Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urged Canadians to "act now" in order to curb the spread of COVID-19 as virus cases continue to surge across the country.
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I urge you Justin to do the right thing and step down
Dictators don’t give up power that easily.
@Spacedave2000 if not then the government should take his own vaccine
I’m urging you to step down.
I’ll get right on that when he gets on resigning for his 3 ethics violations.
Right? Apparently the Mafia runs Canada these days
Curb the curve 2.0
Unethical leader tells others to follow the rules. More at 8.
@daveouterspace Wrong as in “More at 7”?
I would like to see Trudeau follow the rules. I am not locking myself in my house while he goes Easter egg hunting in the woods outside his cabin with his kids and wife
@daveouterspace how is that at all wrong? He’s literally been investigated several times for ethics violations. He’s the definition of unethical.
@Lynda Kirkness How is spending time outdoors with members of his household a violation of public health guidelines?
So this is what he does everyday?
Jesus NO Yen Seto ” This is one of his busy day’s!….a national Disgrace!!! That’s what he does all day!!
@Jebus Christ Crickets
@Tim I hear them too
That’s not all he does.. he likes to talk to himself in the mirror and remind himself what a big strong sock boy he is. Then he prances around in his fancy socks and pillages the treasury
@Stacey M
ah yes! The old Scrooge mcduck dive in fancy socks into a pile of money!!
Should we redact this statement, like you redacted all the documents proving your fraud Mr. Trudeau?
This ^
Never forget.
How about deceiving YOU with a fake virus
Neil Kale What documents?
@Noah Frost we foundation notes that were destroyed just recently, within the last week or two.
No one will ever listen to you
Act now! We’ve been “acting now” for eight freakin months. Enough of this phoney b.s.
He deceived Canada with a fake virus to steal billions,take your freedom,and destroy the economy
@Crafty Alias so we should become grossly overweight, 1in3 Americains is considered obese. And we should become the second(america was first) country in the modern world to have thier life expectancy shorten(pre-covid)
Now everyone clues in…. Been saying this since day one.
@rulerofthelight do you think lockdowns would decrease obesity?? The lockdown has been ultimately detrimental for a variety of reasons
If EVERYONE were genuinely acting responsibly we wouldn’t be in this predicament.
Omg really f… layer
When he says country, I’m sure nothing past Toronto he recognizes as canada.
Toronto is the caliphate of the islamic state of Ontario.
This is inadvertently hilarious
Trudeau believes we are a post-nation state… not a country
Change the PCR cycle to what is scientifically correct below 32 cycles we’re using 40 cycles!! Theres your case-demic you clown!
@Alc73 could please you post a link to that info or the name so we can see it? Thanks!
@Raj Brar google
@Shane K it was on the PANDA (Pandemics Data & Analytics) twitter page. They did not post a link to the study but mentioned it and specifically mentioned Ontario, Canada as being one of the places with a very high CT count.
..and all the amplification cycles just to try to find a fragment! Agree with you Go Cro!
@Anders Eriksson Thanks
“For as long as it takes.” There it is… there it is…
You never let the donkey have the carrot.
Yup we are done. Soviet republic of Canadazakhistan now
@Stacey M lmaooo
With ever changing criteria
Sell out.
Where’s the WE charity documents Trudeau!! This won’t be brushed under the carpet.
What about SNC Lavalin?
Probably in a vault next to all our stolen money and hoardes of those ugly a$$ socks he wears.
actually it will be
“This week, we learned critical documents in the WE scandal have been illegally destroyed.
For months, the Ethics Committee has been trying to get to the bottom of this scandal and figure out just how much the Trudeau family profited.
Instead of looking out for Canadians during the pandemic, Liberals have been focused on enriching themselves. And it’s not just Justin Trudeau.
Just this week, Liberal MP Yasmin Ratansi was forced to resign for violating anti-nepotism rules. While an MP, she used her parliamentary office budget to enrich family members.
The Liberal Party is rotten to its core”
Imagine if we acted in the same manner with wars. Having a daily death count(on both sides). Reporting how many bombs have gone off each day. Have maps showing the percentages of fatalities. Graphically showing and over sensationalizing a single death. Show body parts and blood. We have world peace in a week.
Or even better…how about our national debt??
I’m sure if that was done the war would be over faster than we think
Our National Dent?? “That’s just bookkeeping” – immortal words of this guy’s alleged father (c 1975).
Sounds a lot like 1984, but the war is endless.
Almost like I heard this 7 months ago
Yeah, almost like it was scientifically predicted or something.
@GreyMaulkin *See my above comment :)*
Was just gonna say isn’t this what he was saying months ago.
It’s just as relevant today. What’s causing the spread?
The preacher has spoken – just don’t expect HIM to do anything himself!
this sounds like March,
this sounds like April,
this sounds like May,
this sounds like June,
this sounds like August.
When will they change the record on the jukebox? Not only do we “get it” but we don’t care.
Trudeau: Do as I say
Also Trudeau: Haha, illegally shredded evidence goes brrrrrr
Shredders really do go brrr though