In their first joint interview since the 2020 Democratic National Convention, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris responded to President Trump's comments calling Harris "nasty."
#Kamala #CNN #News
In their first joint interview since the 2020 Democratic National Convention, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris responded to President Trump's comments calling Harris "nasty."
#Kamala #CNN #News
Can’t wait for the debates.
They won’t happen, Joe Biden is crapped out already.
Hey, look. The Donald is cheesey and sometimes sleazy, but when you set that aside, he’s actually accomplished a lot while in office. The entire Rust Belt saw 10M manufacturing jobs return and another 4M created. The “racist” border wall and illegal immigration crackdown has been a G-dsend for blue collar workers. He took the heat for the protectionist policies and it paid off. Trump managed to achieve record low unemployment numbers, he did it consistently, Wall Street bet on those numbers, and every major stock index took off like rocket fuel. Trumpiness aside, he did build the most prosperous economy in US history. Everyone with a retirement plan saw the best ROIs of their entire lifetimes. That is more important than personality. I don’t have to have a beer with the Financial Planner who’s making me money, protecting my family members’ nest eggs, and my job. I’m voting for Trump.
@Robin I never cared:
– I never cared if you were “gay“ until you started shoving it in my face, and the faces of our children.
– I never cared what color you were, until you started blaming my race for your problems.
– I never cared about your political affiliation until you started to condemn me for mine.
– I never cared where you were born until you wanted to erase my history and blame my ancestors for your current problems.
– I never cared if you were well-off or poor, until you said you were discriminated against, when I was promoted because I worked harder.
– I never cared if your beliefs were different from mine, until you said my beliefs were wrong.
– I never cared to if I owned a gun until you told me I wouldn’t be allowed to. (or take the ones I own legally)
Now I care!
My patience and tolerance are gone.
I’m not alone in feeling this way there are millions of us who do……
and we have had enough!
FYI: Please copy and paste for all to KNOW thanks.
What the Democrats are doing inciting BLM and Antifa riots is evil. Antifa’s website goes to Biden’s and he won’t speak out against them. Some people just want to win too bad and will stop at nothing, even if it means making a deal with the devil.
@Floppycoc104 chile- I
Whose ready to Vote? I am.
If you truly care about our country and what’s happening, you owe it to yourself and America to watch both conventions. I’m not going to be bias here. Both sides of the political parties should watch both national conventions,… Even if it makes you physically sick. We owe it to our children to seek truth and to make a fair and just decision for this election. It may be our very lives and everything we love that could be at stake if either side is right about what will happen, if the other is elected. It’s the ONLY way to make an honest choice.
@Kferler NO IM FINE
@Insomnia Pictures THANK YOU
Trump suffers from Benjamin Button syndrome. He may look like a 74 year old man, but he’s actually 6 going on 5.
@Jamie craig the rich have been paying most of the taxes you dummy democrat
Obama refuses to live with blacks
@Eugene as opposed to tRump, and his family, who live in all white enclaves. Your justifications, is past pitiful. Is that all you could come up with? Obama earned his money, he earned it honestly, he earned the right to live any where, he wants to live. Unlike tRump, whose had everything handed to him, on a silver platter, and still managed to mess it up. A Billion dollars lost, over a ten year period. Being president, gave him a license to steal, and he’s been doing it since day one. $140,000,000.00 dollars of taxpayer’s money, spent at his golf courses, and we(taxpayers) foot the bill. He golfs, while some of us can barely pay rent, and put food on the table, for our children.
Funny how Trump calls people nasty when he has said he would date his daughter. That is the real definition of nasty.
has any one asked why on earth is this happening on an election year and after years of failed very suspicious…
has any one asked why on earth is this happening on an election year and after years of failed very suspicious…
has any one asked why on earth is this happening on an election year and after years of failed very suspicious…
@Sharon Brown You’re serious right? Trump used to live a bad life, but he got saved by Jesus. He’s changed. Compared to Biden who casually seems to sniff kids as well and whisper horny stuff into their ears ON CAMERA. You’d be surprised at what Trump is really doing for this country.
that was a joke ! you lefty have no fun!
I absolutely agree, almost everything he does is to distract from his own wrong doing and incompetence.
@Reggie Lawson
Up front had the mentality of a child but you know he’s not a complete dumbads. I suspect trump’s a grade a troll
@Zach Carter I don’t think either have dementia but neither are mentally fit, so it really just goes down to policies and partly their character to me.
@Reggie Lawson
Hard to say how joe will be, trump hasn’t done anything bad as far as I know ,I’d say trump is maybe an average presidential figure. Still think Bernie should be in Joe’s place tho.
@Zach Carter I’d like Bernie but I don’t think America’s ready for him yet. I think Joe is very professional compared to trump. Calling trump average is definitely a big stretch
@Reggie Lawson
I’m not certain if he’s started any wars, like Reagan ,bush,Eisenhower, truman. A lot of their conflicts are still being worked out to this day.
Jimmy carter probably the last decent one . Obama did a lot of shady stuff ,bombed the hell of Syria as well.
Who lies more?? CNN or MSNBC?
Trump lies more.
The Trump Thump
All Liberal Media.
The usual from Trump, insults, very unpresidential, not capable to say intelligent answers, he is so pathetic .
Angelica Jordan Zamorano lmao
really well read about your pick
Angelica Jordan Zamorano Bruh, CNN cuts the parts of the clips where he says some big brain stuff. Sure he’s said idiocies but he’s also said and had some big brain plans
You are the one pathetic not Trump he is calling how it is he is straight forward he doesn’t studder
Shes exactly right. Hes as bad as a drug addict distracting people from the truth. Appealing to morons its not really what happens,it’s what’s seen on camera. Why you have such horrible historybooks
*DNC refuses to let demented Joe take questions because they know he can’t answer tough questions.*
laughing him off like nothing is exactly what got you in this mess 4 years ago
Tell her to go on FOX and do an interview
She would never!
They don’t leave their echo chamber
There are women who may have been more direct and would say “Friend, you ain’t seen NASTY yet!”
But she’s not clever enough to come up with even the dumbest comeback ever…which is what that would have been.
Spydiggity lmaooooo Fax
Biden is a great guy when he’s not blackmailing foreign leaders or ‘enriching’ himself and his corrupt son on the taxpayers dime
Fails to mention what Harris Biden and Obama said about him
It was nasty thats for sure. 45 is trashy, joe,Harris and Obama are classy that’s the difference between 45 and them.
@Magdalis Almodovar lmao yeah right.
He did not call you nasty he said you said some nasty things to Biden omg talk about twisting the truth
He called her, quote, “nasty,” and, “kind of a mad woman.” He didn’t say what she SAID was nasty. He said SHE was nasty. There’s a big difference there. Your feeble conservative brain just can’t understand that. He said the same things to Hillary. He degrades and dehumanizes women constantly. He hates women, especially intelligent women.
@First Last You’re a liar, talk about feeble minded, the irony.
@Do.Not.Subscribe. Trump specifically called Harris “nasty” and “sort of a mad woman.” He hates women, and especially smart women. You’re just one of his minions refusing to hold him accountable for his corruption. He will say something and then deny it, even when it’s played for him. His supporters don’t care.
@First Last Nasty & sort of a mad women, so? Just feelings & point to me where he hates women? I would like to see that.
@Do.Not.Subscribe. Those are not just feelings. He called Hillary Clinton a “nasty woman.” He thinks women need men’s permission to speak. He bragged on national television about sexually assaulting women. Like you just admitted, he called Harris “nasty” and “kind of a mad woman.” He said he would date his daughter.
Ask her about the 2nd Amendment, she be nasty
Any gun owner voting Democratic should have their guns automatically seized based upon the established fact that they are mentally unstable and a threat to society.
@LawAbidingCitizen dude your name has nazi in it, just dont.
Follow the white rabbit, and get “red-pilled.”
(“Hosea 4:6, Matthew 10:16, Ephesians 5:11, Revelation 3:9”).
Vids: 1. “Fall Cabal too – Part 30 (AUGUST 2020) NEW CONTENT” (by Fall Cabal too).
2. “Reacting To Kamala Harris” (by riss flex channel).
3. “They Don’t Want You To See This” (by #rissflex channel).
The guy in left picked his ear then smelt his finger… Eww
Wat part
homeboy dug in his ear, sniffed his fingers – looked at his fingers. and nobody blinks…dude…
Lol have you seen him eat pancakes!? Disgusting
June 2019 – “Kamala Harris attacks Joe Biden’s record on busing and working with segregationists in vicious exchange at Democratic debate”
And that means what??? Are you inferring that in a presidential election those that are running … dont speak directly with each other … and the go on to work together???
I dont get you idiots point … what about those who while trump was running in 2016 talk about his azz so bad … and now try to defend him … Smgdh ROFLMAO #MakeItMakeSense #SillyRabbit
Brenda Leary The only time people get disappeared is under Socialism and communism. That’s what you want. Learn history and stop being ignorant. The Nazis were Socialists just like you Democrats. I’m sure you’d be real upset if some Republicans ended up in re-education Camps like in China or Russia. You should be afraid of yourself. Your the ones trying to take away freedom. You’re just to uneducated to know it.
@Chinese Chicken Uneducated I am not. Now here’s an uneducated thing to say, “you little crying baby liberals. Who said I am a Democrat? Not everyone against his administration is a Democrat!! Now I know that I am afraid for future generations! THIS IS EVERYBODY’S COUNTRY!! STOP ASSUMING YOU KNOW
@Brenda Leary That’s funny
“Puppet” I would do exactly what is asked…
KAMALA means KAMALASAN being interpreted as “Disastrous”