1. 🔔Men, don’t lose your semen in sex, otherwise, your body will become weak very fast,
      🌟a substance that can create human beings, there must have a lot of energy in it,
      🌮save semen in your body, you will keep strong.
      🙏If you have problems with wet dream (spermatorrhea),
      🙏you can use 12-15 hours of sitting to take rest without sleep,
      🙏instead of 6-8 hours sleep. (I have succeeded in this)
      (My Instagram : follow.god.12345)
      🙏Men protect women, better tomorrow 】🏜

      【Read the story in this Instagram, you will find a new life🏜

    2. @Men Protect Women can I get this straight? You sit for 12-15 hours instead of sleep? Do you never sleep or..?

  1. *”We don’t appreciate each other as much as we should as a humanity. Something like that should be appreciated. We should appreciate people while they’re alive.” – Dwight Howard said this right after the game Lebron passed Kobe…*

    1. Handsome B. Wonderful

      “After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter.”

      Kobe Bryant. In his own words

    2. Handsome B. Wonderful

      He paid the victim 2.5 million to not testify at his criminal trial. In addition to the 2.5 million, as part of the civil suit settlement he had to publicly acknowledge what he did.

      Let me quote Kobe Bryant on the issue.

      “After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter.”

      His own words. He admitted to the sexual assault.

    3. @Alberto Raphael Pinto No it just tells you he appreciated and respected Kobe as a person when he was alive. It’s nothing more than a coincidence and suggesting it’s more than that is offensive to Vanessa, the kids, and the millions touched.

    1. Martin Ray But I am specifically meaning to Kobe and Gigi, because of how much they were so iconic to each other as very close. Just so sad..

    2. bombalu5 Nah dude, don’t think like that. These people’s life were taken too soon, it’s just that they weren’t known “very well” like Kobe and Gigi were. But they are all special equally no matter what. And our deepest condolences go out to all of them, and their families as well. Rest for eternity.. 🙏🏼♥️

    1. Google User ill celebrate him for the rest of my life and ill invite you to the party. You must be god to be handing out final judgements ill pray for your beleaguered soul.

    2. @Jessica Wilson Don’t put blame on the pilot! It’s known he was a tremendous aviator and he lost his own life as well trying his best (I’m sure!) to save their lives. I’m sure failure and fear we’re going through his mind at the moments before the crash . Don’t only pray for Kobe, but all the passengers on board. The pilot’s family faced a loss as well; stop being so ignorant! RIP.

  2. Kareem is a legend himself. A privilege to have him speak.

    And yet so humbly thanks Chris Cuomo for the opportunity to.

    Love you too Kareem. Thank you for all the wonderful memories.


    2. MARCUS KOHL stfu. Kareem is the best basketball player of all-time, whether he signed your dopey program or not.

    1. @Black Toof WOW! Thanks for the info….. Unfortunately, the more info we get, the more questions we have. I want to hear some answers for a change; answers that make sense. Have you heard anything about the color inconstancies yet?

    2. @Suzy Q media says it melted off during the fire. Which isn’t true. The blue and white paint would of melted off aswell

  3. Kareem and high sky hook shot was so devastating while he usually beat my team, but this sudden helicopter crash that went down is even more devastating.
    R.I.P. Kobe, Gigi, baseball coach and his family, all others involved in this crash..
    Crazy to try fly on such a foggy day.

    1. Or not
      A rapist who got served by GODS JUSTICE!
      who sacrifed his daughter amd these people with his karma.
      Wake up!

  4. Rip, we all gonna die , god is the only one that stays alive for ever … rip to everybody loses his or her best friend and family regardless it’s a famous person or not , the pain is that same

    1. joe gainers This is what happens when you ignore weather and rules every one on board is responsible they made the decisions to fly anyway! But KOBE made that choice for his daughter and he’s being treated like someone special for that poor decision! I’ll say my sympathy for our soldiers and vets that never get any recognition what a shame

    2. Cj Treasure loose sleep over a rapist lmao 😂 I’ll pass! This is what happens when you ignore weather and rules every one on board is responsible they made the decisions to fly anyway! But KOBE made that choice for his daughter and he’s being treated like someone special for that poor decision! I’ll say my sympathy for our soldiers and vets that never get any recognition what a shame

  5. Kobe is like LA’s son and Kareem is more like that distant cerebral OG uncle, who is usually doing his own thing but is always there when you need him

    1. Kareem has had his time to shine! Now he’s an icon and an OG. A lifetime honoree of the game! Much respect!

  6. As a mother my heart goes out to Vanessa .,,losing my child during still born at 6mths still affects me till this day ! But to lose ur husband and your daughter at the same time ….,,
    Like what do you say ? What do u do ?.. this is hard …. my heart goes out to her times infinity 💥

    1. KsJ Lyrics and his parents as well losing a child is the worse pain ever, I too lost a baby at 31 weeks & I still cry for her & kiss her urn ⚱️ everyday. Godbless everyone

  7. It was such a shocking news that I cant believe it yet
    Very sad ending to such a brilliant life ….

  8. Heartbroken and keeping the families affected in my thoughts.
    To Allah we belong, and to him we shall return.

  9. I so respect Kareem he has always been a truly genuine person, excellent interview with Chris. thank you for being you Kareem I’m old enough to remember your hey-day too.

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