstruction of Justice” and proceed with the impeachment!

darlings.. IRAN.. if your listening .. please release the “FOOLS” tax returns .. the entire family’s .. also anything else you might have.. to use against the current administration.. most Americans want him “FIRED”.. and his cronies sent packing.. Miss DeVoss stay out of Michigan.. you are a loathsome creature.. we don’t want you back..
And republicans were crying this impeachment is so one sided and unfair ha smh