Senator and presidential candidate Kamala Harris discusses the president's decision to abandon the Kurds in Syria and a new Senate Intelligence Committee report showing Russia targeted black voters in the 2016 election. Aired on 10/09/19.
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Kamala Harris: Foreign Interference Is "21st Century Voter Suppression" | The Last Word | MSNBC
Bone Spurs kept man-BABY out of the Vietnam War.
Fake bone spurs.
C M : I really HOPE Europe ships ALL of the Kurdish Refugees over to America? Presumably, since they risked their very HOMELAND for us, and LOST IT, they will receive a warm welcome, right? Don’t we OWE them a HOME at least? . . .
Impeachment or not, left, right or middle, a person of good moral character should never vote for Trump. Period.
Christian : Your Trump Troll colleagues choose deliberately offensive names, so don’t seek the moral high ground, kid. His is only a name, yours is a condition . . .
@Christian 153 SLAUGHTERED
Ash Roskell Can you not read good? He said he’s not voting for Trump. As for my condition it is great. Yours? You may end up being ash after all.
That’s how someone should articulate an issue. I bet Trump didn’t understand any of it
If it can’t fit on the front of a hat, neither t’rump nor his supporters will understand it.
danielma94 Right!

Trump know’s nothing about Serving in any war or this country………….. as a Republican i am Disgraced.. he must at all cost be removed
Thank you for being an intelligent, logical Republican. What has happened to your party? How have they been so blinded? I can only guess it’s from the criminal propaganda of Fux “news”. Those opinion shows are reprehensible and should be held accountable for twisting and manipulating the minds of 40% of this country. They do this without consequence.
Plasma Run : Let’s just HOPE that ALL the Kurdish Refugees chose to come to America, and Europe ships them to us? Presumably, they’ll receive a Warm Welcome, right? After risking and LOSING their VERY HOMELAND, by banking on America’s, “loyalty?” . . . Let Trump take, “Responsibility,” for this?
Then please; if just for this one tine, vote blue and relieve the nation of any more of his criminal deeds – please – just once is all that is needed.
He’s totally mentally gone.
As A former soldier, Very funny how bone spurs brings up Normandy.
He is the embodiement of disrespect for any man or woman or even child that died fighting for democracy
@Ash Roskell They should be welcome here…..retired E5, 10 yrs served
Not funny. Ironic perhaps. But funny? Not.
I wish he would ‘bring up’ his colon!!!
Rick Hawkins: God Bless you for your service to America ! !
“Hey, I read an article that says throwing your allies to the wolves is okay, so I Did it.”
How could anyone even reconsider voting for him again. I don’t care what party you being to vote for a new candidate because Trump is not it!
We as a country cannot bare another four years of this insanity and who’s losing? We are because nothing is getting done. Vote it these career politicians in the Senate, they’re terrible for our country too… On both sides!
Only one candidate, a republican against Trump has mentioned his policy reform to begin term limits on the house and Senate… Finally! Haven’t you learned the Senate has too much power and that needs to be restricted with term limits like the presidency.
“21st Century Voter Suppression” is an apt description of tRumps actions pertaining to Joe Biden & the Ukraine. When it rains in the Ukraine it pours.
A most deranged president indeed. Using your allies and then throwing them away like TRASH. Kinda like how he does with nearly everyone, from his ex wives, to his own members of his cabinet.
Jeremiah Jeremecht : I really HOPE Europe ships ALL of the Kurdish Refugees over to America? Presumably, since they risked their very HOMELAND for us, and LOST IT, they will receive a warm welcome, right? Don’t we OWE them a HOME at least? . . .
An utter disgrace – the criminal autocrat acts without any debate in the Congress or Senate singularly condemns thousands of Kurdish allies of the USA to whom the whole world ought to be grateful to for disposing of the Caliphate at the cost of much Kurdish blood. Shame upon all of them! May God call them to judgement for this most heinous act!!
Red, Blue, or Purple; Black, White, or Green: Do not let bots foreign or domestic keep you from voting in 2020.
Correct and when you vote ask your friends or any stranger if that did vote as well and if they say no encourage to vote and tell them that their vote matters. Always support your fellow America.
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Anyone else find it odd that if you scratch the surface on any puzzling t’rump decision on foreign issues, it’s always Russia who seems to be coming out on top?

It’s almost as if t’rump was Putin’s b.
Ro G : IKR? . . . SMH
@Ash Roskell And as if on cue, 2 of Rudy’s vampire coven were just arrested for laundering campaign donations from – wait for it – the Ukraine.

Today more then ever we must stand together and support each other and respect each other as well.
Native Americans were there at Omaha Beach… how many of their treaties have you ever honored?
“As someone wrote in a very powerful article…They didn’t help us with Normandy.” Wow! I’d really like to meet the author of that profound analysis. It sounds like he studied geopolitical history at trump university.
They weren’t at the Battle of France in 1940 either.
Probably sipping cocktails on a beach somewhere with the Yanks.
But we won’t go there
I want Ms. Harris to be US Attorney General.
Australians were there as well. (Normandy)” Lest We Forget”
Anyone still standing behind this coward and traitor during his press events in the White House should be ashamed to call themselves American.
The Kurds’ slaughter will be engraved in infamy and will stain the hands of the GOP mafia for ever.
She is so well articulated, I really like listening to her.