2020 presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) tells CNN's Alisyn Camerota why she focused on President Trump and chuckled at Democratic candidate Andrew Yang during the ABC News Democratic debate.
#CNN #News
Kamala Harris explains why she chuckled at Andrew Yang

You don’t laugh at someone’s idea when you “admire” them
To be fair, she could’ve laughed out of suprise, not malice.
She says she admires his attempt on being innovative even though it’s kind of funny and unusual….Komprehension.
She Laught to much for me. Things happen today I can’t see anything funny!
You’re dead to me, Kamala.
*YANG GANG 2020*
ps. Here’s a swipe — there’s something in your teeth.
@Jimmy B hope for playing craps and winning $10,000?
Dont forget Pete Buttiigiegs smug face!! Slap his face!! Laughing at Yang who is trying to help tens of millions of struggling Americans!!
98LowDown, What?!
We only came here to check on Yang. We don’t care about her.
@mmmk I care about her , don’t group me with your little cult
Truth!! Now let’s get everyone to vote
Ken Martin you can’t be an independent in Today’s political environment .
Well said Jacqueline
Jacqueline Resendez jajaja that’s right
She’s a joke, he’s identifying real issues and she’s laughing at the people who have them.
She says she admires his attempt on being innovative even though it’s kind of funny and unusual….Komprehension.
yang is right behind her in the polls and gonna pass her soon.She is a joke and no matter cares about her.Yang Gang 2020
She actually thinks people don’t see through her. Attacking somebody’s manhood is the last resort of the crazed psycho-dyke. Sorry, but it is obvious.
young leaper: Wrong. Who is the Bigger joke? Sen. Harris or “Who will pay for the wall? Mexico” The US Taxpayer must pay for Trump’s wall. Hitler Seduced a Nation with his lies, just like Trump. Trump is Russian owned. Putin admitted to Russian interference in 2016 elections. Google it? Trump Deplorable Moron..
Skip to 6:30 for Yang. This video shows that CNN knows they need to mention Yang in a Kamala video just to get clicks.
@Christian Solid the big problem with Yang is math (the irony), addition to be exact. In the last debate Yang said UBI would cost about 3 trillion a year. Bernie said medicare for all would cost 30 trillion over 10 years in the last debate, this debate he threw out 50 trillion over 10 years. Let’s do the math and add those two numbers together. 3 trillion + 3 to 5 trillion = 6 to 8 trillion dollars for 2 government programs. So yang needs around 7 trillion dollars to fund his 2 big promises. The expected revenue for 2020 is 3.8 trillion. So where is the missing 3.2 trillion that is outside of the budget going to come from? What about the rest of the government? Social security? Military? Dea? Fda? Ect. A Vat tax wont even come close.
Answer: Yang is an obvious pipe dream.
Lol thank you! Only came to see what they were going to say about Yang. Lol
VanBikeSkiandFish Boilermaker you clearly have only watched the debates and not actually his policies…if i were you id google him and go to his website to check his policies…as far as Bernie Sanders Wow that guy is gonna take my money just so he can tell me what i should do and where i should work??..no thankyou..Kamala has no policies…Biden and Bootyjudge tried copying Yang about a week ago…this is whats wrong with some people in this country they will vote for anyone just so they can get someone else out of the WH..without doung they’re research even if they dont allign with theyre own policies…Here is my question to yall…if Hitler was the only one who could beat Trump..would you vote for him???…what about Satan in disguise?. If you believe in satan that is…

For reeeaaal though
it was hilarious to come down here to see everybody else agreeing
Funny how mainstream media uses Yang for clicks, implicitly acknowledging that he’s more popular than most of the other candidates. But they refuse to discuss his actual candidacy or plans because it doesn’t fit their cookie-cutter political narrative.
Went from tryin to block Andrew Yang to using his name for clickbait.
CNN never tried to block Andrew Yang chinklord
Kamala is lucky Tulsi wasn’t there to tear her a new one
ROFLMAO! They should come out with a new action figure, called “Tulsi” – who can beat up Kamala Harris doll. The Kamala doll also emits a foul smell. LOL!
Damn she was so close to saying Andrew Yang “Makes America Think Harder”.
How can somebody be such a skank and not know it?
Yeah Yang is coming up in the polls. I think Yang is a intelligent man. He is politically savvy. I like him.
I totally agree!

Where’s the Andrew Yang part?? I’m here for the Yang Gang

Towards the end
Watched it for Yang, downvoted because Kamala.
She’s a Senator – what has she done for Health Care or Immigration or Gun Control or Justice Reform?
Wow what an obnoxious person she is,why is she even bothering it’s not about trump it’s about you and your record and policies
How many out there think that when Harris chuckles she sounds like the witch in The Wizard of Oz? She does you know.
She must believe that her annoying cackling is actually ‘language’ and says something other than that she is the most corrupt and disingenuous candidate on the stage.
Love & Truth Your name oughta be “Love & Lies! Harris has been passed around so much that she’s disqualified from the MILF category. Pelosi is even more attractive and that should be an insult.
John Flake John, Well said. Keep spreading the word. When is California gonna wake up and stop dumping these creeps on the rest of the country. Feinstein, swallowedwell, ( that’s what the rest of us call him) crazy Waters and the worst, that ultra feminine Adam Shitt. California voters wake up. You’ve gotten a real close look over the past few years at all of these freaks. Time to vote them out!
She won’t be laughing once AY overtakes her at the polls
Underfighter73, you are absolutely correct.
She might start falling at the poles for real since a lot of our fellow Americans love to gamble and play the lottery.
P.S the last election showed how much people like reality shows
This Kamala Harris puppet should be in Prison for the rest of her life! God Bless Tulsi Gabbard for EXPOSING Kamala!
“It’s all fun and games until Andrew Yang passes you in the polls.” -Andrew Yang
Julian Castro
Amy Klobuchar
Kirsten Gilibrand
Beto O’Rourke
Cory Booker
Soon to come:
Pete Buttigieg
Kamala Harris
Phony especially when she squints her eyes! Where was Tulsi? Guess the DNC can’t take her honesty!
jane toscano the DNC is a hypocritical and racist organization! And by racist I mean that if you’re not part of their cliques, then they treat you like chewed gum under their shoe! There’s no good reason why a candidate who was a virtual unknown, who rose higher in the polls than long time senators, congressman, governor, etc., receive the cold shoulder from the DNC and moderators. The DNC and the media are basically telling the people that we are too dumb to choose the next President ourselves and that they must choose for us. That’s why they are trying to shove Warren like a pie to our face. And also why they won’t let Tulsi in the debate. Tulsi deserved to be on that stage. It was convenient that all the polls that had her polling higher than their established candidates were not qualifying polls. What a crock of

Rambling Rose Tulsi Gabbard polled way too low. That’s why CNN won’t allow her to participate. It sucks, but what’re you gonna do? And why would the DNC protect an unpopular candidate?
She’s lying through her weed smoking teeth!!..lol this women lies daily..omg