Per new New York Times reporting, John Bolton alleges in his new book that President Trump pressured him to call Ukraine President Zelenskiy to begin the Ukraine pressure campaign early last May, months earlier than previously known. Aired on 01/31/20.
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Kasie Hunt: New Bolton Claims Are 'Bombshell That Mitch McConnell Has Been Afraid Of' | MSNBC
To cover up Trump’s crimes the Republicans are going to legalise his crimes
No. They legalize crime.
Great point legalization of the Russian Republican Senate of America is so shameful! its hard to believe that so many so call patriot’s of America support The gop Senate of Russia.
TheIrish, exactly, well put.
I hope the American voters don’t forget this in November!
@Mr Walker …and there are millions of others who feel like you and will not just stand idly by. Enough is enough.
@KAY Khic this is no more the land of the free home of the brave, more like if your rich and powerful you’ll getaway with anything.
Yeah they want forget 3 years of the democrats and this corruption.
@Flavius Stilicho there will be riots and violence against voter registrations, and polling places. it is a real possibility that Trump could declare something akin to martial law. even to the point of revealing hacking and saying the results are null and void. very real possibility – he is completely unrestrained.
Every true American patriot should be against what the GOP have being doing. It’s disgraceful.
@Earnest T Bass Did you ever ask yourself why so many can’t stand Trump? 264.3 million didn’t vote for him. They must be all wrong.
Earnest T Bass oh little Bassey still pushing your conspiracy garbage. Only 90% of media sources are discussing this issue. You continue to prove what a complete dumba$$ you are. Laughable little Bassey the low iq clown
Hilarious. Of course Trumps lawyers are part of the scheme. Everyone associated with Trump is a crook.
@Mike Fernandez please tell me you arent really this ignorant
@Daisy Elmir thank you Daisy these people are living in an alternate orange reality where facts are lies and lies are facts it is both hilarious and disgusting at the same time
Don’t forget that drama queen Graham.
@Bruce Boring
These idiots think that demolishing our democracy is “winning” Bruce.
God help us all.
State of the union???
When is Trump supposed to go on national TV and lie to the whole nation?
State of the Useless!
Have to agree. The state of the union is “divided, wholly corrupt and just what Putin wants. Chaos and division. ” trump is gonna crow about how his stock market is. When he keeps deficit spending for the rich, a trillion at a time, the rich are going to say its badass. Hes prejudiced to poor people, middle class people and bows to billionaires. If ur mot white, he doesn’t like u much at all. Despicable shell of a person
The entire GOP has proven they’re all cowards and traitors. Shame that they can’t think for themselves and stand up to this tyrant.
It was confirmed by the intelligence agencies in 2016. If this is news to you maybe you should pay closer attention to the news cycle.
The banana Republicans are about to administer the kiss of death to the Republic.
Naw, the GOP is full of patriots and people who want to see the Constitution stand and not burn and the Democrats would have. No wonder only c9mmunists dont like the GOP.
@oltedders the intelligence agency was corrupt.
The entire republican party of today is a bunch of fifth collumnist TRAITORS.
Remember their names because NONE of them can be trusted.
tRumpanzee types transgressed the rights of Americans for decades, accusing them of commie this and commie that.. now look at them obeying and fawning over Putin and the destruction of democracy..
Conservative, republican tRumpanzee = tRaitors. Bring back the death penalty for being a tRaitor.
@Tim Thomas russian bot
Well, they can be trusted to sell out the American public and commit whatever crimes are necessary to remain in office. Check your voter registrtion and make sure your name hasn’t been illegally purged by republican politicians involved in “Running the nation’s election procedures.” It’s one of their oldest and most often criminal acts.
Poor little Democrat followers got exposed for being brainwashed and couldn’t admit it. You had your fun though after a one-sided only attack of juicy stories your admirable honorable Leaders in the House pounded in your puny gullible leftist brains.
Do you Democrats understand just how small your clan is getting these days? Have you forgotten Trump won 2,626 Counties to just 487 in 2016? That’s an Electoral landslide. Minus the California problematic State – It would have been the biggest victory ever. So get off your high horses. Falling into the political farse brainwashing of Schiff is no excuse anymore. Take TV away from your political intake for news – and you’d see life is better than ever out here. That’s reality.

This is what your “admirable honorable”House minority leader said about your dumb cultleader
“I think Putin pays Trump”
Kevin McCarthy Republican House minority leader
Welcome to the newest dictatorship in the world. The (not so) United states of America.
The Untied States of America.
@george lastrapes the russian Republican controlled US Senate. Putin is grinning from ear to ear.
Welcome To Western Russia. Putin Engineered It With The Imbicile In The White House And The Criminal GOP Senators! They Were Willing To Be Traitors All For Greed And Power!
Vote Them Out In 2020
The senators have put themselves and their families in great danger. They went against almost 80% of Americans that pay their salary. Welcome to the new hitler-trump US.
I was thinking the same thing. Dictatorship in the making
So let me understand this……
If the allegations are true, Pat Cipollone is a first hand witness with direct knowledge to what Trump is being impeached for. AND he’s defending Trump, on the Senate floor, as part of White House defense team.
Further down the rabbit hole we go.
@Vincent Conti STFU and stop PROJECTING….
@srch4trth How can anyone be surprised by this though? Nunes was running Intel back to them during the Mueller investigation then was part of the drug deal yet was part of the House hearings during impeachment. Barr who is also involved is “investigating” too. This is like asking Al Capone to investigate his own murders and corruption and being surprised when he finds no reason to even have a trial. The crooks are investigating themselves, yeah, that’s sure to work out well.
Yeah, there’s no atty/client priveledge when counsel is part of the crime… but we’re way past all of that now. These skalliwags don’t intend to hold free and fair elections – nothing else explains why they are more afraid of McConnel and Drumpf than they are of their voters.
And Senator Graham, who is part of the conspiracy, can vote to block witnesses.
Imagine Trumps lawyer testified that entire time knowing he was there.
I don’t think anything matters to the Cult45 folks. Stupid is as stupid does!
Well said
You all watch fake news HAHAHHA lol
@Maga 4Eva3 ok
@Shirley Brown I guess you don’t know about citizens united and mckeutchins… those were his decidions that cleared the way for superpacs to control mitch and the rest of the senate by proxy. The real cabal of 6 or 7 very rich donors
Boltons trying to save the GOP from making a terrible mistake
Lololololololol. Now THAT was funny! Lolololololololol
The vote has NOT BEEN PLACED YET until the vote is TURNED IN !!!
Momentous day Britain leaves the EU , America witnesses the death of democracy
Both of those terrible events were financed and planned by Putin.
generationofswine utter bollocks!
William Dunlop The death of democracy would have been if the fascists Democrats succeeded in their coup attempt.
Rod is so insane it’s genuinely difficult to describe.
This is absolutely INSANE!! I can’t believe what we are all witnessing. Witnesses and documents MUST be heard/seen!! The GOP has become a domestic terrorist organization!!
Rod total bot
They were heard. 17 of the Schiffs hand picked witnesses. If they wanted Bolton they should have subpoenaed him in the house. Its Not the Senates job to improve the case. It their job to JUDGE the case put forward. Schiff says they have proved their case 100%. If that is true why is there a need for further witnesses?
@Over It Where was your out rage when Republicans couldn’t even talk to witnesses in the house of representatives? How upset were you then? that was a dog and pony show. You’re a hypocrite.
Poor little Democrat followers got exposed for being brainwashed and couldn’t admit it. You had your fun though after a one-sided only attack of juicy stories your admirable honorable Leaders in the House pounded in your puny gullible leftist brains.
Do you Democrats understand just how small your clan is getting these days? Have you forgotten Trump won 2,626 Counties to just 487 in 2016? That’s an Electoral landslide. Minus the California problematic State – It would have been the biggest victory ever. So get off your high horses. Falling into the political farse brainwashing of Schiff is no excuse anymore. Take TV away from your political intake for news – and you’d see life is better than ever out here. That’s reality.
Most shameful moment in the US history. The country is disintegrating like Weimar Republic when Hitler became the head of the state. Republican Party is heading into same direction by succumbing to the pressure of DT.
What is even more shameful that you tout mediocre government employees as your heroes…In fact, it’s downright sad…
Can you get a little more inspired than that?
Give a listen to historian Timothy synder he’s started a series. Of talks on what he sees happening in America. He felt he had to speak up.
Ur Lawe , witness: “I know where all the bodies are buried”. GOP: “ we don’t need to know about any of that”!
The Russians have a king in the United States thanks gop
He is not even a king, he is an autocrat at the very least.
Quentin Garnes
What an imbecile!
Its putins pawn
Are you freaking kidding me!!!! That filthy Moscow Mitch – all he wanted to do was sweep this whole trail away as fast as possible.
This is what happens when you have a DOCUMENTED CON-ARTIST sitting in the Oval Office, that has been protected for over three years by both willing and unwilling accomplices.
GOP = Government of Putin. He’s loving this.
Nixon : I’m not a Crook !
Trump : I’m a Crook. So what !.
Republicans : We are all Crooks and King Trump’s Loyalists. Get over it.
Putin : Mission Accomplished.
I’m sad to say your post is entirely accurate.
Sounds TRUE to me. Thanks.
That was Great. Good Job.