Senator and presidential candidate Kamala Harris talks to Lawrence about the historic impeachment decision by Nancy Pelosi and her role on the Senate Intelligence and Judiciary Committees in the ongoing effort to get to the truth. Aired on 9/25/19.
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Kamala Harris On Impeachment: Trump Is Least Patriotic President In History | The Last Word | MSNBC
Agolf Tweeler & his Reich Wing Party are a serious threat to American democracy
@osamabinsmokin Too bad.He has nor will ever commit a crime.TRUMP LANDSLIDE
@MCMLXXXIV Won’t ever happen.Trump Landslide
You have a severe case of tds
Trump: “I never took foreign help….and I’ll do it again”
So Biden publicly admitted to using our tax dollars to extort Ukraine’s government and their people to benefit his family, and you think Trump is wrong for teaming with the victim and flushing out the criminal? Aren’t you just a special kind of stupid.
@Henry Fidel enjoy the impeachment proceedings! Keep the tears flowing as we continue to block Trump’s ability to accomplish anything! Continue to watch the whole world mock Trump on a daily basis!
Well, Trump wasn’t getting anything done anyway (just working on his golf game) even when the cons controlled everything. His ONLY legislative win was a Bigly tax cut to his Yougest donors, and himself, while raising the taxes of the middle class.
Even Moscow Mitch didn’t try to block the whistle blower report!!!! This must be a real ice berg for Trump’s titanic presidency….
Deandre not only is it sinking it’s also on fire!
“Moscow Mitch”? What about Hillary? She was paid $$$ by Russians.
@my turn least you known you are dumb. That is a start.
Dale Cox Not enough time to rearrange the deck chairs…huh?
The liberal delusion is at an all time high
She is exactly right when she said “its not his white house, its the peoples house”. But thats not how he understands his job…
Trump doesn’t realize he’s a servant. He thinks he’s a King or Dictator.
@Dave Schultz Ah, there is Dave. I was wondering when someone would come along and prove your point, show us what happens when you watch Fox news.
I agree with you Dave, it rots your brain.
@James Fehr The President is meant to be PRESIDENT OF THE USA, not President of his deplorable base.!!! I LEARNT THAT IN 6TH GRADE
Least patriotic? That’s like saying Charles Manson is the least charming of all the serial killers.
Thanks for that very important correction you felt necessary to give us
@Paul D He is at least an accessory and guilty of conspiracy to murder.
I feel it’s a very good dig on Sen. Harris’ part to be challenging Trump’s patriotism. Yes, we all know he’s an absolute treason-weasel, but the GOP is always pounding its chest about how patriotic it is. Hammering home the point that, no, he is not patriotic is important.
@user_mac01 He was involved in the murder of Gary Hinman, but never charged; also, he did manipulate his cult members to commit the infamous murders but he wasn’t there. He’s still guilty of murder–I think they were able to prove that he ordered those killings. It doesn’t matter if he was present in that case.
Look at Moscow Mitch go!
@Miloš Obilić Who?
@JoAnn Holmes I don’t think so trump in his infinite stupidity gave true Americans the tools needed for to be rid of the crooked baffoon. I believe and hope he will remove himself and have pence pardon him so he can’t be charged.
For wrong reason to save himself in20.
He’s Moscow Mitch not Ukraine Mitch.
Moscow Mitch is his name, you can say it Kamala.
I 100% agree I’m glad you pointed that out Aaron liberals should not be allowed to vote kek kek
@Doug Samm …yep dat is appropriate for the loonie above
Members of Congress typically try to abide by their rules of decorum even when off the floor, even when it pains them.
I guess we are supposed to believe LYING “Schiff SHILL” and “Horizontal Harris”? OR how about Humpty Dumpty Nadler, or maybe Mad Maxine? NOT.
Semper Fi.
This is why low IQ people shouldn’t be allowed to vote. What a mess!
Aaron Even smart people vote for the wrong person for the fact Trump family history is kkk & the smart voter could be a kkk supporter also illegitimate 45 is a Moran reffered by well educated politicians .
Only property owners should be allowed to vote. And the military.
312vandal electoral college rebellion would get nullified by the congress. Any elector who rebells will have his reputation and livelyhood ruined for life.
Taurean Spaniard nonsense
I’m still shocked that these people simply deny reality if it doesn’t fit with their opinions. Do they do this in their ordinary life? Do their kids refuse to accept their grades and call their report cards fake news?
Mushroom Mangolini has lost Moscow Mitch … McConnell stroking hard to save his legacy.
too late for moscow mitch
Nuclear Mitch with the Nuclear Option is turning the courts back to the rule of law. Even the ninth circuit court of appeals.
Jamtommy1 Liberals are about to experience the biggest rejection in American politics ever.
Is anyone so deluded that they believe the democrats do not use the tax payers money to pressure other nations to do things in return as if it’s solely their money .
Moscow Mitch feeling some heat. The Quisling Coward Trump is a false idol.
@Arjan Stam cry cry…
MRAA 2020!
Teri…plzz g easy on Mitchy Moscow Boy….he has to put his shirt collar way up to hide the three

chins he’s got from working under da LOTUS 

@Dale Cox Making Russia Annex America?
“It’s not HIS WH but OURS.” Amen.
The democrats use the tax payers money to pressure nations to do things they want as if it’s solely their money .
i like that line.
@Bob Bart well said. Thank you
Moscow Mitch did something other than work for Moscow? Something smells fishy…
Maybe, maybe not.
Mitch has no more loyalty to Trump than he has to his country. His only loyalty is to himself.
I think it’s more likely that he realizes this is simply too big to hide – this is VERY serious!
If it looks like backing their leader is a losing position, they’ll drop him like a ton of bricks.
@Antony Stringfellow — ‘Absolutely correct…Presidents come and go, but senators are FOREVER.
@Antony Stringfellow Right. Like his nepotism wife Chao who does quid pro quo deals with her chinese father’s company.
Ocean Fragments maybe Moscow Mitch read the “handwriting on the wall,” and decided it was time he saved his old, wrinkle butt.
Don’t trust Moscow Mitch.

Mitch McConnell maybe doing this for a deal with the Democrats to be soft on himself and his wife corruption investigation that’s going on now.
I agree!
@Unel Mitchell Very true.
GOP motto: in crime we trust
The world record in corruption ( measured by how many billion dollars you are able to remove from treasury each week ) is still held by the former president Abacha of Nigeria. But to judge by his behavior , this African probably drugged himself and then , like at other sporting events , his record must be cancelled. Therefore do not despair , your president might well set up a record , if you give him a chance next year. It takes time to replace all government officials with corrupt ones. Good Luck from Denmark.
@Lennart Krantz Actually the greatest single transfer of wealth in history was increasing our tax burden to give a tax break for rich 1%. $1,000,000,000,000 got highjacked that day. More to come…
Alternatively, they can pretend, as Trump and his spinners on Fox News do, that it’s perfectly fine to extort a foreign government with American aid, set up a parallel State Department headed by his personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani and try to obtain or create dirt on a political opponent. Judging from the initial reaction of a good many Republicans, the last option does not appear viable. Hence, you can understand the discomfort of Republicans, who for the first time in the Trump presidency might be required to show some spine.
This is almost better than double overtime in an NBA playoff!
Do you have any proof ?
@chuck wick Have you not read the transcript? Your boy Trump is a cheap hood, and it looks like – this time – he’s going down.
well written! Thank you and please call Congress 202-224-3121 with your needed input.
@Pat McCann Wrong.You will pee yourself a few more times over fake news.TRUMPLANDSLIDE.
When Moscow Mitch can’t even do anything to protect tRump, you know it’s big, really big.
@Dre-Day 1127 Biden is guilty. Democrats are obstructing justice.
yes a big big backfire for the dems……..just started…….
William Burgess Trump should have used protection when he was a young man; that VD is really eating up his brain.
@Dale Cox Why do you hate Trump so much, when Joe Biden committed the crime?
Someone needs to look into Mitch McConnell and his wife moving money!
Katie yes, most definitely as well as moscow mitch involvement with his complicit acts with trumpanzee.
You Sodomites and your “investigations.” Does it ever end with you Demons? Find Jesus
@Michael Hunziker How very Christian of you, Michael. Peace. Best wishes. Take care.
@David Fitch Spot on.
Someone needs to look into the overwhelming amount of hard evidence proving that the Obama administration was very corrupt.
Someone needs to look into the substantial amount of hard evidence which includes recordings, firings, social media posts, China giving Biden $1.5 billion for…, Obama saying on camera he will be more flexible once out of office to RUSSIAN OFFICIALS, the Obama administration pressuring the Ukraine by withholding fundings so that they will continue with the investigations into Trump/Russia collusion delusion. Do I need to keep going. Mind you, this all hard evidence that is completely admissible in the court of law.
This has got to be the first time McConnell hasn’t blocked the democrats since the third year of Obama. That’s how bad this deal with trump and Ukraine is.
Just throwing this out there but couldn’t the opposite also be true? It might be that it’s actually not that damning and that’s why they agreed so quickly.
Yes if you say it enough it’s the new truth
OBAMA IS RUSSIA AND Trump is Ukraine Out Standing
He didn’t block anything cause there isn’t anything to block.He actually laughed when he agreed cause Democrackheads have nothing.Nothing.
Kamala threw marijuana smokers in prison as AG of California then later in an interview she laughed about smoking pot
She is a bad cop and she is owned by Raytheon and Steve Mnuchin.
Harris:”We’ll need to repair relationships around the globe.”
They called that Obama’s ‘Apology Tour’.
What will they call it this time?
Every Democratic POTUS has to clean up a collosal mess that the GOP POTUS has left in his wake.
That’s a big part of why Obama was awarded the Nobel Prize…
I would say that most of America’s long time allies will always be that as soon as this president is ejected from office.
It is not America that is the problem; it is this corrupt and unpatriotic fool that we have issues with. He has threatened our own security as nation states with his frequent private and unmonitored converstations with foreign leaders who are antagonistic to our affairs. This is such a danger to the security of many states around the globe.