Kamala Harris: It Won’t Be Easy, But I Intend To Win | Morning Joe | MSNBC

2020 Democratic candidate, Sen. Kamala Harris says the Republicans refusing to comply with the House's impeachment inquiry should be held in contempt of Congress. Sen. Harris also weighs in on Wednesday's debate and her plan for winning the presidency. Aired on 10/16/19.
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Kamala Harris: It Won't Be Easy, But I Intend To Win | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Kamala Harris: It Won't Be Easy, But I Intend To Win | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Michele Dimond how many investigations are they going to have behind closed doors and find nothing? I think after the last one we need to see what is going on….

    1. McConnell not only be dragged, but a 100lb anvil be strapped around his neck, hog tied and his mouth duct taped before being kicked in the a$$ into the quick sand.

  1. She should affect the Hillbilly voice she used in the debate to talk about her knowledge of prosecution processes more. Very endearing, very admirable, and very classy. She’s a winner.

  2. McConnel criticizing others for “lowering the bar”? Well George Orwell was right. He just didn’t yet know all the names that would validate him.

  3. The White House has gone Rogue!!! Out of control!! A mockery! The Russians are laughing at us, the world is laughing, Turkey just invaded Syria because Trump opened the door to another dictator! Because he wanted to be buddies! Wak!

    1. Ramona Ray SO CRAZY! What Trump has done could be nothing compared to what he could be cooking up at this very moment! It’s terrifying! I loathe him & he must be stopped before it’s too late!😢

  4. This is not about the election . This is about trumps illegal actions since he became president . The spin needs to stop.

  5. Priceless watching Mitch “Grim Reaper” McConnell grovel on about “fairness,” when this story’s more about when chickens come home to roost.

  6. How to win against Trump:

    Show his supporters how badly they’ll get, and already are, hurt by his policies.

    That might change their tune just enough…

    1. Marc Emson Isn’t it hard to fathom how any one person could possibly support him!? I honestly don’t understand that level of stupidity. Not to be mean just honest! 🤦🏼‍♀️

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