Justin Trudeau presents Liberal Party’s full platform

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Justin Trudeau presents Liberal Party's full platform


  1. Ask a Liberal if there is no ice up north how come ice road trucker is still on?
    Ask a Liberal why did it Snow in June and now a blizzard on Sep 29 2019. Answer: Grand Solar Minimum.

    1. They do not factor in what the sun is doing. Environment Canada freely admits that the Sun plays no part in their weather predictions or climate predictions. This is why the farmers almanac is far more accurate than EC. I listened to a debate that involved the a top person at EC and the guy that runs the FA. The EC guy acted like the FA guy was insane for using the sun in his predictions and tried to belittle him. The sun which is responsible for most life on this planet apparently doesn’t have anything to do with life on this planet according to the leftists.

    1. As much a pile of garbage as step dadd pierre. Joe Clark wanted a gas tax because he needed it for roads. pierre trudau said NO WAY and the guillable believed him. Joe lost the election, pierre got in again and sure enough pierre did not immediately increase gas tax. No, what he did is he increased income taxes for the same amount the gasoline tax would have raised. Liberals are filthy liars!

  2. Is this piece of crap related to Kevin Trudeau? I wouldn’t be surprised if he was. They’re both con artists

    1. Diversity is division. Having several different groups competing for their own interests living in the same area causes chaos.

  3. I agree with Justin, the stakes here are the highest they’ve been a very long time, maybe ever. We can’t handle another 4 years of him, we won’t survive as a cohesive country

    1. LITTLE GUY FROM SHAWANIGAN Johnnie Kretshin joked about a student getting pepper sprayed and he said he likes pepper on his steaks. Liberals are total filth.

    2. Perfectly said! This corrupt piece of trash needs to be gone!!! Already destroyed too much of Canada already. Let’s all tale our country back! VOTE him out!!!

  4. These kids don’t understand that they will spend the rest of there lives having to pay off Trudeau’s wreck less spending…. WAKE UP!!!! 😤😤😤😤

    1. It’s why they want to lower the voting age. Kids are stupid. Hell most Canadian adults are stupid because they still love their socialist government programs such as “free health care.”

  5. Trudeau has MORE thumbs DOWN on any Canadian Political YOU TUBE shows MOST Canadians DON’T like Trudeau! Simple math! (Like here)!

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