Kamala Harris, senator from California, accepts the Democratic Party nomination to be Vice President on the ticket with former vice president Joe Biden.
RELATED: Joe Biden accepts the nomination for President
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And that little girl….grew up to sleep with Willie Brown to get a promotion

Ahabhahahaa exactly. She slept her way to the VP nomination of weekend at Bernies
Biden Harris 2020
Pee Pads and Knee Pads
The only black DNA that Harris has in her is from Willy Brown.
Damn. The Democrats really seem to hate themselves.
@vicenteroj Yes. I do. And so far all the English speakers seem to hate Harris.

@SceneVision fail is you using caps. If you had any education they tell you not to do that. UNLESS YOUR AN IDIOT AN JUST YELL ALL THE TIME.
@vicenteroj Here’s the real question we should all be asking though: Does Joe Biden still know how to read?
not sure what you are basing that on. If you are implying that they are hoping to lose the election, that has never been the goal of ANY political party.
Thanks God biden pick this woman. What a beautiful couple. Differently increased President Trump’s chance of a second term

TRUMP 2020 !!!
Hmmm. She actually attended a meeting without her knee pads.
@Thadius Thibadeau nope, I saw the racism trump used when he would constantly go on fox and claim Obama wasn’t an American citizen and a similar kind of behavior is happening with Harris
@mack smith Any vile racism that still exists country, resides almost completely in the democrat party. You race-baiting leftists project onto others what you yourselves are guilty of.
@Thadius Thibadeau really….. really….. trump’s racist attacks on obama’s americanness are something you ignore…… Birtherism is a racist lie trump told to try to invalidate obama…… a party that has the majority of black voters old young rich poor highly educated and less educated all of these demos of african americans support the dems overwhelmingly…… the party that passed the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT is not racist when you compare it to the party that used the “Nixon’s southern strategy”. The republicans on fox vilify the BLM movement and trump calls neo nazi’s and the people that came to counter those neo nazi’s “good people on both sides” you are guilty of projection I’ve never heard a dem call obama a monkey but I’ve heard republicans do it and that kind of talk sickens me
@mack smith You must have gotten all of your “facts” straight from the Huffington post. Hillary Clinton’s campaign invented Birtherism, look it up. A larger percentage of Republicans voted for 1965 civil rights bill then democrats. The democrats only care about black people at election time. BLM is nothing but a Marxist group that wants to destroy the economic system. The Charlottesville Story is 100% a lie. You are a brainwashed idiot. Learn some actual facts, that way you won’t go around embarrassing yourself with your little tirades.
Flash news : WION which always bashing pakistan by favouring india..finally supporting Kamala Harris who always opposes India in Kashmir issue and Finally Indian media WION sold out to democrats of Americans for approximately 100 million dollars for favouring Kamala Harris according to IB of Indian government.. finally it’s proved that Indian media is always for sale..thanks finally the matter came out..
The silent majority will speak in November and it’s not going to be pretty.
The left is going to cheat
Her parents are from India and Jamaica where her family owned a sugar plantation and had forced laborers from Africa.
@vicenteroj HEre…video of BLM protest leader saying at a Joe Biden Rally: “I know Joe Biden f—-ing sucks…but please vote for him…well I know, I am not a fan of this ‘Son of a Biden thing’…but but please vote for him!” https://twitter.com/BGOnTheScene/status/1296677027425091586
@Retro_Afterglow She was picked for a couple reasons, she was colored and a woman. Those two things were what they started with when looking for a VP, Biden said long ago that was what he wanted.
Although never said they do put her out there as someone who has felt the same things as the black community over the years. Problem is she never had to deal with Crow laws etc and a couple generations ago was part of that problem. Her genealogy is not the issue, the problem is trying to play like you know what its like to be black in the US is what I have a problem with.
Aside from that her whole career was based on sex with Willie Brown.
Also I just piped in because someone said prove her ancestors were slave owners, so I did.
Her family owned over 200 slaves back in time.
@BINODIFICATION DONIB guess only half of her should be cancelled then.
Hell, who cares about her parents, Harris had her own office keep people locked up longer to use as slave labor. I guess the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Heals High Harris….another Limousine Liberal.
More like knee pads Harris. She slept her way to the top in California by shaking up with Willie Brown. She’s completely devoid of ethics. Still, I guess a little better than Hillary Clinton.
@Richard Wicks might be true if she was actually attractive… you have VERY low standards if she is someone you wanna pay to sleep with honestly. Gabbard MAYBE, but honestly much easier and more attractive women out there you could easily sleep with than these political women.
Headboard Harris
Race race race race, sexism sexism sexism sexism

forgot you called your (hopeful) new boss a racist and a sexual predator?
Ohhh facts shmacts
She’ll say (and do
) anything to get to the top.
CNN/MSNBC – “powerful speech; innovative; heartwarming; engaging; path of the future “. LMAO
Yeah I saw that too. These are the people who would be saying the same thing for Stalin if the price was right…
@Brian Bomofob Just like people like you that saying that Trump is a god and he is never wrong or lies.
YOu want ‘powerful speech’? Here you go…video of BLM protest leader saying at a Joe Biden Rally: “I know Joe Biden f—-ing sucks…but please vote for him…well I know, I am not a fan of this ‘Son of a Biden thing’…but but please vote for him!” https://twitter.com/BGOnTheScene/status/1296677027425091586
Both of them are full of sh**.
She must feel very honored to be picked solely for her race and gender.
@wylie richardson Kamala Harris slept with Willie Brown, who in turn promoted her as a result.
That’s the VP of Joe Biden.
Kamala Harris kept Jamal Trulove in prison, despite knowing he was innocent, even withholding exculpatory evidence until a court forced her to do it.
So, explain her promotion and why Harris isn’t in jail for malicious prosecution? Truelove sued the city of S.F. and won over 10 million for wrongful prosecution.
@Richard Wicks That may explain her promotion, but it was the people of caliornia that elected her senator – willie brown alone can’t do that! If Kamala somehow broke the law, which doesn’t seem to be the case, then it would be up to the federal government to prosecute her. If they refuse to do so, then she hasn’t broken any laws. You certainly dont have to like her, but its worth noting that donations to the Biden campaign increased greatly, as soon as she was announced as the VP nominee.
@wylie richardson *”That may explain her promotion, but it was the people of caliornia that elected her senator”*
Show me how to verify the vote. Show me how to demonstrate they actually voted for that vermin.
*”If Kamala somehow broke the law, which doesn’t seem to be the case, then it would be up to the federal government to prosecute her. “*
The government now engages in selective, political, prosecution.
This is why the DOJ has dropped the case against General Flynn by Judge Sulivan continues to keep pushing the case, even when the prosecution has asked the case to be dismissed.
This is why Jeffrey Epstein, a child trafficker, was convicted for soliciting prostitution, instead of what he was actually guilty of, child rape, and only spent 3 years “in prison” – in a ward he built himself, and was allowed outside of the prison during the day and only had to sleep there.
It’s why Clinton took classified materials and placed it on a server that was known to have been repeatedly broken into, and no charges were brought at all.
Our federal government, is entirely corrupt.
@Richard Wicks I dont need to ‘demonstrate’ anything, here – If Kamala didn’t get enough votes to be elected, she wouldnt have BEEN elected! If you want to prove some sort of conspiracy to get her into office through fraud, the burden of proof would be entirely upon you. Good luck with that! And the Epstein case wasn’t ‘political’ at all – he was a private citizen, not a ‘pol’. The feds could have just as easily turned a blind eye to what he did, yet they went in the opposite direction and put him into prison.
@wylie richardson I’m pointing out there is a reason the vote cannot be validated.
We aren’t voting these people in.
Fun fact : Kamala was actually picked because Ghislaine Maxwell was in prison and Cruella Deville turned out to not be a real human!
Comments will be disarmed in 1 hour…… Hurts kamala feelings
Yay, a corrupt prosecutor that kept a man on death row when she had exculpatory evidence, who slept her way to the top.
This is the pairing that the Democrats think can end police brutality against black citizens. Bullshit. She’ll just it all off and increase their prison times.
Flash news : WION which always bashing pakistan by favouring india..finally supporting Kamala Harris who always opposes India in Kashmir issue and Finally Indian media WION sold out to democrats of Americans for approximately 100 million dollars for favouring Kamala Harris according to IB of Indian government.. finally it’s proved that Indian media is always for sale..thanks finally the matter came out..
@VIDYARANYA J What language is that?
@exoticbronze It’s educated language not literate’s
@VIDYARANYA J Again, appears madrassa English to me
She is hoping he wins then croaks it or is unable to continue in the job due to his brain issues.
“We need a president that brings something different, so here’s Joe Biden who’s been in Washington for 150 years.” She should’ve laughed moronically when she was done. Folks find that heartwarming.
Omg I never believe Wells Fargo and chase bank can be hacked until I meet FORTHRIGHTHACKERS23 on Instagram….I heard people talking about him so I decided to message him on Instagram and he got me $5000
All thanks to hiM
You seem to expect her to put Biden in the worst possible light – not something VP candidates are renowned for.
After seeing this I’m voting trump
How many of these ugly comments are a Putin’s little Russian bots?
Lol so brainwashed you lib bots are yeah look at the comment section in any democratic video the dislike to like ratio is at least 4-1 and the comments are almost 100% exposing the bs democrats, but yeah everyone of us is Russian. Just believe whatever your master the TV box programs you to believe. The country is waking up, us independent thinkers support trump. Trump2020 landslide!
@c. mach You wear mommy’s high heels and check yourself out in the mirror, might wanna get rid of that 5 o’clock shadow first.
@Big Billy Wallace 1237 In most cases of vitriolic heterosexism, the individual espousing it has a deep seeded fear of their own sexual orientation. Please, you keep talk and I’ll keep diagnosing you and sharing my insight. Perhaps this insight might grant you some peace
@Adam Clark ” I support the trump cult and love trump propaganda” thats you that is what you sound like “The country is waking up, us independent thinkers support trump” watching alex jones and reading qanon doesnt make you an independent thinker… trump is a used car salesman that has convinced you his 2002 ford of a presidency is a new car “that is the fastest smartest car you will ever see”
Im sure kammy was so oppressed being the daughter of a cancer researcher and a university professor
LOL….video of BLM protest leader saying at a Joe Biden Rally: “I know Joe Biden f—-ing sucks…but please vote for him…well I know, I am not a fan of this ‘Son of a Biden thing’…but but please vote for him!” https://twitter.com/BGOnTheScene/status/1296677027425091586
You’re saying that money protects someone from a marginalized population from being oppressed? I’m going to take a stab in the dark and guess you’re White and a male.
Flash news : WION which always bashing pakistan by favouring india..finally supporting Kamala Harris who always opposes India in Kashmir issue and Finally Indian media WION sold out to democrats of Americans for approximately 100 million dollars for favouring Kamala Harris according to IB of Indian government.. finally it’s proved that Indian media is always for sale..thanks finally the matter came out..
@VIDYARANYA J I have to caution you sir, if you continue huffing paint out of that plastic bag your sentence structure will continue to decline.
@c. mach which plastic bag
How is she going to send thousands to jail for weed, when she’s a smoker
Well different rules for diff folks…video of BLM protest leader saying at a Joe Biden Rally: “I know Joe Biden f—-ing sucks…but please vote for him…well I know, I am not a fan of this ‘Son of a Biden thing’…but but please vote for him!” https://twitter.com/BGOnTheScene/status/1296677027425091586
Because she’s a hypocrite without a shred of empathy.
To many people crappernicking dump style !!! My fa fa fa fa feelings got hurt !!!
Why did she deny her White side? She is also part White too and has White mixed in too but she never talks about that though
Neither did the racist Obama.
What are you taking about? Her Mother is from India and her father is Black from British colonial Jamaica. What White side? Unless you mean the probability of rape by British imperialism. Is that what you mean? If it is, do you see that conversation bringing people together or making people like you incredibly uncomfortable and shut down.
Just another mongrel the DNC rescued from the pound.
“My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me),” her dad, David J. Harris said in an op ed in Jamaica Global Online. Source: https://gellerreport.com/2020/08/kamala-harris-comes-from-family-of-slave-owners-her-dad-says.html/ What, no outrage from BLM?