Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he wishes Jason Kenney the 'very best' after he decided to step down as UCP leader.
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Kenney messed up & fell on his own sword. It’s a respectable measure Trudeau would never do.
@Chris Beaton More expensive weed , me thinks
@Kelsy Cunningham you mean crimeminister
Trudeau should follow his lead.
Nah. Trudeau is popular and got covid right
@Huples Cat Lol at Trudeau being popular.
@Gamer 303 lol at you believing Trudeau’s unpopularity among online trolls reflects his real-world popularity
@MD F “online trolls” lol. Considering how he was greeted when he went to the EU, and based on the fact hundreds of thousands hate him, I’d say he isn’t very popular.
Members of parliament should have a 50% wage cut for a month, that would help.
@Neil lawl. 6 figures is nothing kid. I graduated with a degree, work remote for a tech company and make 250k.
Bought a 2.7 million dollar house this year.
@Neil You realize when you say you make 6 figures, that’s gross for your own business. Meaning after everything settled you make probably 20K a year.
I’m not 14 and able to be convinced that gross before business expenses is a lot.
@iiiii Better yet, I’m my own boss and you work for someone else
@Neil haha. Then don’t cry and complain about JT when times get tough like 90% of these “self proclaimed” entrepreneurs.
@Neil what’s your make believe business? Let me guess import export
Where’s Kenny going the Liberal party.
And Dougie boy.
Lmao r u kidding. He’s not a liberal
Back to the Libs?
Yes, it was such a day of mourning that everyone immediately ran out for a case of beer and a bag of weed.
That reminds me…
He resigned? I’m hiring if he is looking for a job $15.75 an hour.
McDonald’s must be a great career son
@iiiii yeah when you own one! See you
Throw in a bottle of Jamieson!
@C H sure
Kenny is an incompetent tool. Glad to see him go. Hopefully Trudeau will go soon as well.
Together with Minister of Defence and the NDP Singh. Can’t wait.
Crazzy how he travels around unmasked and then comes back to Canada and maskes up…
That’s our Jagmeet Trudeau!
All the liberals set in the House of Commons with mask on while 20,000 plus got to sporting events with out mask
Great respect to Kenny!
He followed Democracy not arithmetic.
He won’t jump around singing “Albertans voted for me”.
jump around singing?
I have no respect for that. Being a notch above trump is the bare minimum, not a point of pride.
How many Albertans died because of his psychotic approach to the pandemic?
I can’t wait to say the same thing to Trustfund Trudeau.
Trudeau’s held more jobs than kenny and PP combined homie
Trudeau doesn’t deserve that polite a response
@Gel “Golden Spoon” Trudeau
Ah crap ! Who is Alberta getting saddled with as a premier ?
Vote for me. I’ll run independently
Vote Wildrose.
More like which unlucky sap is getting saddled with THAT job…
I really hope that we get a tiger as a new leader here in Alberta. I want someone who will actually firewall Alberta from the federal government to the greatest extent possible. It must happen soon.
Vote Wildrose.
That is why they’re a mess soon to be worse.
He stepped down because he knew he had lost the respect of his former voters, Trudeau must do the same.
No, he had lost the respect of his own MEMBERS, of his own PARTY. There is a policy in parties to force a leadership review, no evidence of one in the liberal party. What I suspect you are saying is that Trudeau shouldn’t be PM, which I agree with out of basic fairness-both O’toole and Scheer got more votes than him. Thats a crazy system.
I love Canada.
Aren’t we all? Except Liberals and NDP
Yes, it was such a day of mourning that everyone immediately ran out for a case of beer and a bag of weed.
12 months too late but Jason Kenney finally kept his word of best summer ever
You won’t get a better one
Turdope got only 32% of the vote in Canada. He needs to go and someone needs to fix this uneven number of seats in this country. We only need 10 seats per province and 10 seats for the Maritimes, 10 Senators.
10 seats for each province?
@nick pfeiferr
I wish him well
Yes, it was such a day of mourning that everyone immediately ran out for a case of beer and a bag of weed.
I always have been saying that all politicians are buddies regardless their political views. They argue just for show and in the end of the day they are friends.