As Donald Trump and Senate Republicans try to rush a Supreme Court appointment before the election, Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris says it’s important to remember that “people are already voting.” In a Last Word exclusive interview with Lawrence O’Donnell, she says voters are being deprived of the right “to elect their next president who then will make the decision about who will be the nominee.” Aired on 09/28/2020.
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Kamala Harris: Voters Should Decide Who Gets To Fill Open Supreme Court Seat | The Last Word | MSNBC
i’M GONNA LOOK TO THE constitution
That is a foreign concept to democrats and msnbs viewers.
Did you look in 2016?
She does not like people owning certain types of guns. I guess she needs to look at the amendments. Anyway, check out who she was taught by…..Diane Finestine
@Eclipse The Gambling Ocelot yep, and they followed all laws and past precedents set by both sides dipstick, just like now. of the 29 times this has happened during an election year the senate and president were of separate parties 10 times and none of those nominations from either side were voted on or confirmed. The rest of the time both senate and president were of the same party and all but 1 was confirmed. Add to that it was biden in the 90s with bush sr who said “he should not nominate and we should not vote if he does” but then threw a fit when the same rules were applied to him and obama when they put forth a nomination to a senate controlled by the opposite party, and now he’s back to saying the president shouldn’t do his job since it’s an election year. Maybe you should go educate yourself before just letting your TDS make you show the world how much of a hateful moron you are.
New CDC information says only 1 in 19.1 million chance people (ages 50-64 yrs old) die from covid-19
1/19,100,000=0.0000052356020942408376% maybe if we give up all our freedoms no one will die
Quid pro quo joe Biden has hairy legs and loves kids jumping on his lap 
he said so.
Masks lower your air to 17.4% oxygen, but who needs oxygen as long as the sheeple obey…?
…Is anyone listening?
Reaction: Global freakout
Are you still reacting… Or solving?
I wish someone who has proof of voter fraud in California would do the right thing and step forward to blow the lid off these power hungry radical progressives
@Papa D what’s great about that is they found out just recently that the DEMOCRATS paid russia to interfere with the 2016 election. That is CONFIRMED.
@Brad Gies no, the problem is that sometimes the situation is hard to prove.
I will give you a personal example, this happened around 2014.
I went to renew my driver’s license at the DMV, I had recently moved so I also re-registered to vote. I handed all my paperwork including the registration form to the DMV agent, my registration was clearly marked and sitting on top of the paperwork. The agent looked at it then with a quick motion slid the form off the pile and put it under his desk. I didn’t think anything of it because I could see other desks had boxes where other agents were putting forms.
Several months later I had not received my voting information and the election was only 2 weeks away. I called the voter registration office and inquired about my status to vote. The person told me that I hadn’t updated my registration and it was too late to do so. I explained what I did and what I saw the dmv agent do the lady on the phone literally said “Oh, that’s not right.”
She explained that the agent should have processed the registration right there and it literally took 30 seconds to do and was standard operating procedure at California DMV’s.
So the agent wasn’t putting my registration aside… He had thrown it away and did it right in front of me!
Here is the kicker, that same year my dad had moved as well, he registered at the DMV also and the dmv agent apparently did the exact same thing because he didn’t get his voting information either. He would have had to drive half way across California to vote in person.
2 guesses which political party we register under…
I can’t prove those DMV agents intentionally threw away our voter registrations… But it seems a little too coincidental that two members of the same family had their registrations fail to be imputed in to a system that is easy to use and is part of the DMV system and routine….
Voter suppression can be big and it can be small… Just because we dont see mobs blocking doors preventing people from doing so doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.
@Papa D right the progressive liberal movement that hijacked the Democrat party and their puppet master george Soros bank roller of ANTIFA and BLM will make our lives just wonderful under his new world order, educate yourself
@Brad Gies get your head out of the sand proof is coming forward and we’ll all be shocked how wide spread the progressive liberal cheating is
Voters already decided this in 2016. How this plays out is already lined out in the constitution. There is also already a check and balance system in how it’s laid out in the constitution: the president nominates, .and then it’s confirmed by the United States senate. Kamala Harris is spinning this and painting a picture of injustice that isn’t true.
They did in 2012 too. Can you tell me when the hearings and vote on Judge Garland was held?
According to the constitution…
It is the PRESIDENT that makes appointments for the Supreme is the SENATE that confirms!!
Democrats don’t get their way they CHANGE THE RULES to fit them!
THERE HAVE BEEN 29 times that an opening to Supreme Court occurred during election year…
Senate and president SAME party…25 confirmed
Joe Biden LIED!!! This is unprecedented and never has it happened before..
+wodka troll+
I wonder why the REPUBLICAN SENATOR Moscow Mitch blocked obamas pick in 2016. We just want fair treatment
Ryan Gilmore the people didnt choose trump, they chose hillary by 3 million votes, the electoral college chose trump
Ryan Gilmore for you to be right, judge Garland must have had hearings and been voted on. Tell me, when did that happen?
Eclipse The Gambling Ocelot It never happened because moscow mitch blocked the vote
THE PEOPLE DO electing the president and senators
[“Observing said the sockpuppet account with lots of comments by other sockpuppet accts to influence human behaviour, harness energy, gather info to make the next comments.”]
[“Palantir quantum computer came fully online Jan., 2019, controlls all corps(es), bringing sockpuppets and bots to social media platforms to cause chaos. Will say though voting for next victimizer of the masses is a choice and its being promoted through all platforms via coalition, in the assimilation virus spaceline. Foreign vessel docked on land inDCTricky, deception, manipulations not acceptable. #CLEAR #BUSTED (Ultimate Warrior)”]
The Democratic senators in Congress right now collectively represent more people than the Republican senators do – even though the Republicans hold the majority in the senate.
The people also voted for Hillary over Trump.
+wodka troll+
Russian Troll
@Walter White Trump nor Biden will be receiving the Black vote (especially not from the younger generations). Neither Party have done anything to help, and Biden/Harris have mostly hurt with their policies. The system is illegitimate to us, and there will be no vote without tangible policy. We also have our own Media (Prof Black Truth, The Black Authority, Watkins and others) and won’t fall for political stooges claiming that they speak for us.
The president makes the decision untill Jan 20 after Election Day when the winning president is sworn in as president
The president does NOT lose ANY authority the closer it gets to election
Even if PRESIDENT TRUMP LOSES he will STILL have the powers of the president until Inauguration Day!!!
@Joanne M You’re right, biden the corrupt, lying pos is going to lose. Do you have any moral integrity, voting for someone who’s bragged on camera about abusing his power to get a prosecutor fired for investigating his son. Taking bribes from china and russia, why is it suddenly not a problem for you hypocrites now that it’s YOUR guy being the pos. And unlike Trump, there’s actual proof of bidens crimes. You’re a lowlife.
@XFERD thanks for replying. I’m not sure I understand. If the president has the the right to make nominations even in an election year, and their presidential authority does not expire until Jan 20 as you say, shouldn’t Congress be obligated to consider that nominee? Why should it matter which party has the majority? In this year’s case, the president’s nominee will be considered, there will be a hearing and even a vote – in the Garland example there weren’t any hearings at all, right? I understand that the majority party was able to avoid considering the president’s nominee back then, but it is not clear to me based on the premise you offered that what they did was the right thing to do. It certainly doesn’t seem like it was respectful of a sitting president’s authority. So I guess I just wonder which it is. Do nominees only get considered in election years when the president and Congressional majority are in the same party, and where in the Constitution does it say that?
Exactly haha
duma tella during the Merrill Garland nomination..
Democrats had the White House..REPUBLICANS held the senate..
This year BOTH president and senate are held by REPUBLICAN
No..there is no mandate that the senate MUST consider the presidents nomination and the senate just…let the clock wind dow…as it were
They could also have held the hearings and voted NOT TO CONFIRM but that might have placed a stigma on an otherwise good character of MERRICK GARLAND.
duma tella nominees are normally confirmed ONLY when BOTH SENATE AND PRESIDENT are same party
It has happened when one party has the senate and the other party has White House but not many times
The voters did have a say, they elected Donald Trump for a 4 year term not a 3 and 1/2 year term.
Roe v. wade does not say a woman has the right to an abortion, it says a women has a right to privacy between her and her doctor.
Roe v. wade is a fallacy and should be reconsidered.
Amy Barrett deserves to be a surpreme judge!
Amy is a super smart person and she Loves God.
What about when you lied just to keep an innocent man in jail just to keep up your ratings at the D.A’s office Senator Harris
You don’t care about the rule of law and order
What does that say about your credibility lady ?
Questions that should be asked
she lost all credibility years ago, what little she did have was lost by encouraging people to riot and be terrorists over the last couple months.
@odeis5 yea, there’s that
But but but
Dude she made her career on her knees lol
There’s a reason most Californians call her by “kamala is a cop”. She’s done everything she can to keep minorities behind bars for minor offenses
The Marxist dogma lives loudly in you.
Kamala “Heels Up” Harris wants to change the Constitution so 16 year can vote. In 2015 she said “what do we know about this population age 16 to 24? THEY ARE STUPID!.” She thinks young people are stupid that’s why we need more of them to vote. Is America ready for a shallow hectoring rich lady who’s real fans work at hedge funds and MSDNC? That’s a real question nobody will ask.
That is not the law in the USA.
Boss Anova he’s much better then Biden sir. Biden and his son are bought up by China already
Then uphold it fairly, senator mitch mconnell blocked obamas pick in 2016 for 9 months before the election
@Joshua Hudson But obama still chose his Judge which was his COnstitutional duty, just like Trump just did. You democrats don’t even want Trump to pick one.
ANTIFABLM SUX Yes but the senate do their constitutional duty of voting on it.
Boss Anova yes you are very correct people are voting RIGHT NOW for TRUMP 2020
She is pure Evil… How can she talk about integrity! Kamala”heels up” Harris
Hard hitting questions

The affordable care act is not affordable.
When it first came out i was excited. Then they said it was over 700 per month. I told them are you crazy that’s paying a house payment
@Mind Flayer Like I said you don’t know what racists is.
Yes it is, You’re just unjustly entitled.
russian troll
The ACA has increased the cost of healthcare for everybody who has that mess.
The Voters Did Decide In 2016 Who Is Going To Fill The Open Supreme Court Seat. #Trump2020 #MAGA #Landslide #USA
How’s the weather in Russia today?
So why did Moscow Mitch block obamas pick in 2016. Moron
“Voters Should Decide Who Gets To Fill Open Supreme Court Seat”
They did. In 2016.
In the same year mitch mcconnell blocked obamas appointment made in february. The voters chose hillary by 3 million votes, the electoral college chose trump, so you are mistaken
Kamala, what makes a difference if Trump nominates someone now or after he’s re-elected?? You guys have NO chance.
If the voters made the decision you still wouldn’t win