1. “Democracy cannot survive when one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election: either they win or they were cheated.”

    1. Do you guys purposely choose to ignore the vast history of democrats questioning elections or does your memory honestly not go past 2020?

    2. @Shane Alan Demcast, look it up, 1 billion impressions since 2019 alone, in other words most these comments are bots or people paid to make one side look good. It’s how they were able to sell a senile old man who couldn’t fill a 8 circles beat a man who could draw 80,000 to a cornfield in the middle of nowhere.

  2. “How dismal it is to see present day Americans yearning for the very orthodoxy that their country was founded to escape.” ~Christopher Hitchens~

  3. She is almost there. Just short of a visual aid with all fours in the air and her back on the ground, wriggling them and crying foul when she loses at anything. What a nuisance.

  4. That should be part of applying to run for office, a sworn oath to accept the results after a clear winner has been declared officially. To break that oath means dismissal from the office and the office goes to the candidate with the most votes.

  5. Lake: “You’ve spent the whole time speaking about 2020. I think YOU’RE stuck on 2020.”
    So says the supporter of Trump, who talks about nothing else, and who refuses to confirm she will accept the result of 22.

  6. American elections’ safety and security on the national level have been the gold standard for generations. It only became a problem when Trump lost and republicans looked at demographic changes then realized the future was very bleak for them.

  7. There should be an extremely narrow amount of situations that would allow any challenges to election results.. If a candidate is unwilling to run under those rules, then they should not be allowed to run…. PERIOD.. if A legal challenge is made.. and you lose.. you pay the costs and your defeated whether or not you accept it.

  8. um, I did a Google search, “Arizona run out of ballots Aug 2 2022” and actually read the issues that occurred that day.
    1. Pinal country did not run out of ballots within 1 hour of opening the polls. Kari lie #1
    2. out of 95 locations, only 12 had an issue with a ballot shortage. Kari made it sound like the entire county had blown up.
    3. in every instance while some people may have been inconvenienced, it did not appear that anyone was denied the ability to vote.
    sooo contrary to Kari Lake’s version, the world did not end, Arizona did not implode, and the sun DID in fact come up the next morning.
    conclusion: Kari Lake is an alarmist candidate who will say ANYTHING (including lies) to scare and convince people that the sky us facing and we’re all going to die in the next 20 minutes.

    1. Now make a list of her stances. Hobbs also. If you can’t, I can tell you. Isn’t that important or do you want to turn a blind eye?

    2. @Warpuppy “in every instance while some people may have been inconvenienced, it did not appear that anyone was denied the ability to vote.”

  9. These Republican bullies, bully every single person they talk to, and then say: Why won’t they debate me? Well, because you don’t stick to the issue at hand, and whatboutism drools out of your mouth, you don’t let people speak, you don’t listen (not hearing, but true listening) and you are just a loudmouth, ungracious, and overly arrogant. Debate is not “owning” your competition, it’s compelling people to vote for you, based on how you respond to any given question with knowledge, ideas and proposals, not just countering what someone else says.

  10. “People are moving to AZ.”

    How’s the drought and shrinking reservoirs working for all those extra people?

  11. As an Arizona resident, I am appalled that the GOP has put up this candidate as the best that they have to offer. Hobbs will not debate Lake because of the latter’s bizarre and strongly-held beliefs of a stolen election and BDE insanity. My state can do better than electing Trump’s butt-kissing nominee.

  12. A question I would like to see asked is, if this is always ‘rigged’ does that extend to the Republican Party as well?

  13. CNN managed to keep this interview segment with Kari Lake up but “mysteriously” didn’t keep any of Katie Hobbs’s interview up. We know why.🫣

  14. You gotta love how these Republicans are being interviewed on TV spouting their nonsense all the while claiming that they are being canceled. Maybe I just don’t understand what it means and it means having the opportunity at every turn to be in the media spewing your lies to millions of idiots.

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