Kate Moss testifies in Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial

Model Kate Moss describes how she hurt her back while on vacation in Jamaica with Johnny Depp, her former romantic partner.

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    1. And Amber just HAD to say Kate’s name during her testimony. Almost as if she could help herself, despite surely knowing the can of worms she’s opening.

  1. He was smiling at her at the end probably a combination of “thank you for that “ and “ nice to see you again” type of thing lol.

  2. This woman is a 10 in every sense of the word…gorgeous..decent..honest..class and grace…the one time I hope Amber’s gnna write and take notes..she doesnt..lol

    1. @Sunny Delight Insight, she is created beautifully, and she is graceful inside commanding respect and awe. And now take a look at AH… revengeful shrew!

    2. @Sunny Delight perhaps qhen you remove that spec in your eye you may be fortunate to see more beauty in the world and not from appearance but if that’s what you want in life then.

      becareful what you wish for in life!!

  3. Kate Moss carries herself like Amber Heard wishes she could. Different league. Well done Kate Moss 👏🏼👏🏼

  4. I love how she looks younger than Amber but she’s 10+ years older than her. 😂 I’d never heard her speak. She’s got such a sweet adorable voice.

  5. Kate Moss is such a refined, classy woman. It’s so hard to believe that after Wynonna, Kate, the beautiful mother of his children, that THIS B!t€# was MARRIED to Johnny, UGH!!! WTH is up with THAT!?!? At least, I hope, Depp didn’t get a tat for this Crazy Lady!

    1. Because she is beautiful—than all of them. Isn’t hard to figure out. Amber is stunning and rich/famous/powerful men want beautiful women.

    2. @Sunny Delight I think Johnny has learned his lesson, beauty runs only skin deep and then you have trash inside with Amber.

    3. I find the only way she is pretty is when the makeup is caked on. She’s pretty hideous without it in the pictures I’ve seen. You can tell it’s the makeup because she looks like a different person in every picture you see of her.

  6. I just saw Kate Moss testimony 😻😻 she’s so great!

    Kate Moss is everything AH 💩 wishes she was. Beautiful, iconic, decades long career, still respected by Johnny and loved by the world.

    1. @Sunny Delight Doesn’t matter, Kate Moss has class, integrity, honesty and grace, Amber has none of these.

    2. @Sunny Delight Sure if a manipulative abuser is what does it for you. You like it rough. No kink shame here. 😉

  7. We loveee you Kate Moss!!! thank you for clearing the rumors and defend JD. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ you are Legend not only as on your title but also for telling the truth ☺️🙏

  8. broke my heart. wish they are together now that they both are more mature. thank you, kate ! thank you.

  9. Kate Moss has more sopistication in her toenail than Amber Heards entire being. Also did ya notice Johnny smile at the end while he was looking at the screen. They were the most gorgeous couple that ever existed, and theyre both STILL gorgeous.

  10. She is such a gracious lady. And with that, she torpedoed the whole staircase argument.
    Thank you Ms. Moss. You are a refreshing reminder of how a true lady conducts herself. 💜

  11. Here is the epitome of pure class!!! Kate is everything Scamber will never even get close to!! Kate is a beautiful woman inside and out. She has pure class and it shows. She doesn’t have to pretend to be anything. Scamber will never reach this level!! She is just too evil.

  12. Kate Moss, wow, as elegant and honourable as we all expected and her composure during testimony was top notch; that is truth and confidence right there; thank you Kate Moss!!! Wow

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