Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says U.S. leadership has been 'sorely missed' over the past few years.
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Haha, making this statement about leadership being missed right after abstaining from the Uyghurs vote; so brave.
@K D lmfao
@cc Rider If that was the case he would be spending the money on gang, boarder protection and mental health (who all need it) instead of wasting taxpayer money on banning toys. On top of that he also wouldn’t have put Yazidis next to their WasWas captures in Que. Also would have kept his phone on while on vacation. Also making sure they had enough weed before they opened the stores. Also would have called what is going on with the Uyghurs as geno cide. Also wouldn’t have wasted 200K of taxpayer money on his nanny/cleaning peoples salary, also wouldn’t have spent another 200K of taxpayer money on his personal family vacation. Also wouldn’t have used his govn’t position to help his fam and friends. I mean I can keep going if you want …..
What a embarrassment our beloved country has become.
@cc Rider make valid points/arguments. Not insults. You accomplish nothing but reinforcing that conservatives hate liberals like you.
He doesn’t want to displease his role model.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”. – John F. Kennedy (1962)
@Eric Bergström ya and I back that statement!
i always find it hilarious that conservatives evoke liberals when trying to support their anti democratic tendencies, very nice…maybe learn some history so you can realize conservatives have been in the way of every bit of progress you link to “western civilization”
@RawMaterialENT nuanced, i like it. keep it up.
@real living I secpnd that. !!!
we’re gonna have a revolution ‘ ya a aaa ya know ..and it better happen before WE going carrying pictures of chairman mao/
The problem with cults is that they are always headed by low life con artists.
jim jones=truderp
It’s widely accepted that leaders of cults are the highest scoring narcissists on the planet
@Bruce Collis Makes sense
You’re talking about Trump, right?
@Jamatr0n yet again, you are wrong, you must get tired of hearing that by now
Wow wearing a mask in a zoom call
His master told him to keep it on

Wearing a mask, unless engaged in a surgical procedure, is only for the truly stupid and anti-scientific either way.
@Karen Allen Conspiracy theory Karen
Hiding his new creepy smile
Lol. He would never say anything like this to his face!
I finally pooped after about 5 days. I feel GREAT!
@Franks Handyman Well someday in the near future he is going to have a very rude awakining, there will be no abama to protect him, joe won’t be able to listen to his crying and agony. Because there is one coming who will have the keys to the bottomless pit and will call upon him to give testemony of his time here on Tera Nova. And he will get his reward to the lake of fire. Its coming. Crime only pays out for so long.
@SteelFisher Prove it.
Oooh. Trumpy is so scary. Lol
Poilievre to Trudeau: “How much did you pay your family, HOW MUCH”
The dollar figure mr prime Minister
@da chair 5150 nailed it!
give me some numbers Trudeau umh … but my mother worked hard chasing guys even Jack Nicholson
I love polievre. An intelligent well spoken politician and he cares about our country.
@Debrah J. Knight Totally 100 percent.
He sounds like a guy whos about to buy an overpriced item. Goddamnit
Is Genocide in style Mr. Weak in the knees Trudeau?
Okay Mr. 30% carbon tax.
There is nobody around. You don’t need the mask. But since, Biden wears it all the time, Justin must go with the flow.
Do these fools think we are going to transition into yet another chicken little scenario.
Are you thanking Biden for shutting down your climate change pipeline?
That was painful to listen to
The Best Is Yet To Come, that is when Justin gets voted out of office and they better not try this mail in ballot shenanigans.
We’re really excited you cancelled the pipeline and helped sewer our already failing economy.
What would he know about leadership?
What is sign language for uh?
That lady would be getting a workout and a half!
Won’t utter a peep to trump’s face. Or Xi’s for that matter. If anyone knows about lack of leadership, it’s this guy.
it’s called diplomacy. Trump took plenty of shots at him when Trump was in power. Now it’s Justin’s turn.
I here stupid can be transmitted so glad to see our PM keeping his mask on
The irony is palpable.
Lol hear not here