Karine Jean-Pierre, Chief of Staff to Kamala Harris, responds to new criticism of the vice presidential nominee and discusses the double standard female political candidates are held to. Aired on 10/26/2020.
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Kamala Harris’s Chief Of Staff On Gender Inequality: ‘We Saw That 4 Years Ago & We’re Seeing It Now’

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sWEhfw_xjU&t=3s OMG
Vote you love these videos then Please WATCH THESE JOE BIDEN VIDEOS! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
He doesn’t want to get reelected does he ?
I really don’t think he does, if he could stay out of prison. He would rather get his own network and make a killing. He doesn’t want this job.
@CAPTAIN KSpatriotdigital soldier From Fox News, I stopped right then, Fox News is just a propaganda outlet. Truth is something they simply don’t understand.
@CAPTAIN KSpatriotdigital soldier Sorry dude. Not into conspiracy theories from trash propaganda sites. Not even clicking the link.
You go girl
Black girl magic
Here is some Biden magic. Check it out
@High Expectations didn’t you hear Joe said that 1994 bill was a mistake! He admitted that! When the last time Trump admitted his wrong!! 94 and everyday for the last 4 years! Big difference! It’s a different time! We’re you here in the states this summer ? Cause I was it’s was like 1965! Far from perfect! But still better then Trump! Keep trooling I already voted

New Age ! New Nation ! New America! Biden/Harris 2020!

Right on!!!
Proud life long male feminist here, just like my WWII grandfathers, my father, uncles and ever decent male I’ve ever known. The age of sexism is ending.
Progressive Humanist I always watch your comments. And I find that we’re on the same page all the time. Thanks for the message today, and …… Keep doing what you do !!!
Progressive humanist thank heavens for men like you. I am happy to say that there are many men who are family members and friends who also feel that way.
Kamala Harris was the biggest mistake Biden made. The Dem primary soundly rejected her (cackle cackle…)
I think we may be related. . . as you and your male relatives sound just the men in my husband’s family (though not my own). I picked a man to be my husband, who was not intimidated by a woman making the marriage proposal.
And women will have to deal with even more after Barrett is put on the Supreme Court
No, the Supreme Court will be forced to deal with millions more women demanding total and complete equity and equality in the home, courts and public arena. Many will also have to fight impeachment for being political appointees with an agenda that is not constitutional!
Be careful how you try to trample on free women’s rights.
Vote for Hope!!!Vote for Human Decency!!Vote for Health Dignity!!

@CAPTAIN KSpatriotdigital soldier America or Trump.
U get no compassion from Republican’s because they don’t care about the deaths.
Just look at their behavior.
They’re the same type that wore their sunday’s best to lynchings
Lmfao 200,000 is nothing that’s two months of abortions we are just killing them after the fact.
Don’t forget to vote and vote blue!
I did


@R Plant good for you Trump needs our help!!!
all the evidence show a Trump victory.
@Richard Glover Not even if you held a gun to my head. America or Trump.
Covid Trump and the Russpublican senators have failed Americans.
So vote them all OUT
Show them that we can replace them all
Let your voice be heard
Women who vote for women only because they are women are ignorant
@Trent Bonebrake or men who vote for false machismo like the guy I listened to during a dune buggy rally for Trump. He claimed I like alpha males and Trump is an alpha male. I thought that is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.
Republican senators don’t have any backbone to stand up to fat Trump, who has losing popularity
Obama left instructions for trump on pandemics n trump repudiated.so, Do yall REALLY see trump winning?I meeeeean,HOW SWAY?
.he eradicated America
All of the available evidence show Trump winning.
@Will Ganness Whining, not winning.
Posting this everywhere doesn’t make it true and you’re fooling only yourself.
Last post at Will
@squeaky So you dont think he is winning. You all know it. Thats why you always say “go out and vote”. The current polling has no relation to the election outcome. You can link the current polling to the polling of 2016. But any objective analysis of trying to predict the out come must start with a valid point – and that is the 2016 election outcome. And from this alone Trump is winning more comfortably than in 2016.
Nicole: Read that with a racist view. It will make perfect sense.
Those individuals are haters…..Let them walk a mile in her moccasins..
“What virus, I barely remember it.”
— Donald Trump
Girls rule the world. Often quietly, behind the scenes. We have that emotion gene that men don’t. They often speak of it like it’s a negative (sensitive woman, heart on our sleeve) but it is a strength!
And Kamala, with all the barriers she has already broken, as she said: “this isn’t the first time I’ve been called names!”
I would think all women would stick together on this… something most women have experienced. But I guess it comes down to Republican vs Democrat; as opposed to women vs a sexist pig.
@Joyce – You do, it’s just a shame you have to do it behind the scenes. I’m not prejudiced, but I really do think that women make much better leaders, negotiators, etc.
Still a ton of sexist pigs. “Honey can you stop doing the laundry and grab me a beer?”
Do we really believe that women can’t be just as eager to hold each other down as any male chauvinist? Ol’ Peggy can just take a seat. Her day is over and her way of thinking is doomed.
Herd Immunity = Genocide by another name – from Genocide: Trump’s Final Solution To Immigrants And Minorities, “According to the United Nation’s Genocide Convention, the perpetration of genocide requires an “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.” Since the White House itself has acknowledged the disproportionate deadly effects of the virus on minority communities, the intent can no longer be denied.” by Dr. Bandy X. Lee (Yale School of Medicine) in CD Reports in May, 2020 I would add older and disabled Americans.
This Karin is so beautiful…just saying.
voted Biden/Harris 2020, for competent leadership!