Prime Minister Justin Trudeau squared off with Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre in the first question period for 2023.
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How many times does the PM have to duck the initial question of how much he chose to pay consultants at Mckenzie?? Does he think he’s back in drama school practicing to be a politician?

Ahhh that’s why it’s Question…..period. Not Questions-and-Answers period. Well played broken democracy.
@Mark it truly is insane.
Why is it That JUSTIN TRUDEAU can not answer a simple question?
I wish he was held accountable for the crime and destruction he have cause when he became our prime minister.
Because psychopaths and Dictators never divulge information…. They just laugh and disregard other peoples misery while they wallow in narcissistic pride
He can, the issue is he’s not forced to
None of the liberals give direct answers to questions
None of them answer questions this isnt new
There should be a rule that the question asked is actually answered.
@Langton Industries no, we know he is trying to control the debate his way rather than talking about what has been done. Conservatives are all doom and gloome
Accountability in Canadian politics? Dream on!
All part of the fun.
The GOVERNOR GENERAL should Listen to this. Only the Governor can use her power to fired the Liberals.
@Nanette Moi lol

Why has the press gallery allowed him to use the middle class as a talking point for 7 years without defining what he’s talking about or identifying any measurable markers of whether he’s helping or hurting. I’m in the middle class, no amount of rebates can make up for the cost of living raging out of control.
The cost of living is not Trudeau’s fault and you should already know that since it’s widely known and repeatedly in the news that the Covid pandemic destroyed the worlds supply chain. The demand everywhere for products that essentially a year behind production has caused inflation… everywhere, in every country without exception. So why are you complaining about the cost of living when there is nothing anyone can do about it except wait it out?
Because they’re now all funded by his government. If the conservatives get in that tap will be turned off.
Exactly – because the press gallery is part of the biased Liberal Ottawa complex.
@James Ryan The biggest factors are the housing bubble and energy prices and that is absolutely Trudeaus fault. The government was directly involved in choking off energy investment which is the biggest factor in the value of our dollar. And the Tsunami of of printed money at almost zero interest doubled the cost of housing, which was a policy decision.
Why do we have question period? Trudeau has never answered a question in eight years. It is a complete waste of time and money. I would like to see the rules of parliament amended by law to require a reasonable answer to a question posed. This tactic of non accountability is unacceptable.
Furthermore, the questions are given to the ruling party in advance of question period. This is standard procedure in a parliamentary system. If Justin Castreau has the questions ahead of time, there is absolutely no excuse for not providing an answer.
How about if you don’t perform professionally and tactfully as PM…you get fired.
All jokes aside ; increased crime, high inflation, higher taxes and grocery costs, these things, if not reversed, will increase a sense of desperation and can lead to widespread civil unrest – not a pretty sight. I pray this does not happen in Canada.
Not to mention decades of crushing debt for future generations that will be extremely hard to come out from under.
I pray as well. The federal government is also constantly abusing Alberta, and Alberta is standing up with things like the sovereignty act. If this continues in the long-term we may eventually reach the point of Western secession. The federal government is completely reckless.
@SofaMuncher yes, that is very possible over a longer term. Reckless seems to be the right way to describe it.
I fail to see though, how Trudeau can do all these things and not know beforehand what the consequences would be.
That’s why he wants to grab all guns and rifles from legal users and doesn’t care about the increase of crime.
this is extremely surreal at this point, I feel like I’m in a fever dream watching this
If Justin Trudeau honestly answer the question he would probably burst into flames
Trudeau is most fluent in giberish
ER-ah -ah…yeer ah and ah. Reminds me of that German song in the eighties…DAH-DAH-DUH
Unfortunately Canadians voted for this guy, not once, not twice but three times.
And it will be a fourth time until those fools on the other side can present ANYTHING that resembles a solution .
@THINK Are you really this stupid? The lieberals and new diapers are going to be decimated in the next election!
“Because he is SO CUTE”!
Maybe the 1st time but I don’t believe the results of any election anymore. I don’t know anybody that voted for him in the last election.
Lol what a piece of work. I’m really happy that we finally have an opposition party capable of putting his feet to the fire, you can tell he’s starting to feel the pressure and I love it.
The speaker of the house needs to be fired. He absolutely will not make the PM answer a single question
That’s not his job. He is a referee that’s all!
Unfortunately, the speaker has no authority to do that
He knows he’s done!!!! Wow I’ve never seen him with so little confidence!! I think the protest in Hamilton brought him to his knees!
Yes and unfortunately he seems way too susceptible to his idea of his own popularity rather than his efficacy as a leader of the country
In front of who?
I wouldn’t say Justin really “squared off”, more like “rolled off” the questions.
Trudeau has not answered one straight question in 8 years…why is he not held in contempt of parliament?
Instead of biased speaker of the house Justin Stalin needs a Judge and a NEUTRAL JUDGE…ANWER THE F’N QUESTION!!
Justin has a hard time actually answering ANY questions. He loses credibility every time he avoids questions. It’s embarrassing to have Justin as our leader.
Freeland is the same…absolutely absurd!!
@Tanya Douglas literally every liberal is the exact same
Trudeau never answers a straight forward question. It’s insane.
He always says the most complicated answers ever, like bro, just answer the dang question
To be fair none of them do.. this isnt new.. ive seen Pierre duck out of questions as well
Way to go Trudeau. You look so genuine by not answering questions. You love running the country like an incompetent dictator don’t you
The saddest part is him dancing around the question was what got him elected.
Pierre is 100% right. Get this guy gone. He’s spent more Taxpayer money, then any other prime minister in history.
probably all of them put together!
Pierre asked all the right questions every Canadian wants to know. Trudeau’s responses to all these questions….. evade strategy
Do no speak for me k thanks