Kansas voters uphold abortion rights | USA TODAY

Voter turnout in Kansas's primary elections exceeded expectations with voters on both sides of the aisle opting to uphold the right to abortion.

RELATED: DOJ challenges Idaho abortion law | USA TODAY

After Kansas voters upheld the right to an abortion in an upset victory for pro-abortion rights supporters, abortions rights groups took a victory lap celebrating the vote.

“The vote, which comes just over a month after the U.S. Supreme Court revoked federal abortion rights, demonstrates once again that voters across the country do not want politicians interfering in their health care decisions,” said Planned Parenthood Action in a statement.

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#Kansas #Abortion #Election


  1. Of course we did. Im not raising someone’s kid I decide to sleep with from the bar for fun. I get at least 2 a year.

    1. Learn to keep your legs closed. It isn’t hard.

      You probably barely even do anything in bed, I bet the guy does all the work.

  2. Despite the economic downturn,I’m so happy. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13 day’s

    1. The body inside a woman’s body isn’t her body,
      it belongs to the baby & what about the rights of
      the baby girl being murdered by abortion?
      Where are her rights?

  3. That’s so sick that those commented and those who live in that state love to kill babies you get to keep your rights but that poor unborn child has to lie because of your discission

    1. About a woman’s right to make her own decision. NOT your decision, hers. Do you use birth control Sandie, how about that decision? You ok with that going away?

  4. You’ve retained your right to live your perverse and promiscuous lifestyle at the cost of another human beings life….good job👏

    1. Ignorance is the first killer! !! Should be on prision ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  5. Kansas has fairly restrictive abortion laws. This vote was about amending the Kansas constitution to remove any right to abortion. It’s not surprising that it didn’t pass, most Americans are ok with limited access to abortion. I predict nationally we will move to a 12 week limit like in many other countries.

    1. @D and that’s an unethical and immoral position. By your logic I can kill anyone, it’s none of your business.

  6. The body inside a woman’s body isn’t her body,
    it belongs to the baby & what about the rights of
    the baby girl being murdered by abortion?
    Where are her rights?

    1. Where are her rights to healthcare? Social security? Education? We have some stupid people in our country. And unfortunately we have to pay their welfare.

  7. You will answer to GOD for taking that life. I Stand for GOD, I Stand for My Country, I Stand for ISRAEL

  8. I am very happy that Kansas still has abortion legal in their state. The women and young ladies in this state need to have as much right to their own bodies as possible to do with what they will. Every woman and young lady in this country more than deserves to have full complete access to all abortion services so they can have the life that they need and not the life that others want for them.

  9. Imagine if American women were legally allowed to forego motherhood through abortion and adoption, without being legally responsible for child support; yet American men are unable to legally forgo fatherhood without permission from women and are forced to pay pay child support. Double standards and female privilege are fun kids. Hands off their bodies, Hands off our wallets

    1. Hmm I never heard that argument before… interesting but ya know this whole subject is so nuanced and everyone feeds into the political narrative and follows along. Mandatory masks but not mandatory condoms? And then you’ve got well no abortion, no welfare, no child support… no solution 🤷🏼‍♂️ make either side’s argument make sense

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