Kamala Harris Speaks To Black Business Owners In Wisconsin | MSNBC

Kamala Harris says that investing in an entrepreneurial class is one of Joe Biden's priorities, specifically investing in access to capital through the Small Business Administration, and putting money into opportunity zones. Harris says that it is about "an investment in not only those specific communities but in our country. Understanding that some of the greatest sources of wealth, and intergenerational wealth, come about through that kind of focus." Aired on 9/07/2020.
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Kamala Harris Speaks To Black Business Owners In Wisconsin | MSNBC

Kamala Harris Speaks To Black Business Owners In Wisconsin | MSNBC


    1. @Anthony Ramirez As of Jan. 20 the Russian traitor is effectively dead. Nobody will touch the toxic, indicted monster with a ten-foot pole.

    2. @Adventure54 Unemployment is currently lower than when Obama was in the white house. All during a pandemic. Lol. The fact that you even mentioned the 1% narrative only proves that your nothing but a narrative regurgitating liberal. Trickle down economics absolutely stimulates economic growth and TRUMP has proved that with new york and now the country. Not that you would care to look. It’s outdated socialist democratic policies that have kept the poor poor and incentivized dependency. And news flash, the middle class is full employees, not business owners. Do you want to take a guess at who provides them jobs? That’s right, Einstein. It’s the upper middle class. MILLIONS OF JOBS in fact. So quit your whining and work hard for what you want instead of just expecting it you entitled little brat.

    3. @Adventure54 Lol. That becuase we categorize all of our inamtes and designate them through a system. China is right behind us btw, but they forgot to include the millions of muslims they’ve detained and placed in concentration camps. And if you look at the numbers per capita, you’ll see a much different picture. As for your second claim (lie). Iran is ranked 99 a 15.90% (DEATHS/1,000 LIVE BIRTHS) while the US is ranked 170 with 5.8%. Now if we include the millions of abortions then I understand. And where did you get your GDP numbers from lol. The number has never been anywhere near that because it’s calculated by annualized growth, and in the case of presidents term, Moron. GDP is a dollar amount and the 5.4% you’re referring to is GROSS increase over the prior year. NOT NET. And for the record, international markets affect GDP way more than the stock market does and if you look around, we weren’t the only country on lockdown! Lastly, thank you for your comments on unemployment. That only strengthens my response. LMAO, what a simpleton.

    4. @Anthony G You’re such a freaking imbecile you do not what the current unemployment rate is. It’s 8.4% down from 10.2% just a few weeks ago, asshat. Obama’s unemployment rate when he left office was 4.7% down from 10.1%(over 5 percentage points) due to the great recession created by the Bush administration….he then handed Trump a stable economy & a shrinking deficit with less troops in the middle east than what we have now. I almost feel sorry for you, especially your parents for unleashing such a low information clown into civil society. Yes, asshat…Obama achieved quarterly GDPs as high as 5.2% during the 3rd quarter of 2014 & created more jobs than Trump in his final three years than Trump in his first three years. All of that information is available at the Board of Labor Statistics Reporting…a non-partisan government agency.🤡Trump is now presiding over a second great recession & an out of control Pandemic…how’s that working out for you, clownface?

    1. @Stephanie Coker The horror show is only the fake news. If you check things out differently, you’ll probably get relieved & maybe even happy…

    2. @Paula Bhatt Go & work out how what you say could possibly be true when he’s solved multiple ‘impossible’ reforms…Israel, US Manufacturing, Black Justice & education, Vet care & proper medical support, Lowering medical costs of pharmaceuticals & coming ‘transparent’ hospital costings…Plus leaders don’t do backflips on policy which is what the dems seem to do every time they come out and give a monthly or less frequent contesting of their own reported previous policies. The party is racist as anything BTW…

    3. @Benjamin Navarro He didn’t make the choice at all. Do you really think he’s a ‘decision maker’…If you sold him something, you’d have to go through the sale again with the ‘boss’…whoever that may be. They set up a fund to bail out people that were arrested…so they could keep destroying & hurting small business…I like blue…Blue lives matter…Trump is the best choice if you let yourself hear both sides without the CNN commentary.

    4. @Michael Lloyd Mr. Lloyd, I am incredibly grateful to be in a position to work from home, but I cannot be happy when so many of my fellow Americans are dying. Can you? We need change.

  1. It’s refreshing to hear someone who knows more than 15 words “greatest, powerful, beautiful, people are saying, a lot of people say, person , woman, man, camera , tv ” ☝️🤔😂😂😂



      Ex-District Attorney Condoning the Burning and Looting of Cities.VP Nominee Kamala Harris Quote “Riots won’t stop before or after the election and they shouldn’t”

      Supports ANTIFA and the Terrorist Group Black Lives Matter that has been Burning and Looting cities and creating Chaos around this country. Patrisse Cullors Co-Founder Black Lives Matter States Quote”They are Trained Organizers and They are Trained Marxist”

      BLM Organizer:”We must Abolish the U.S. As We Know It”

      Biden has condemned violence as a whole, But will not condemn the group ANTIFA and the Terrorist group Black Lives Matter which is his base.

      We will make it all go away if you vote for us.

  2. Olga Calderon was a Walgreen’s worker who was killed by a member of the fake oppressed community.

    1. So Allan.. are you prepared to take responsibility for everything YOUR ancestors did???!! At least Kamala was up front about that fact really early on, rather than trying to hide it!! Nice try!!

    2. Christine Gentles Yep one of my ancestors came to this country as a convict for steeling some rope I’m very proud of that.

    3. Christine Gentles It tells you alot about her character/upbringing. Show me the descendants of slave owners who we’ve been wrong about, some of them are murdering unarmed blacks and the others are covering for them, by her track record she’s no different.

    1. @Eikaiwa ToriHoriCho was pence asked a question and then scurried away without a reply like Kamala “the Ugandan giant ” Harris ?

    2. @lord of the Sith liberal slayer scurry? you mean like how Pence high tailed it out of there when he was pressed as to why he was attending a QAnon hosted fundraiser? had to locate his mother?

    3. @Eikaiwa ToriHoriCho so if you think Q is a ridiculous thing and pence backed out of speaking in a event by them , what’s the issue ? It’s not like was being asked a substantive question and scurried away like Kamala “the Ugandan” giant Harris was. Maybe it wasn’t a pre written down question or on a teleprompter rehearsed statement like they are used to

    4. @lord of the Sith liberal slayer pence plans to run for president some day and doesn’t want to be associated with FBI targets in QAnon. unlike trump, pence can be embarrassed.

    5. @Eikaiwa ToriHoriCho what is Q ? We are Q , Q Dosen’t exist .
      We at Q are waiting , bidding our time.

    1. Only ignorant Trump supporters and narcissist would ask that question. Sorry I’m usually more polite but Trump is hurting all American families causing a civil war stealing all the money and power so he doesn’t have to leave. And I’m angry

  3. Wow the news seem to keep this in its own jewels of there community. She cant hide forever even after they lose

  4. Born October 20, 1964, Kamala Harris was nicknamed “Titters” by her high school sweetheart, the men’s basketball squad.

  5. Lies, lies, lies everything that comes out of your mouth is lies. You change your mind like you change your underwear. Pretty sure that’s alot everyday

  6. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

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